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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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never trust someone who won't look you in the eye....trust even less when they can't even look straight into the camera....all scripted, all badly acted...these guys are definitely part of the dark side


yes cause it's not like interviews are filmed through just one camera.. oh wait


advertisements = advertisements.... come back when your IQ raises above room mean temp. TYVM

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Dear Bioware,


Can we have some confirmation on whether or not the legacy race features will affect current characters or not?...


As a player who has already created a lot of alts and has put time into them, I would like the option to use these "epic legacy rewards" on all my characters and not just new ones.


I'm sure many people who are already working on their 2nd, 3rd and even 4th level 50 character are as concerned with this subject as I am.


Any confirmation at all would be great,


-Has too much free time-


I support this post. Any information provided would be helpful.

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Did he honestly say they're the first MMO to have a live team? Dear crap these clowns are delusional.


No, you ignorant twit, he said they're one of the only games to KEEP the same team that created the game after launch.


Practically every other MMO in existence? Once the game was complete the team who made it were not the ones working on updates and fixing bugs.

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I cant take it seriously.


...Maybe I am just bitter and biased...


Well, that was the most honest post I have seen from the majority of people trolling and whining in about a week's time. Awesome.


I for one can't wait to see the changes coming for this month old MMO.

Edited by skinthinner
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Dear Bioware,


Can we have some confirmation on whether or not the legacy race features will affect current characters or not?...


As a player who has already created a lot of alts and has put time into them, I would like the option to use these "epic legacy rewards" on all my characters and not just new ones.


I'm sure many people who are already working on their 2nd, 3rd and even 4th level 50 character are as concerned with this subject as I am.


Any confirmation at all would be great,


-Has too much free time-


I would like to see a response on this as well

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Am I the only one worried about this whole thing about unlocking abilities from other characters in your family tree?


I seriously hope this is all about new races or other forms of appearance rather than actual abilities, skills or other practical advantages that can be gained by building a tree out of all classes.


There are still people out there that either do not like to alt or do not have the time to. So 'forcing' people to alt by giving any form of gameplay or competitive advantage or otherwise benefitting one character at endgame to those that do is a big no, no in my opinion and would certainly p*** many people off.


A character's abilities should be defined by that character alone, and not by other characters the player also played. Surnames and further race options are fine, but don't go too crazy on this legacy thingy, please. I certainly wouldn't want to lack skills, abilities, endgame content or whatever on one character that I play all the time and invested all my time in just because I don't want to create a whole 'family' of characters. :)


Can we get some more detail on this, please?

Edited by syntxerr
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Am I the only one worried about this whole thing about unlocking abilities from other characters in your family tree?


I seriously hope this is all about new races or other forms of appearance rather than actual abilities or skills that can be gained only by building a tree out of all classes.


There are still people out there that either do not like to alt or do not have the time to. So 'forcing' people to alt by giving any form of gameplay or competitive advantage to those that do is a big no, no in my opinion.


A character's abilities should be defined by that character alone, and not by other characters the player also played. Surnames and further race options are fine, but don't go too crazy on this legacy thingy, please. :)


Can we get some more detail on this, please?


Someone who plays more than you shouldn't have an advantage? How would it be different than using a main to twink out an alt?

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***?!?!?!? Lfg tool?


this... wtb update BW... if you have time to conduct and edit a video interview than you surely have time to officially announce a lfg or deny any claims to it via a simple 5 min yellow.

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Am I the only one worried about this whole thing about unlocking abilities from other characters in your family tree?


I seriously hope this is all about new races or other forms of appearance rather than actual abilities, skills or other practical advantages that can be gained by building a tree out of all classes.


There are still people out there that either do not like to alt or do not have the time to. So 'forcing' people to alt by giving any form of gameplay or competitive advantage or otherwise benefitting one character at endgame to those that do is a big no, no in my opinion and would certainly p*** many people off.


