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Mob Difficulty


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I disagree completely, I think they got it almost perfectly right. Normals and packs of normals are easy. Strongs are harder, 2 strongs are a challenge. An elite is an elite, look up the word, their difficulty adheres to their name. A champion should be VERY difficult, and what do you know, they are.


If you do not want a challenge, please adjust your playstyle and try not to force your mediocrity on everyone else. Don't like a challenge, play sims online.

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I disagree completely, I think they got it almost perfectly right. Normals and packs of normals are easy. Strongs are harder, 2 strongs are a challenge. An elite is an elite, look up the word, their difficulty adheres to their name. A champion should be VERY difficult, and what do you know, they are.


If you do not want a challenge, please adjust your playstyle and try not to force your mediocrity on everyone else. Don't like a challenge, play sims online.

Champion-level mobs, in my experience, require more than one person to take down. Though I haven't tried to go after many of them. ...

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I agree that many should be tuned down. I am a solo only player and have no desire to get a group together just to play a game, I also am not interested in PVP. I joined this game for PVE content and plan on playing solo for the next couple of years, and as much as people are griping that it won't happen this game is here to stay and it will last many years regardless of what the haters say. I hope that they continue to work on missions so that I never run out of something to do solo.
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In my leveling I found no problems with the difficulty. All the encounters I considered 'difficult' I can count on one hand and were mostly class-quest boss-type encounters.


The only time I encountered champions were when I was doing Heroic+2 solo.


If you are having difficulty with an elite your level than either check what type of enemy it is and use abilities accordingly, shouldn't always use the same rotation every time. Also check to make sure you are keeping your gear current to your level, your abilities are all trained, and you have consumables at your disposal.

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Personally I'm with the OP. I started out the game playing on Zez-Kai Ell not knowing it was a low pop server. I've just recently started re-rolling on Mind Trick because finding people to do any Heroics was rare. Throughout Corruscant I simply did all my other missions until I almost out leveled the Heroic so I could do it solo (at least the 2+ one's). I have a lvl 20 Jedi Guardian & am on Taris doing the story line. I tried doing one of the Heroics the other day fightning mobs of 3-4 that are strong/elite that are FOUR levels below me & got my *** handed to me every single time & in no time at all to boot. THAT is pretty Pathetic, ESPECIALLY with a build that is described in game when you choose your advanced class as a "Tank". I've never played WoW but played CoH & CoV for several years & I can tell you that any "tank" in SWTOR is a weakling compared to a tank in CoH/CoV. I cannot for the life of me figure out how the various enemy levels con in relation to MY level. For instance in CoH/CoV you had minions, Lieutenants & Boss' as well as color coding according to your relative level. An even level boss was about 3 levels above your level, an LT 1-2 and minions even. Armed with that info I could decided whether I could face the particular mobs or avoid one's that had too many LT's or Boss'. I don't see anything like that in SWTOR & being on an unpopulated server I don't like that I'm now forced to abandon 5 toons or somehow almost out level the Heroics just to solo them. I agree that I don't want these missions to be a cakewalk. In CoH for instance some missions were perilous, but you could use tactics to get through them & avoiding aggro from other mobs & then have a more difficult fight from a Boss or Arch Villain. A Heroic that is 2+ & equal to the level that you receive it should not be almost impossible with you & your companion. This is proof that there is a big gap b/w the mobs in these missions & the level at which you get the mission. You shouldn't have to wait 5-6 levels just to be able to do a Heroic 2+ mission with your companion.


You do realize that Heroic 2+ missions don't mean you're supposed to be 2 levels over the mission to do it, but rather it's recommended that at least 2 players (plus their companions, so 4 characters) do the mission. So yeah, unless you're good, (or a good self sufficient class/companion combo, i.e. tank & healer) you aren't SUPPOSED to be soloing Heroic 2+ missions until the mobs get low enough level that they pretty much just can't hit you anymore.


That being said, the only fights I've had trouble on was a story boss elite at ~lvl 6 on my Jedi Knight back around x-mas. The guy with the stolen lightsaber. ('course, I spent too much time crafting while doing space battles, so I'm now like lvl 42 and only up to Quesh, and pretty much steamrolling through everything...

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Used to be a time when people would group up for elites because an MMO was designed for multiplayer action....:(


Then this became the norm:

I agree that many should be tuned down. I am a solo only player and have no desire to get a group together just to play a game, I also am not interested in PVP. I joined this game for PVE content and plan on playing solo for the next couple of years, and as much as people are griping that it won't happen this game is here to stay and it will last many years regardless of what the haters say. I hope that they continue to work on missions so that I never run out of something to do solo.



Edited by Abanoth
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Strong and Elite enemies need to be tuned down a little. When I fight an even level elite, with my companion out, I should not be getting completely trashed in under a minute. My build should not matter. My gear is up to date, my skills are all up to date, and my companion is up to date and her gear is current. Despite this, for some reason, there are a number of elite mobs that can just absolutely annihilate me.


Something does not sound right here. I'm the same spec and I beat him without too much trouble when I did that quest this past week. He has that poison dart thing and the AOE circle right?


Anyway, he is actually not tuned bad. Keep in mind that in most MMORPGs, an equal level elite will normally destroy you even if you are in very good gear. In this game they are doable but will be difficult in junk greens even if they are up to date.


