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Everything posted by Brad-

  1. It would be nice if we could get Conquest Points for playing the slots.
  2. This just happened to me sometime in the past month
  3. I am just starting to try GSF and want to run support ships for the most part (Imperium and Legion) but was wondering if you get assists (or credit) for using repair drones.
  4. Right now, I am full dps, but am tired of waiting around for a healer all the time. I would love to see dual spec implemented, so I could heal or dps as needed. Until then, I am considering a hybrid heal/dps spec. Is there a cookie cutter hybrid spec?
  5. Since the Ilum exploit, and their utter failure to take any action against those involved (despite their blog to the contrary), the precedent is set that exploiting and/or cheating is allowed (or at least tolerated). If they were serious about eliminating cheating, they would have taken action sufficient to deter people from exploiting in the future. The next time something comes up, you can bet almost everyone will exploit it. There is no incentive not to.
  6. for those dirty old men among you ... if you plan on romancing Dorne ... the cut scenes are much better if you remember to take off her armor first ... just saying ..
  7. This is what I have been using since I turned 50: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800McZMIkbRrdRkfzZc.1
  8. Since the Ilum exploit, and their utter failure to take any action against those involved (despite their blog to the contrary), the precedent is set that exploiting is allowed (or at least tolerated). If they were serious about eliminating exploiting, they would have taken action sufficient to deter people from exploiting in the future. The next time something comes up, you can bet almost everyone will exploit it. There is no incentive not to.
  9. What interrupts do Commandos have to counter Sorc? The truth is, that sometimes a class have have too many options, and can be good at too many things. It seems that may describe Sorc right now.
  10. So ... almost everyone will exploit next time something comes up. Bioware really needs to think about what kind of precedent they are setting.
  11. I have not seen that proof. I have seen videos where people were amassing insane amounts of Valor. Where is the proof that people were not getting more Valor than was reasonable or expected?
  12. Actally, if you are playing with crutches like threat meters, you are not playing super hardmode. Sure, you can pump out more dps if you use a threat meters ... just like a 5 years old can ride a bike better with training wheels. Take the time to learn the skill of threat management. At some point, you need to see what you can do on your own.
  13. Good players learn to manage their threat over time. It takes knowledge, skill and practice. For those people who want easymode, and have everything instantly spoonfed to them, I understand why the concept may be unsettling.
  14. Why do people want things to be made so ridiculously easy? Why do they want to be spoonfed everything? Perhaps it is time to take off the training wheels and see what you can accomplish on your own! Take the time to learn the skill of threat manangement.
  15. Exactly. Please don't dumb down the game. Some of prefer to play without the training wheels.
  16. I think you should remove the part of the Rules of Conduct that prohibit exploiting or abusing bugs or flawed designs. Since you don't punish exploiters (i.e. Ilum exploiters), why should the rule even be there?
  17. Threat is not invisible. Each action produces threat. It is not spoonfed to you, but it is not invisible. Most games do not spoonfeed threat information to you. Most games require you to learn threat manangement.
  18. The term he should have used is "exploiting". Since they have taken no action, I guess they must allow exploiting in SWTOR (unlike every other MMO). So he is saying he should have exploited the design flaw, like others were doing. The next time something like this occurs, you can bet that everyone will abuse it - the precedent is set.
  19. That may be their position, but if so, they need to change their Rules of conduct, which prohibit ... "Abuse or exploit bugs, undocumented features, design errors or problems in the game. Right now, exploiting a design oversight or error is a violation, and should be punished. If they plan to change that, they need to let everyone know, so we can all participate the next time something occurs.
  20. Its been almost two weeks, are we going to see any action on this? Have you decided that exploiting is OK in SWTOR?
  21. Maybe I am overthinking things, but I always felt that any time a company indicates a problem with exploiting, they are admitting a mistake. Absent a bug, or implementation flaw, this type of exploit can not occur.
  22. I have played MMOs for 12 years now, and bugs and flawed implementations are a fact of life. From time to time, in every game, situations will arise where people can exploit. Simply put, 1,000,000 players will always find things that 100 Developers and testers will miss. That is why there are rules of conduct (think honor code) that tells players not abuse these situations when they arise. This of it this way. If I leave my car unlocked and leave the keys in the ignition, I have made a mistake. If someone decides to take advantage of that mistake, and steal my car, they made a choice to take advantage of my mistake. He is not, in any way, relieved of the responsibility of his decision, because of my mistake.
  23. The problem is, that everyone that faces the people who exploited are affected. They are all facing opponents with stats artificially inflated by exploitation. How do you compensate for that? How do you compensate every Republic player that will ever face them in PvP? What some of you do not seem to realize is, that abusing a flawed implementation is wrong. It is against the code of conduct. The flawed implementation is not the issue. The issue is how people responded to it. Did they bug it and move on as they should have ... or did they abuse it to get an unfair advantage.
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