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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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Great news!


I have avoided the forums, but after a 6 weeks you can tell the generation of player rather easily.


a) I want it now I grew up on the interweb


b) The older generation that are enjoying the hell out of the game



The first type are ready to quit because of a few bugs, but honestly to be expected, if their text doesn't go through immediately it will ruin their whole day.


The second type seem to love what's going on.. The scale of the game.. amazing. Bugs who cares they will get to it.. and offering solutions instead of being part of the problem.

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Can't wait for the UI customization, and also for what appear to be the start of some ongoing in-game events :).


Still, among this major stuff, I hope they will manage to sneak in chat bubbles and playable pazaak; and well, ship interior customization is still quite far away, I guess :cool::(

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Great news!


I have avoided the forums, but after a 6 weeks you can tell the generation of player rather easily.


a) I want it now I grew up on the interweb


b) The older generation that are enjoying the hell out of the game



The first type are ready to quit because of a few bugs, but honestly to be expected, if their text doesn't go through immediately it will ruin their whole day.


The second type seem to love what's going on.. The scale of the game.. amazing. Bugs who cares they will get to it.. and offering solutions instead of being part of the problem.


Quoted for truth... It's really sad the way things are today.

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Great news!


I have avoided the forums, but after a 6 weeks you can tell the generation of player rather easily.


a) I want it now I grew up on the interweb


b) The older generation that are enjoying the hell out of the game



The first type are ready to quit because of a few bugs, but honestly to be expected, if their text doesn't go through immediately it will ruin their whole day.


The second type seem to love what's going on.. The scale of the game.. amazing. Bugs who cares they will get to it.. and offering solutions instead of being part of the problem.


So ridiculously true. +Internets to you sir. :)

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I actually liked that. I was hoping to see a currently unplayable alien as playable but the fact we got a blind human as a Sith warrior looks kinda hopeful. Yes I know its the thing we always get in every mmo where we see all the future stuff and 6 months later we still haven't seen half of it. Also like it when James does the vids because I always get the feeling his more on the side of the comunity and thinks "what do they want" rather than "I will write the story I would want to play and they will like it or they are wrong".
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Sad attempts to calm the public - I love it lol.


lol, seriously I thought the same exact thing when I saw the title. Sad.


1. PVP is horrendous. The gear system is terrible! I am tired of opening empty bags. Going out and completing dallies and weeklies one after another and getting nothing in return is really beginning to piss me off. I wouldn't care as much if I had the opportunity to buy the same type or even better gear in the auction house. Why the hell is PVP gear the only "best" gear in this stupid game. I am level 50 now and just bored. Tired of getting nowhere. I canceled my sub a week ago. I hope they fix this broken game, and they really need to fix the textures.



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Like so many, I am very happy to see the UI customization coming and hope it includes the ability to have more hotbars.


I am also glad to see the guild banks.


While I respect the right of others to enjoy and have PVP content, I do hope an equal amount of time will be spent on more PVE content.


My biggest hope though is that the game will continue to offer new content for those of us who are not into rushing to max level and raiding.


I don't think I am among the minority of players who really enjoy starting new characters. Hopefully in the future we will see more starting areas and new storylines to enjoy. This is the type of new content that will keep my husband and I playing for the long term, as well as our friends and guildmates.

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Great news!


I have avoided the forums, but after a 6 weeks you can tell the generation of player rather easily.


a) I want it now I grew up on the interweb


b) The older generation that are enjoying the hell out of the game



The first type are ready to quit because of a few bugs, but honestly to be expected, if their text doesn't go through immediately it will ruin their whole day.


The second type seem to love what's going on.. The scale of the game.. amazing. Bugs who cares they will get to it.. and offering solutions instead of being part of the problem.


Generation Entitlement... man I would love to see that Pepsi ad.

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They haven't listened to the PTR community for the past TWO WEEKS regarding patch 1.1.


Someone explain why we should believe they are listening to the community?


The community made bioware aware of the problems in the first place. They have been keeping in communication with us about it as they have something to give


Listening to problems is one thing...finding the best way to solve it is another. Believe it or not most of the community do not grasp what goes on behind the scenes (nor do I).


They want it fixed, and they want it fixed now. They ant it to be fixed with a hammer when it takes fine precision to handle such issues.


I would also like to see post on this forum, that predate the patch release, which states all these problems that happened in release (as far as camping spawn points)


Not that I don't believe you , but I have not seen them. To be honest I did not look very hard either.

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No mention of adding the missing SGRA's. :confused: At least they are finally adding in UI customization (kinda sorta), get around to adding in macro's, addons, combat logs, and the already mentioned SGRA'a and we're starting to get close to what the launch content should have already included....
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The community made bioware aware of the problems in the first place. They have been keeping in communication with us about it as they have something to give


Listening to problems is one thing...finding the best way to solve it is another. Believe it or not most of the community do not grasp what goes on behind the scenes (nor do I).


They want it fixed, and they want it fixed now. They ant it to be fixed with a hammer when it takes fine precision to handle such issues.


I would also like to see post on this forum, that predate the patch release, which states all these problems that happened in release (as far as camping spawn points)


Not that I don't believe you , but I have not seen them. To be honest I did not look very hard either.


Open the PTR forum or open the first 2 threads in my sig. Both 2 weeks old.


And stop blaming the hardworking PTR testers who leveled a character from 1-50 to test the game.

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