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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Getting a Refund is a pain in the #$%


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Get an American Express. I could call them up right now and get back the full box price immediately.


Definitely a great card to have



you would be getting the money from American express not from Bioware of EA, The game has utterly no reason to provide a refund on anygrounds once it has been installed and an account set up.


As someone who deals with the banks on a regular basis where I work this would be classed as a dispute and we would simply provide proof that they used the disk and as digital goods no refund whatsoever would be given.


If you actually get money back its a goodwill gesture from your bank not EA or Bioware.

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Actually they do have a terrible customer service. If you have ever called them, you would know. Then again, most american companies have terrible CS. Its a cultural thing.



There is so much ignorance packed in these few sentences it's mind-blowing.


People who say things like this seem to have a GIANT chip on their shoulders that blind them to how incredibly skewed their perceptions REALLY are.


As a side note, I'm not a fanboy and I have been a bit annoyed with BW's customer service. I also love the game.

Edited by Kabjat
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Last time I got a refund for software my bank ate the cost, not the people I bought it from. If you go to your bank/creditor with a piss poor attitude, they probably wont do anything for you. Call them up, be chipper, and see what happens... but it wont be coming out of EAs pockets.
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There is so much ignorance packed in these few sentences it's mind-blowing.


People who say things like this seem to have a GIANT chip on their shoulders that blind them to how incredibly skewed their perceptions REALLY are.


As a side note, I'm not a fanboy and I have been a bit annoyed with BW's customer service. I also love the game.


Oh come on now, everyone that has any technical background (IT etc) knows exactly that the first TIER of Customer Service are nothing but people reading from there computer's database. That is the reason I skip the Tier 1 and just tell them to connect me to someone of the higher tiers. THey have much more knowledge about the issues then the part time teens and young mothers / fathers earning a quick buck for there study.

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Oh come on now, everyone that has any technical background (IT etc) knows exactly that the first TIER of Customer Service are nothing but people reading from there computer's database. That is the reason I skip the Tier 1 and just tell them to connect me to someone of the higher tiers. THey have much more knowledge about the issues then the part time teens and young mothers / fathers earning a quick buck for there study.


So you're the guy I laugh at while transferring back to first tier.

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Most of the people I see with "Top of the line" rigs getting low FPS have do not

have the proper cooling - and from you talking about overheating that sounds right

up your alley.


There are some annoying bugs, ability delay is probably one of the worst (There is

a thread made by the Devs talking about how they are working to fix it, if you'd do some



This games launch has been relatively smooth. Games don't come out polished - that

is an ongoing process.


You don't deserve a refund - you deserve a slap in the face. There is something called

decision making, and you made the decision to buy this game. Now you get to deal with


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You don't happen to have a link to that do you?


And to the haters yes I have been trying to get a refund for a couple of weeks now. I played a grand total of maybe 10 hours and most of that was spent trying to fix the 100's of game breaking issues this game has.


While this is odd... at the same time I hope you ARE USING THE SAME EMAIL You did create the account with...


Of course if not this whole post of yours is NULL... but being that I have to assume you did and that you just want to cheat the system to get your money back I would say contact the people directly you bought the product from as well.




Now... if they give you full price back or all of your money back including the 30 days you already applied to the game I would be surprised. I mean Blizz would not do that... either I know I have tried.


You would get your month sub back but thats about it.


Good luck with that one.

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Generally speaking you can never get a refund on software, because even if you return it, that doesn't mean you haven't made copy or something else.


Go to a store, buy any other program and try to return it...


Contrary to what the Wal-Mart / Kmart thought process. There is NO law on the books stating that any retailer MUST offer a refund. Walmart and that ilk makes people think that they have the right to return a product for a refund. They do it for customer service reasons only.


No company is required to give you any money back for any reason. With the exception of the Lemon Law that some states have for NEW cars.


Other than that, buyer beware.

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Can we fast forward to six months after launch yet? This forum is destroying my soul as it is.


Btw I am another person who has experienced little to no bugs and am enjoying the game. The Force must be with me to avoid the 100s of game breaking problems that "a lot" of people have experienced.