A character's abilities should be defined by that character alone, and not by other characters the player also played. Surnames and further race options are fine, but don't go too crazy on this legacy thingy, please. I certainly wouldn't want to lack skills, abilities, endgame content or whatever on one character that I play all the time and invested all my time in just because I don't want to create a whole 'family' of characters. :)


Can we get some more detail on this, please?

You do realize you can gain legacy xp even after you reach level 50 right?

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Someone who plays more than you shouldn't have an advantage? How would it be different than using a main to twink out an alt?


That's not what I said.

Someone who plays more than me can have every advantage he or she wants to have.

But let's keep things on a per character basis, please.


For one, there are people who simply do not like to level a ton of characters. When you level the character you enjoy most and gear it out, take care of it, farm, whatever, you shouldn't be forced to play 100 hours worth of content on all other characters just to keep up with others on -the one character you actually wanted to play in the first place-. That's all I'm saying. This has nothing to do with playtime. If you have that much free time, you got your advantage by having 8 classes capped per server with all the ingame benefits like crafting this gives you, over someone else having only one capped.


The other thing is, believe it or not - and this has nothing to do with welfare epics and the whole 'I'm paying so I want to see it all' attitude - there are people who just don't have as much time to invest into this game. And I think we both agree that keeping up with progression, gear, etc. in order to be able to keep on raiding with your friends is enough of a task without having to rush 7 other classes you might not even be interested in to 50 'by force'.


And last but not least, I just can't stand this cross character thing. A characters skills, abilities and stats should depend on the character and should progress with that particular character and not other characters you create.

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At the end of the day I don't mind reading about complaints, input referencing game bugs, and piss poor this and that. Ultimately those comments will provide feedback for a team with Bioware that clearly is making an effort to show the public they care. Obviously actions speak louder than words, and I may just join right in subsequently, but for now bravo for touching base.


Personally I'm really enjoying the game so far minus some Galactic Trade Network issues (which I'm sure others could elaborate on as well), and a few more things - but like people have said before it is what it is. Nobody is perfect - lets see what they make of it in the future.

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You do realize you can gain legacy xp even after you reach level 50 right?


Perhaps I am misunderstanding the whole legacy system, if so, please correct me.


My complaint is not legacy XP and it is not about giving alts the possibility to level through content faster than with your first character that is all fine.


My complaint and my concern is regarding unlocking extra abilities 'you wouldn't normally have' depending on what characters you have in your family tree as the video says.


So essentially I am complaing about 'having' to create a 'family' of characters and 'having' to level them all in order to actually unlock all the skills for my original character.


Edit: To put it in other words: I'm fine with having to grind out new abilities after hitting 50 or whatever, but I'd like to do it on the character I want to play rather then having to level other characters just to get abilities for the first one.

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Perhaps I am misunderstanding the whole legacy system, if so, please correct me.


My complaint is not legacy XP and it is not about giving alts the possibility to level through content faster than with your first character that is all fine.


My complaint and my concern is regarding unlocking extra abilities 'you wouldn't normally have' depending on what characters you have in your family tree as the video says.


So essentially I am complaing about 'having' to create a 'family' of characters and 'having' to level them all in order to actually unlock all the skills for my original character.


Out of curiosity have you unlocked the legacy surname yet? I only ask because when you hover over the question mark it says the following "Advance your legacy and unlock unique legacy powers and legacy character creation options! All legacy level earned now will be used when these features are activated. " This seems to indicate that the legacy levels give us the powers and not the other classes we roll.

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Yes clearly you need to know everything that they have planned in the next five years now. :rolleyes:


Not sure why you think I implied this. I said the video gives us no new information. Everything there has been reported by game sites in interviews with Devs.

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Cool preview, thanks. It's always nice to know more about what's coming up.


I am currently paralyzed from creating an alt, however, because of the "character creation options" listed in the tooltip for the Legacy system.

Edited by Felioats
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