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Maintenance hitting EU Primetime! LOL times updated


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PvP is not imbalanced now becouse you cant travel to ilum pvp area.


wrong. If you logged out there you can still continue. (some did not log out at all LOL. there are surely some afk bots hanging out leeching valor for 24 hours now as well)


Ilum is PACKED on Eu servers right now(it is 4 PM here), the exploiting continuing. Thank god Bioware already stated there will be no repercussions so you better get in on the action while you have the time.

Edited by mufutiz
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you do realize we get the same amount of downtime you do?


And you fail to realise that this time is when most ppl get home from their jobs and have time to play... This is BULLSITH!

They placed it so that most part of EU cant play at all, the only time on the day they actually can.


Starting to hate this company

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Anything other than US -> 2nd class customers.

Not the first MMO that's doing it.


I do understand them though, this garbage really needs any patch it can get - and FAST.

ps. don't fix your missing "unsub" button too fast or you be surprised about the results :D

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Aye this is a Joke. It can be done during night for crying out loud. EUROPE night, not US.

And yes I do work as well, but I don't work 9-5, Monday - Friday, and that means I might only get one, max two day every second week that I can play.

Maybe I'm alone with this problem, but I don't think so..


Seriously, we loose a lot of money/gametime because of this, multiply it during a year and you'll get alot of PAID days of maintenance.


But I wont go whine more about it and start saying I will cancel my subscription because of this, because it a far too good game to cancel immediate because of something like this.

But in the long run, I don't know.. ATM there is no MMO that can match SWTOR, so maybe they can handle us here in Europe like ****, but good MMO's are coming and they might loose people just because of this!


Well, I hope it gets better!

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Well they're fixing the game to shut you PVP guys up. I know I lost an entire day of play due to you PVP guys...


At least they're doing something to fix your crap. While I have to wait for them to fix YOUR crap.


They should have just blown up Ilum and scrapped PVP from the game. I'd take a week of downtime if they did that.

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you do realize we get the same amount of downtime you do?


So you say it wouldn't matter you if they turned things around and it would be 4.30pm till 8.30pm your local time?


'Cause we do get the same downtime like you said.


Problem solved I would say.

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Doesn't matter what they do, there's always going to be somebody to whine and moan about it.


True that.




If they were to split it up, its a nightmare for IT, people would complain about EU being the "lab rats", US would want their patch quicker, and if a patch broke something people would complain that they also deployed the patch to US servers. To that last point if they just went ahead and didn't deploy the patch it would further solidify the lab rats thing.


In a world that operates 24/7 and you have 8 hour maintenance, someone is going to get screwed.


Not to mention when there are emergency patches.

Edited by Powerhowse
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People complaining need to get outside and realise that there's more to life than a piece of machinary and a monitor.


Go outside, if you have kids, take them to the cinema, you have time to play a game, so don't come back with "i ain't got time to take em out", you just can't be arsed because you're a terrible parent.


Go out with friends, go to the pub, go to a club, watch a film, play on your games console or play another game.


It's really not that *********** difficult.



TL;DR - Stop complaining about downtimes and get a life that doesn't consist of sitting at a desk playing a game in every minute of your spare time.


& Before anyone accuses me of being american, i live in south england, so you can rule that out of your attempted future insult towards me.

Edited by CLASSlFlED
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UPDATE: This maintenance period is now scheduled to begin at approximately 9:30AM CST (7:30AM PST/ 10:30AM EST/ 3:30PM GMT/ 4:30PM CET) on 1/19 and end at 1:30PM CST (11:30AM PST/ 3:30PM EST/ 7:30PM GMT/ 8:30PM CET).


I can only LOL about this


It is actually quiet fun. I live in Sweden, and i have better things to do then only playing a game :p


Time to study then, just logged off so i got my fix for now.

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I do understand them though, this garbage really needs any patch it can get - and FAST.


I agree totally, but how long do you think the completed patch sat there doing nothing because it was 'US Primetime' and they wouldn't bring the servers down, and only noticed a problem with it when they went to implement it at their usual Euro-daytime/US-slacktime patching window?

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I don't care if they do emergency maintenances during afternoon from time to time, but they could at least be competent enough to stick to their announced schedule, and if they know they won't be able to, at least. announce it BEFORE you fall behind it. Wasn't able to log in today at all because I figured that it's pointless since it's gonna be downtime soon, then they delayed it, now they've delayed it again... In the evening I'm going out, so I'm not gonna be able to play today. I don't care all that much, have other things to do anyway, but sticking to the schedule and announcing it in advance when they fall behind it is, I think, a common courtesy to customers who're paying you and financing the game... Edited by MartyCZE
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you do realize we get the same amount of downtime you do?


Yes, you do. In the middle of the night. You may not understand the difference, you may only play between the hours of 2am and 8am, and may think everyone in the EU is so lucky to be able to only play then.


Can you imagine if BW were kind enough to allow us (the majority of customers) to play the game in daylight hours or after work in the evenings! That would be like.. well, like every other MMO that understands that customers like to be able to PLAY the game they paid for.


So, here we have yet another wasted evening waiting for the servers. We're going to start expecting compensation soon BW.

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So maintainance in the middle of the day was bad enough but we put up with it because hey they're Americans and we have no choice.


but this is a f'king joke, maintainance in the middle of EU PRIME TIME.



Yet another middle finger from bioware.




As for the "omg its only a game go outside and feel the sunshine" crowd of casual rpers:



Im English, there is no sunshine. I spent all day at work and now I want to play the game that I just paid for except I cant because Bioware are so bad they release a patch with HUGE flaws then patch it in prime time.




Edited by -Arcane-
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True that.




If they were to split it up, its a nightmare for IT, people would complain about EU being the "lab rats", US would want their patch quicker, and if a patch broke something people would complain that they also deployed the patch to US servers. To that last point if they just went ahead and didn't deploy the patch it would further solidify the lab rats thing.


In a world that operates 24/7 and you have 8 hour maintenance, someone is going to get screwed.


Not to mention when there are emergency patches.


Why does it take 8 hours for maintenance? Is this the only time they are backing up the database? I doubt it, so what can take them 8 hours every week?

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I like this game - but Bioware maintenance windows suck and their picking of times for pulling down servers is just moronic.

But they unfortunately know they can get away with it, because people will just complain on the forum and that's that while others just throw insults around.


It would be very funny to see the reaction if it was 8.30 the local Bioware time indeed.

Edited by xandax
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