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Saying "This game just came out" or "Its the launch" to try to justify there being bugs or the lame lag, or delay whenever you us an ability is a load. I played Rift on its release and look there were no bugs or lag, or annoying delay between abilities. Also this game has terrible customer service i must agree with the OP.
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In America, my bank will block recurring charges to my bank account if I ask them to. However, if you can tell that a direct purchase was made (non auto debit or ACH) they would just tell me that I bought it, deal with it, or return it to the place where I bought it from.


If I tried to return a digital download to Origin they'd probably get a good laugh out of it.

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I just want to throw this out there.... this exact same email that the OP is posting has shown up like four times now....so I dispute the validity or the sincerity of it.


Ask yourself what purpose does it serve to come to a forum of a game you have supposedly canceled to complain about not getting your refund?


This is basically the new version of


I got banned for



Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Can we fast forward to six months after launch yet? This forum is destroying my soul as it is.


Btw I am another person who has experienced little to no bugs and am enjoying the game. The Force must be with me to avoid the 100s of game breaking problems that "a lot" of people have experienced.


No, you are just normal. The kids who post " I QUIT" usually are just not getting what they want. IRL they are used to cry till their parents cave in (and sometimes they don't even need to cry), so when they get hammered in PVP they blame the game. you will notice most of the times they say they are quitting because "pvp is unbalanced" or "ability delay is not letting me compete properly" (yeah because the people who beat you over and over don't have it, it's a selective ability delay...) or simply they can't adapt to what they are used to. And now that the game is going steady (no population global drops), they know that menacing to quit isn't working so they rage more

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Does it piss anyone else off that they fricken role play robots on all the customer service correspondence?


The game is the game... I get that, but customer service is a function of a company and I expect a serious conversation, not a role playing environment.


Honestly something that minor actually pisses you off?



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See, that is EXACTLY what he is talking about. Its Ironic really: in an effort to counter his point, you instead proved it.


Just because you don't experience a problem does not mean it doesn't exist. That is the kind of short-sighted thinking I'd expect out of kids or young teens.


Ability delays was the problem I was saddled with. It was massive enough to make me quit a game I loved.


But if you cannot take a hint from a 6x reposted (by mods) thread, if you cannot take a hint from the official reply on the subject... well you just can't take a hint can you?


The problem is real. Get over yourself, just because you are lucky enough to not have it does not mean we lie. That is like saying you don't believe in cancer because no one in your family ever died from it....




The problem being real and the problem making the game unplayable/unenjoyable is two entirely different things. I've had ability/animation delays in this game. With that said, I have still played the game for 30 or 40 hours now and have loved every minute.

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Saying "This game just came out" or "Its the launch" to try to justify there being bugs or the lame lag, or delay whenever you us an ability is a load. I played Rift on its release and look there were no bugs or lag, or annoying delay between abilities. Also this game has terrible customer service i must agree with the OP.


I see, so you are a rift fan trying to stem the bleeding from that game toward this?

I was in Rift from beta and I can tell you this launch was way better for one main reason: this game is fun and the story is entertaining. All those bugs and crap you talk about, it's a problem just for people on the forum, in game no one even knows what's "ability delay"

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You should know that getting a full refund on software is damn near impossible, no matter who or where you bought it from. It just doesn't happen. If you hate the game that badly just cut your losses and move on. If only i could get a refund on all of the games I bought I wasn't satisfied with.
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I see, so you are a rift fan trying to stem the bleeding from that game toward this?

I was in Rift from beta and I can tell you this launch was way better for one main reason: this game is fun and the story is entertaining. All those bugs and crap you talk about, it's a problem just for people on the forum, in game no one even knows what's "ability delay"



They may not know what the forum term is for it, but they know about it.I've seen more than enough people complain about it, including members in my own guild. To them its just abilities not working correctly when they want them to work.You may like TOR better than you did Rift, but and thats fine, I didn't either, I only last about 2 months .The Rift launch was an objectively better launch than the ToR launch from a technical standpoint.

Edited by Huhn
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They may not know what the forum term is for it, but they know about it.I've seen more than enough people complain about it, including members in my own guild. To them its just abilities not working correctly when they want them to work.You may like TOR better than you did Rift, but and thats fine, I didn't either, I only last about 2 months .The Rift launch was an objectively better launch than the ToR launch from a technical standpoint.


Hmmm I think I recall people moaning at FPS problems during big rifts (and exactly like they do here saying they had beastly PCs), then a big security problem with their client, then moaning because there was no Guild Bank and LFD tool. Are you really sure it went smoother than TORs?

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