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Why everyone wants to roll Empire.


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The sages story is lacking a bit early on however I like the troopers mines @ 35 now

With that said SI story is awesome @40 and the BH @50 story is very good.


Overall I am on a IMP server but more and more are rolling pub because of the economy and PvP.


In a few months I think only a for most server it will really balance out.

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After finishing Corsucant, I understand what people meant by kill quests. Empire side had more thought to it, kill 0/45 easy, kill 0/10 med, steal 0/3 crates, kill 0/1 boss.


I couldn't believe how often it went from kill 0/15 easy, kill 0/30 easy, kill 0/45 easy, kill boss. It's like they spent all their creative energy developing the empire side quests, when they got to republic they just threw something together.

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I think a major factor is simply the ability to play the Empire.

Think about it, most Star Wars games have provided ample opportunity, to play the Republic, or Rebel Alliance.


This is the first major opportunity, to truly explore what Imperial life is like. So, I think many people are simply taking that path, to take advantage of the opportunity.


.....Then there's all the FOTM PVP rerollers who need that OP class or faction imbalance (then complain that everyone is going one side)

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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I started out playing Republic since beta and spent hardly any time playing Empire, and my personal opinion is that the Empire is side just way more interesting on all fronts. I played a Trooper and now a BH, and the difference even in skill animation is night and day. I find the NPCs(Senators and such) a bunch of back-stabbing whineys wimps that I want to defeat and push into the Unknown regions of space(not literally but you get my point). Aion had the same problem, Elyos faction was so much more refined and Asmos were just thrown in there that Elyos outnumbers Asmos more than 2 to 1.


Faction games will always have this problem no matter what the company does. Aion closely monitored it and it still was a huge issue. It ends up the smaller faction actually has the better skilled players but the mass overwhelming numbers negates all of that.

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Anecdotal evidence, eh.




actually in the betas they found that it was a very close ratio on repub vs empire... and that followed over into the inital early launch when people were starting out.


I have a feeling that all the game tryers, trollers, etc all went to the 'cool' emo empire side and as they leave, the game will again rebalance as is needed.


That, and the grass is always greener.

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It's kinda funny, because the more people roll Empire the more proud I am to be on the Republic side.

I am not going to cry and re-roll. I will stay and be proud of my choice.


It was like that on my first WoW server where Horde was dominating and they were whining about the BG queues.


The scenario repeats itself, and this can be sorted out by having either some kind of "Empowerment" to the outnumbered side or for example that there can only be 150% more Empire players than the Republic on Ilum and other World PVP zones, no one else can enter the zone until more Republic joins or some Empire people leave.

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The main reason is probably that many people like to play a bad *** character. Especially pvpers.


As a PvPer, I like to play the least populated side. My warzone queues are almost instant, and defending a point against superior numbers is a lot more fun than being part of the zerg.


Getting rolled by a zerg is pretty aweful, but i take the good with the bad :)

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My main is a Republic. I have an alt on the Empire side that I reserved a name with and just started playing with a bit. I have to admit the Empire character overall is more appealing. For one you CAN be bad.....but I think the accent of my character is the most appealing aspect. It oozes bad just in the voice and the story is so much cooler. My republic toon is just a wuss in his overall story. To goodie two shoes. Edited by beemerz
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I have at same "Realm" both Rebublic and Imperial characters. I wan't to see all storylines!

But my main is Imperial Sorcerer. And second is Smuggler Gunslinger at Rebublic side. And I play in RPPVP server. There is 2/3 for Imperial as player numbers. I enjoy playing both sides. ;)

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Not sure if anyone has mentioned it, but there are some Empire classes are slightly better than their Republic "mirrors".


For some reason, some of the Empire abilities are better than the Republic counterparts.

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I decided before the game was out to play a Sith Marauder, mostly because i was fed up with jedi after watching all the movies, and i played a light side sith marauder and i loved everything about it. Now i made a jedi shadow, takes longer to level even tho i clear packs of enemies faster than marauder. On the other hand though i enjoy the jedi spaceship more than the sith one, the sith one is small, black/grey and gets boring to look at after 2 seconds. The jedi ship is more home-like (the imperial agent ship is my favourite though.)

When i saw the republic fleet for the first time i got jealous, the imperial fleet is fine but i like the republic fleet waaaay more. The walls in front of vendors makes it feel more like a city than a spacestation which i like. And the cloth hanging from the ceiling is awesome.

