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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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Do we get performance optimization as well? I'd really love that so I can play all the other cool stuff in the video without getting random hard FPS drops to zero from 100+ fps. Edited by Xesha
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UI customization is a complete joke, you can move party frame and map around and resize it? Really? From the video it's painfully obvious that you can't move the big ugly crap in the middle and no improvements to actual usability. UI was always mostly atrocious in BW games, but I could get over that in pausable single player games. But sorry, not in MMO.

Since you completely lack competence in this department, just open the API and let the community do the job.


Dedicated to PVP, are you kidding me? Because based on experience so far and especially patch 1.1 I completely trust you to make competent changes to the game in the future and introduce well thought through ranked PVP that will only continue to build upon the fair foundations of healthy pool of players who had equal opportunity so far. Am I right?

How about you first go and fix some of the glaring things that have huge effect on PVP, such as addressing the differences between mirrors, animations and other subtle empire advantages. Then maybe try to fix the faction imbalance or introduce mechanisms to diminish it's impact. Making combat fluid and fixing ability lag wouldn't hurt as well. Answering concerns about stuff like tanking stats, op/scoundrel burst is needed as well.

Or are you trying to tell me the game is ready for competitive ranked PVP in it's current state?


Legacy system, because I feel totally compelled to play through the horrible "Kill 10 robotic rats" leveling experience again and again just so I can experience the 15% difference that is the class story. All of which changes absolutely nothing in the universe anyway.


Too little, too late.



You looked at a teaser vid and extrapolated how the game will be in the coming months... Well done my clairvoyant friend, well done.

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The PvP content doesn't really catch my interest, but then again I don't care for PvP. I am looking forward to the Legacy and UI customization content.


To those who are fussing and saying, "We want new species!" or "We want SS relations!" Isn't that the kind of content you see in major patches before expansion packs or the expansion packs themselves? Besides, if a project gets rushed just to satisfy all those impatient types, corners will be cut and chances are there will be more bugs/glitches/annoyances than there were before, so just relax. Good things come to those who wait.


Keep up the good work, Team SW:TOR. :jawa_cool: And, don't sweat it if you can't please everyone. Sadly, there will always be whiners. :jawa_tongue:

Edited by LadyNightArrow
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UI customization is a complete joke, you can move party frame and map around and resize it? Really? From the video it's painfully obvious that you can't move the big ugly crap in the middle and no improvements to actual usability. UI was always mostly atrocious in BW games, but I could get over that in pausable single player games. But sorry, not in MMO.

Since you completely lack competence in this department, just open the API and let the community do the job.


Yes because the 8 seconds they showed of someone moving a couple ui elements around is most assuredly going to be the only thing you can do to change the way your UI looks. Good god people!

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You looked at a teaser vid and extrapolated how the game will be in the coming months... Well done my clairvoyant friend, well done.


Maybe read what I wrote again. If you want predictions, this game will bleed subs like a PVE geared scrub under operative attack after D3 releases. Give it 6-10 months and it's F2P or closed.

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Maybe read what I wrote again. If you want predictions, this game will bleed subs like a PVE geared scrub under operative attack after D3 releases. Give it 6-10 months and it's F2P or closed.


I did, and my point still stands... Wait a minute! Now you have more predictions, thank you for proving my statement accurate again after the fact. You're my hero :)

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Legacy looks... meh - I'm still hoping for Togruta (and paid race change since who enjoy's rerolling?)


UI customize - Awesome


Took a year for 1 (2) raids?


MFW - :|


Yeah, if the legacy update is just opening up existing races to other faction/classes, then ugh, why did I bother to play other characters at this point.


Miraluka sith, meh, didn't like them on the republic side and they'll still just be referred to as "alien" if there's any specialty to it.


Definitely want actual NEW Species for the legacy system instead of the existing palette swapped ones, and a racial/character customization change option for existing characters wouldn't be too bad either. Else I'm really going to have to halt my game for more reasons than graphical glitches until who knows when the game is actually ready...


Designing rise of the rakghouls for a year...you could have implemented 2-3 more playable races, unlocked character customization options, implemented 4-5 more actual styles for armors/appearances, create an paint/dye system for armors, or any combination of the above in that time...no wonder James Ohlen looks tired in this video and not nearly as excited as before the game was launched...


