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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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Just a couple of suggestions based on what I didn't see in the video. These may very well be things that just weren't in the video, but in case these are not on the development slate I wanted to suggest them.


1) The option of adding additional quickslots to the interface (over the standard two) which can be locked to the main quickbar or freely placed around the screen. Closest in-game example would be the default ` key view of the companion's quickslot but this would be something you can move around and place in different configurations (i.e. 2x10, 5x2, or even uneven configurations like 3/7 or 4/6). This way I can have my buff powers on one quickslot, my travel powers/options on another, and/or any possible programmable buttons or (future?) macro buttons on another. City Of Heroes has a great system in place to do this.


2) Give the option to have a smaller windowed version of the full map visible at all times through the UI interface. I have found myself getting lost because I'll become engaged in a fight while traveling, get turned around, and then have to re-reference the full-screen map to find my ultimate destination. This can happen multiple times when traveling to a quest location, and eventually it can become a bit frustrating.


Minor tweaks. They would be nice additions, but my world will not end without them. I'm absolutely loving the game, and I look forward to all the new content, planets, and companions we'll be getting.

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Wanna start by saying ,I know this could be solved by just playing together every waking second and aligning playtime's but that's just not realistic.



Can we please be allowed to repeat missions with friends, see new responses, get new social points, and enjoy gameplay with our lower level friends, (And RP for the rp servers).


The way the game currently is, its very focused on single player leveling, and pvp. leaving allot of players trying to find people to do flashpoints and such with, while your friends are leveling trying to catch up, just for the chance to do story together.


Why should flashpoints and heroics be the only repeatable missions when the game has a trillion side missions everyone could be getting socials on.


Would like to point out that in almost EVERY other mmo , quests are replayable with your friends, this is the ONLY mmo where you currently have to find ways to play with other people...


Flame and Troll away, just felt like getting that opinion out there.


This is something I wanted to pick up on too , but I feel this is the wrong place mate i.e wrong thread sorry. The current system of level per side quest and been non-repeatable is absured for an mmo , nuff said , on topic people.



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I just hope their *other* team is working as hard (if not harder), AKA the bugs team. Please stop causing blue screens swtor!


Bluescreens cannot be caused by software. It's most likely your video drivers, update them, if they say they're "fully updated" update to the beta drivers.


Keep on making claims you know nothing about though, by all means.

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Why were these Coming Up Issues not implemented in patch 1.1 instead of the worthless patch known as 1.1 that provided absolutely nothing of value. Quit ruining your own game.


Probobly two different teams of programmers. Development team, and maintenance team.

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That's not what I said.

Someone who plays more than me can have every advantage he or she wants to have.

But let's keep things on a per character basis, please.


For one, there are people who simply do not like to level a ton of characters. When you level the character you enjoy most and gear it out, take care of it, farm, whatever, you shouldn't be forced to play 100 hours worth of content on all other characters just to keep up with others on -the one character you actually wanted to play in the first place-. That's all I'm saying. This has nothing to do with playtime. If you have that much free time, you got your advantage by having 8 classes capped per server with all the ingame benefits like crafting this gives you, over someone else having only one capped.


The other thing is, believe it or not - and this has nothing to do with welfare epics and the whole 'I'm paying so I want to see it all' attitude - there are people who just don't have as much time to invest into this game. And I think we both agree that keeping up with progression, gear, etc. in order to be able to keep on raiding with your friends is enough of a task without having to rush 7 other classes you might not even be interested in to 50 'by force'.


And last but not least, I just can't stand this cross character thing. A characters skills, abilities and stats should depend on the character and should progress with that particular character and not other characters you create.


1. As stated above this post and elsewhere if you have read up on it, the current legacy system allows you to keep gaining experience after 50 for your legacy. You don't need a single other character to benefit. If your still confused just keep reading this statement until it clicks. To break it down further: Complete act 1, unlock legacy, gain legacy experience with the same character. There is no need to create another character to benefit from legacy levels.


2. IF and I mean IF you create another character, that new character will gain the same legacy based abilities of your other characters. As that character levels it will contribute to the legacy pool.


3. Your low level alts contribute very little to your legacy. I am not going to gain insane legacy XP by leveling alts to 10, deleting them, and repeating the process over and over. If I level alts I will end up making less legacy XP then you will just playing your 50 if we play for the same amount of time.


4. If someone is playing more then you chances are they will end up with more legacy xp than you, but you stated yo don't care so that should be fine.


Hope this clears up some of your confusion. Now if you just don't want people to gain abilities from the system but only cosmetic or other non-power related bonuses I don't see that happening. From the information released on the plans for the legacy system I believe it's purpose is to allow people like me who want to see all the story lines to be able to have an easier time doing that by giving us tools to level a bit faster then someone who has not played a character through at all.


