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Everything posted by Evilsmurfkilla

  1. I flashed my phone and the security key was no longer synched. A five minute call to customer support had the security key off my account.
  2. I'd settle for being able to finish a flashpoint without a boss bugging out.
  3. No, not really. You'll have to pay for both at 50, you can't skip from Rank 1 to Rank 3.
  4. There seems to be some inconsistencies on how long it takes an objective to reactivate. This particular objective takes longer than the mob repop timer. I was level 48 on the Sith Warrior quest line, don't remember the exact part.
  5. I had 7 days played when I hit 50. Lots of late nights and groggy mornings at work. One entire weekend of SWTOR. Didn't skip dialogs, eventaully started skipping heroic quests when I got to Tattooine because it was hard to find a group. Did enough PVP to skip Belsavis entirely except for my class quest.
  6. I actually got called names for preventing someone from ninjaing a quest objective. Jumped in, started wailing on the mobs, saw what he was up to so I just took it mid combat. The name calling was amusing anyway.
  7. So you've done all the Hardmode Flashpoints already? Eternity Vault cleared?
  8. I tried to buy and list some stuff on the marketplace. The UI is horrible, I gave up and went back to leveling.
  9. Disable User Account Control (UAC) from the User Accounts menu in Control Panel.
  10. Your CPU is a core 2 duo. Centrino is just an Intel marketing thing, meaning you have an Intel CPU, motherboard chipset, and wireless card.
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