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Will you keep playing?


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I'll come back at some point, but am trying out EVE Online. I loved what I played of Star Wars, but I'm not a fan of grinding the same dungeons(flashpoints) again and again. I loved the story, but ran out of it on my Bounty Hunter. I'll wait a few months and see what happens... might give a Republic story a go then if there's nothing for the BH. Otherwise, endgame content bores the crap out of me.
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Yes, still here, my server population was inline to make ilum a fair fight throughout the day, still have alt stories and 20lvls of valor to grind on the main.


The 50 queue times are longer but the games seem to be better overall. Closer fights, better pugs, no incompetent lvl 15s grabbing the ball and running wrong way.


I'm here to stay

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I will. I like the game. So it has some bugs, it's new. As long as they are committed to making improvements and bug fixes in a reasonably timely manner, I can't complain. It's a good game. Bracketing 50's was only a month or so. Something many people wanted and they got it. I think the company is listening to the users pretty well. Maybe they can shorten some stuns, since I'm giving them kudos :)
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For at least another month or two, then I'll re-evaluate the state of the game and it's direction.


Being honest there are a lot of things I dislike about the game's layout, playstyle and (especially!) the UI... still I'm enjoying myself so far in spite of those. I've run into a few bugs but I guess I've been lucky there in that only one of them (a glowie that wouldn't open a force field it was supposed to on one alt... although it worked on a previous character hours before) was really a problem and it was on a minor side quest I simply abandoned.


I do hope for a redesign of the UI to allow for customization... I want to be able to reposition and resize the various UI elements... and a more robust keybinding functionality with the ability to also create macros. I'm spoiled from 7+ years of playing City of Heroes where every element of the UI can be sized and positioned as desired and it's fairly robust keybind/macro function.


Performance wise I haven't had any real issues... I'm playing 1920x1080 with everything set high and bloom/DOF off and it plays pretty smooth. Of course I've also never done large team ops. That's another thing I'm kind of disappointed in, the 4 man team limit.


PVP is a non issue for me; I really have no interest in it.


Still, all in all I have to say the game has potential. I may not stay long term but I'll certainly be keeping an eye on it. For now I'm having fun, and a bunch of my buddies from COH have been playing here most of the last month on one of the less crowded servers (Kathol Rift).

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I haven't noticed/been affected by all of these "horrible game-ruining problems", so I'm still on board for the next while with this game. Sure, my interest waned slightly once I hit 50 on my main, but that's to be expected. Unless something that is actually drastic happens, I don't see myself getting tired of this game any time soon.
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Paying for a three month sub and will see how I feel after that. So far, I really have enjoyed the game. My main is only 32 atm so I'm taking it very slowly. I hated how my SI looked and some of the dark choices that I made so I'm rerolling and playing her a bit lighter.


I do hope to see more things added into the game eventually like the ability to customize your ship, better companion customization, more class/companion stories, etc. Would even love to see a hobby system. I don't mind working on grinding a few flashpoints here and there and would eventually like to see an operation. If there isn't anything else to do other than acquire gear, a game grows old quickly for me. Games on the other hand with more fluff, holiday events, housing, achievements, etc kept my interest a bit longer.

As much as WoW is bashed, Blizzard did a great job having a multitude of fun, diverting things to do in that game.

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The game is fun for the most part. It lacks what I like in PvP, but I would rather be a reasonable voice for change than someone that quits on the game. I used to love playing the pen and paper Star Wars, so I will continue to give this a chance.

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This thread is not promoting gameplay discussion and should be closed immediately.


I agree. Too many " this game is ****" and " hell no" answers.

Even the ":D this game rocks, of course I'm subbing" aren't helpful. That's pretending theres nothing wrong with TOR. There is.


I hate the dated engine, and it's blocky shadows, texture tiling, chia pet foliage, and low res textures.


The story I'm not bored with. finished Sith Warrior, 1/2 done Imp Agent, and 1/2 done Inquisitor. The game play is good. Standard fair for MMORPG's. Story is above average.

FP's are good. 4+ group quests are tuned nicely.... etc

Too many people all geared out in PvP crap at 50 though. Not enough HM FP/Operation action happening.

Crafting needs work. At best its usefull for gear while you level ( and even then, commendation, quest rewards, and FP's take care of that..), and alts.

Then theres the bugs. You can't tell me one month in that they are this clueless....


Being an avid gamer with a good PC, I will probably move on once I get bored with the story, if they continue to ignore players with good PC's, and pretend it's peachy.


I'm willing to bet, it will improve over time. But it might be too little too late for some.

Edited by Your_dominus
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I have been here since it was just a rumor. I bought the CE. I am a fanboy. I will take 6 months off since this game and Bioware is clearly not ready yet.


How have you been here since it was just a rumor? You should really post on your oct 08 account if you're utilizing multiple accounts :)

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