If the team is checking and listening to the fans, then hear this,

I'm sick of palette swaps in this game. Take the development team and go and put in some of the cool armors you guys promised before and then return the match to chest or put in a proper dye/paint system.

I don't care if I have to pay credits and go to a specific npc/planet for it, I'll gladly do it for something that I really like. Right now I'm totally cross-class-dressing, because there's nothing that looks interesting for my class (BH) considering they're all the same fett-ish design.


Btw, you have 3 months left to get as much of this stuff out as bug free as possible. Not only is that the usual time period in which subscription drops significantly but also the launch of Tera, another MMO coming out in May. I like this game, I just find it lacking in all the simplest places, choices in character customization, so simple to fix...

Edited by Talorya
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UI customization is a complete joke, you can move party frame and map around and resize it? Really? From the video it's painfully obvious that you can't move the big ugly crap in the middle and no improvements to actual usability. UI was always mostly atrocious in BW games, but I could get over that in pausable single player games. But sorry, not in MMO.

Since you completely lack competence in this department, just open the API and let the community do the job.


Dedicated to PVP, are you kidding me? Because based on experience so far and especially patch 1.1 I completely trust you to make competent changes to the game in the future and introduce well thought through ranked PVP that will only continue to build upon the fair foundations of healthy pool of players who had equal opportunity so far. Am I right?

How about you first go and fix some of the glaring things that have huge effect on PVP, such as addressing the differences between mirrors, animations and other subtle empire advantages. Then maybe try to fix the faction imbalance or introduce mechanisms to diminish it's impact. Making combat fluid and fixing ability lag wouldn't hurt as well. Answering concerns about stuff like tanking stats, op/scoundrel burst is needed as well.

Or are you trying to tell me the game is ready for competitive ranked PVP in it's current state?


Legacy system, because I feel totally compelled to play through the horrible "Kill 10 robotic rats" leveling experience again and again just so I can experience the 15% difference that is the class story. All of which changes absolutely nothing in the universe anyway.


Too little, too late.


Door --->

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If this was a ploy to get people to resub and no cancel... i think it worked for some.


Being able to move the Companion UI is HUGE.


Guild Bank is Huge. I have all this low level blue gear that I've stuffed in my bank which i would gladly donate to guild bank for use.


Very awesome.

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Dear WarheartZero,


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Original Post:


At the end he says something like:


"we are always listening to the comunity"


:D:D:D:D:D:D .... :mad::mad::mad::mad:


sure????? Lets see:


Ability Delay

Game performance (FPS)

Europe maintenance times

and so on


It isn't even funny



Yeah how hard is it for Bioware to wave their magic wand, I'm sure between your intellect and development background you can make a accurate remark on that? right? I mean aren't most things a overnight fix.





Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.


All the best,

STAR WARS: The Old Republic



LOL really!? Sarcasm is no longer allowed!

Edited by WarheartZero
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The UI "customization" leaves a lot to be desired if all they are doing is giving us the ability to scale the whole thing with a slider and then move a few of the components around. What about being able to have more action bars on the bottom. What about moving OUR unit frame or our target's unit frame? What about a unit frame for target of target? What about mouseover targeting or macros?


The ability to just move the minimap and the companion frame is pretty lame. What about the ability to move our companion's abilities around on their bar so we can put whatever we want in those 4 quick-slots?

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LOL really!? Sarcasm is no longer allowed!


Bioware has not at all acknowledged those bugs. We are not asking for an overnight fix, we are looking for confirmation that a fix is in the works. Bioware has not done this on many important things like mirror balance.


and saying 'derp' wasn't constructive on your end.

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I liked the little easter egg in that.


They said long ago that Legacy might unlock the ability to play race/class combinations not currently available. Read that, I did not say as many people misquote it "new races". We are talking playing the oddball like a Miraluka Sith Warrior. Or having been a Pureblood child and being taken in by the Jedi before the treaty and raised as a Jedi, making you a Pureblood Sith Jedi Knight.


It is a way to add more customization to alts. Glad to see some form of it even in a tease.


Sith Miraluka, nomnom. Chiss Trooper or Smuggler, nomnom, Pureblood Jedi Knight, nomnom, I can think of a lot of oddball combos that would be "cool" to play.







ooooooOOOOOOOooooooo If this is true, I'm all over the Legacy content. :jawa_biggrin:

Edited by LadyNightArrow
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