At last i want to say that yes Kaas City is waaaaaaay more awesome than coruscant, kaas city is like a giant city u see come out of nowhere in the jungle. In the movies you always saw coruscant as the planet where you would be at the top of skyscrapers most of the time looking at the beautiful sun (set or rise) or the ever interesting nightlife, in this game its neither, your not at the highest of all buildings (for spectacular view) instead your down in the underground mostly which makes it so much more dull. Finaly on empire side if say you play a sith warrior, the way you make dark/light side choices really make an impact while on republic they kinda expect you to make lightside choices and are not surprised if you do but both choices on empire side will make a huge impact and cause reactions.

That has been my opinion on things, but i will still play republic through to see the class stories ;)

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It's not fashion or how cool the planets are lol, people just want to be the evul side, it's a trend in wow for some time now and it's unfortunately a trend in mmos. Both factions are very well represented, some gear could use an overhaul(I'm looking at your hoods Knights), but overall there's no problem.


Main problem is there's more rabid mmo'ers than Star Wars fans playing. =p


Many people cited the fact Malgus is powerful and devious as a reason to play the Empire while the Reps have Satele, also powerful, but who needed help to beat him in that cinematic. I really don't see how that would affect your decision at *********** all to be honest.


The good and bad part is really subjective, you're only lightside and all goody because you want, I particularly think it's outrageous to serve the republic by killing everyone and not taking every advantage I can, same with the Empire(though I WILL go all Darth Vader and execute incompetence. =p), Even Jedi can get corrupted I don't see what's the problem with "being goody" in that case.

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Lets see, my options end game repub side are I can look like a gaudy space priest, a gaudy space samurai, or a gaudy space swashbuckler (space cowboy would be ok but all you can get is the hat at the BiS vendors). Trooper stuff looks ok. Emp side I can look like an awesome space warrior, an awesome space assasin, or an awesome space ninja. BH stuff looks ok.


I even tried to get my shadow some emp side gear through some late night neutral gtc shenanigans and the awesome demicot(sp?) face mask turns into a doily for my head rep side.

You know you got a problem when most of the JCs rock the robe they get out of the first FP and the social pants off the starship vendor for most of their storyline so they dont have to wear the space priest outfit.


Now add in the general clunkiness of abilities on repub side compared to emp side. The pebble throw just feels akward and slower compare to the lightning (not to mention real reasons why it's less effective due to when the damage is applied), the smugglers kick to the bean bag locks you in place while the IA's debilitate doesn't, the list keeps going.


Storyline wise you can play some complex characters emp side. Repub side you can either be a goody goody or an Ahole with no real middle ground unless you're a smuggler.


Edit. I was hoping for more of a space ronin feel for JK and a space ranger feel for my shadow. The outfits from the character progression video are all awesome for the JK. Heck just throw in a brown version of Thana Vesh's (sp) outfit from Tarsis or a brown version of that sith robe from the Essles and my JS just got way more motivating to play.

Edited by Amos_Umbra
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A big enough reason to chose Empire over Republic is Dromund Kaas vs Coruscant. Coruscant is by far the worst experience I've had in game. Insane amount of running and most is done without the Sprint ability aswell. Dromund Kaas is so much better designed.


After Coruscant there's Taris, which is a nightmare on Rep side compared to Imperial side (which comes later). So you have 2 big psycholgical hurdles to overcome quite soon during the Rep's levelling process. Of course, I'm only extrapolationg from my own personal experiece; some may love these areas. But I'm guessing they don't.

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I don't think either side was favored in design.


Your problem is that you've *seen* the Republic aesthetic a million times already-- in games, movies, etc. You've seen all their character archetypes up close and personal for extended amounts of time.


You know them already. You're familiar with them. They can't seem as fresh as the bad guys in this setting.

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Anecdotal evidence, eh.




Which is a much worse argument than "I prefer the way the Empire looks, so BioWare is obviously biased against half their own game."

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I hate how Corascuant turned out. So I rolled Empire Dromund Kaas is a nice bug jungle that is all connected no taking taxi from one platform to another. I can take a taxi if I want to but I don't have to.


Who seriously designed the city planets? They are all terrible I can't stand Corascuant, Nar Shaddaa and Corellia.

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The whole 'Empire is far more favorite than Republic bc Republic is bland' is a lie and untrue.


Sure, for PvP servers the Empire side has most of the times the larger population, but often not even that much more in overall population. However, check PvE servers, and you'll see that both factions are pretty much equal to eachother with quite a number of times the Republic side having the larger population.


The reason why Empire is popular is the same reason why the Horde was popular or Asmodians in Aion. Certain groups of gamers esp the PvP minded tend to want to pick the 'evil' or '******' faction. In SWTOR, WoW, Aion and all other MMO's where such a division in factions exist.

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