If you are opposed to the legacy system supporting that then all I can say is we will have to agree to disagree and I am willing to be the devs are going to disagree with you too. In a game without class based story lines the only incentive to re-roll is for a different play style base experience. Since they spent a lot of time developing not only different classes but different stories to go with them I think they intend to encourage people to experience that. I feel your idea discourages it.

Edited by Glichdot
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Why were these Coming Up Issues not implemented in patch 1.1 instead of the worthless patch known as 1.1 that provided absolutely nothing of value. Quit ruining your own game.


could have been different devs teams, could be the carrot and stick marketing they used to get people to resub for this upcoming month. but back to topic.



why has there been little communication in regards to the horrid crafting system in this game?

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Bluescreens cannot be caused by software. It's most likely your video drivers, update them, if they say they're "fully updated" update to the beta drivers.


Keep on making claims you know nothing about though, by all means.




You are wrong. Software can cause a Blue Screen, and in particular the software that did it for Windows Vista was none other than Age of Conan. Now, I don't know if SW:TOR is doing it, or will do it....but AoC was aweful for it after it's first patch back in late July/early August...whenever the first patch game out.

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could have been different devs teams, could be the carrot and stick marketing they used to get people to resub for this upcoming month. but back to topic.



why has there been little communication in regards to the horrid crafting system in this game?


Could you be more specific about the things in the crafting system you don't like and perhaps even some of your ideas on how to change it? Maybe you already posted them ( a link would be helpful if so) but without those things your comment is pretty much useless.

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You are wrong. Software can cause a Blue Screen, and in particular the software that did it for Windows Vista was none other than Age of Conan. Now, I don't know if SW:TOR is doing it, or will do it....but AoC was aweful for it after it's first patch back in late July/early August...whenever the first patch game out.


you are full of it . Star Trek Online gave me bluescreens(or so i thought) then tried city of heroes, bluescreen, then WoW(bluescreen) when i removed a stick of ram, no more bluescreen, so it can be faulty hardware, i re formatted hd and got new ram, and didnt get bluescreen. you pointing out aoc and ea, makes me think you are biased. go learn to play mmos first then come back and QQ some more.

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I've been of the sort that felt a bit slighted with the early issues in swtor but this video DOES give me some hope.


There are good things on the horizon and the tone in the reps voice did sound sincere when he said he was listening to the community, sincere with a dash of fear, and a bit of force, they know whats going on.


Listening to the community now is prob rough for the swtor team to do, but keep up the good work. It's time to to turn this ship around and get down to business.

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Could you be more specific about the things in the crafting system you don't like and perhaps even some of your ideas on how to change it? Maybe you already posted them ( a link would be helpful if so) but without those things your comment is pretty much useless.



Yea I quite enjoy it, and think it's awesome. This is the first i'm hearing people complain about it.


Also (Crohadan), please don't speak like your opinion (calling it horrid) is a fact, it just makes you seem... less intelligent.

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Video works fine for me. I'd love to see them get rid of the combined PVE/PvP talent trees, why on earth they decided to follow the abysmal WoW model is beyond me. They have now built a rod for their own backs, from now until the day SW: TOR ends, they will be continually nerfing/buffing the talent trees in a never ending cycle trying to balance something that can never be balanced. That's a hell of a lot of developer time that could be spent on other things. Coming from a PvE/raiding background that was one of the awful things I absolutely hated about WoW, finding that for no fault of my own that my talents had been nerfed time and time again because of PvP. On upside, loving this game so far, with no pandas (*) or pokemon on the horizon the future looks bright !


(*) As a friend pointed out, until the 4th TOR expansion comes out, The Mists of Endor

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Awesome, looking forward to UI changes


Running the game in 6020 x 1080 here on triple 27" monitors, and swtor looks spectacular.


Trolls can go back to your hole, i love how in every single post is a troll crying about something bioware didn't do for them.

Edited by PittyH
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you are full of it . Star Trek Online gave me bluescreens(or so i thought) then tried city of heroes, bluescreen, then WoW(bluescreen) when i removed a stick of ram, no more bluescreen, so it can be faulty hardware, i re formatted hd and got new ram, and didnt get bluescreen. you pointing out aoc and ea, makes me think you are biased. go learn to play mmos first then come back and QQ some more.


Congratulations on your faulty hardware.





103 pages of BSOD on Windows Vista. It was NOT faulty hardware, it was a fault in the code for that particular software on that particular OS. Oh, and I remember it was ONLY that game that had the issue, no other game had that issue. No other software program on my PC at the time.

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Not bad if it all works out good. One thing I'd personally love to see is the option for a 3rd hotkey bar at the bottom of the screen (in addition to the two you can currently have).


And the ability to unlock and re-arange my companions ability bars.


Those are just two changes that would make things a little..easier?... to work with in SWTOR.

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