I'm leveling in mostly mod gear with blue mods and some greens. I'm keeping everything up to date including ear pieces, implants etc. My companion is also up to date in greens and blues but always a blue weapon. I can pretty much blow through any eleite, multiple strongs, or an elite with a few side mobs. I use Torrian exclusively now because its just too slow with Mako and my dps.


My strat is pretty simple for elites. Send companion in and let him tank as I fire away from range, use all my ranged attacks up until I either get aggro or decide to take aggro. If he uses that AOE thing I will snatch him to me with my grappling hook because companions are too dumb to get out of it. When he cast it again, get out of it immediately.


For this guy, I poped my bubble and Kolto within the first 25% of damage. I used oil slick right after that, and use electro dart, then heroic moment to refresh electro dart and used it again. That is all to limit his damage output.


From there, kite him as best you can and let Tor beat on him to finish. Keep a heal pot and an absorb pot handy. Together they are another whole cooldown that can save you in a tough fight.


For the future, if you are going to level in greens, do more side quests so that you are atleast one level above the elites. If you want to move faster, get moded gear and either craft, buy, or use commendations to update your mods as you go so when you get to the end and face the tougher mobs you will have a bit better gear.


Hope that helps.

Edited by Blackardin
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IMO, the game's difficulty, including the difficulty of various strong/elite/champion mobs, is fine while leveling. The only thing that really needs to change is that the difficulty and complexity of hard/nightmare mode ops needs to be increased.
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The level of difficulty can be make or break for an mmo. Too easy, too hard ... it has to strike a balance so it is fun & offers a challenge yet not too hard to make it an object lession in Frustration & not too easy you can put a weight on the keyboard & go off for dinner.


Too far in either direction & the playerbase will drop & the game move to F2P.


Fortunately BioWare are said to me monitoring SW:TOR, with their Metrics tools. Thus if the difficulty levels need tweaking they should be able to keep on top of this.


Hopefully they won't make changes based on player Opinion, because we all have different opinions - the Metrics should give a much more objective & consistant idea of how easy/hard mobs/encounters are.

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I was forced to spec darkness to take on even levelled elite mobs in a few cases...as a madnes spec'd assassin I could get close, but not quite beat these guys until I outlevelled them.


I had no desire to be a tank spec, but I tried it out of frustration, and was able to beat the mobs that had been kicking my *** in some cases. Seems to me that the darkness spec is simply more powerful overall in situations where you are soloing content.




I'm not complaining, because it was definitely a challenge to figure out the best way to take down the toughest mobs with my class.


I did find it a bit lame to have to become a tank to pull it off though.

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My build should not matter.


Huh? This doesn't make any sense. Your build definitely matters when determining your ability to defeat foes. So, too, do your gear and tactics.


You assure us that your gear is fine, but what does that mean to you? Are you choosing stats that work well for your playstyle?


You've said that you attempted some fights several times with different tactics, but then you've also said that you regularly have these problems. Of the three variables here (build/gear/tactics) this is probably the most likely single contributing cause to your difficulties. Without knowing what you're doing though, we can't offer advice.


I don't agree with your general point though; I think mobs are at a good level of difficulty right now; normal to strong to elite to champion is a smooth and predictable progression.


I have found rare mobs that didn't seem to fit their classification (e.g. there's a Rancor on Belsavis that hits harder than its difficulty ranking would lead one to expect, but then it's a RANCOR). I don't have any issue with outliers being brought into spec, but I don't think the whole class of foes should be weakened.


As others have noted, there's also a difference in damage types, which can cause some foes to hit you harder than others. Change your gear, or build, or tactics. ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
I agree with your original post, as a matter of fact I am the same BH spec that you had, and am having a seriously difficult time with Reiki...the only problem is I am one level higher than him I am 43 he is 42 Elite should level out right? Wrong, I take out his minions and last a total of 15 seconds once I start fighting him directly. I have tried using different companions, and tried constantly moving, and hitting him with AOE and DPS but to no avail...if anyone has any ideas I would be glad to hear them.
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no thankyou, I much prefer a challenge when it comes to elites. I understand your frustration tho, not being able to beat a mob can get annoying, fast.


Personally, I like the challenge. Failing that, I like the need to seek help from players of my level to complete elite heavy missions (ie: heroics)



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  • 1 month later...

I don't know, I've NEVER had any severe problem getting past anything in this game (gotten beat by a couple things here and there but have always been able to beat them the second... or sometimes third try). I'm level 44 merc and Reiki destroys me every ******* time I try to fight him.


It shouldn't be that hard to beat him, he is definitely out of balance with the other villains in the game and its starting to really piss me off as I've tried about a dozen times in different ways to get past him. Feel free to flame over 'wanting things handed to me' or whatever, but that isn't really the issue. I don't want the game easier, its easy enough in most parts, but this one single dude is just sick, broken, and apparently someone I can't beat no matter what way I do it. Makes the whole bloody game kind of suck actually.


I am just fed up with it at this point; I play for fun and getting through the story not for being endlessly slaughtered in almost no time by one guy.

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The OPs post is the reason WOW turned into a carebare farm. This game is easy enough.


Good point, WoW did get easier over time, mindless farming is in no way fun. But I have seen a lot of requests in this game and other games, to make them more like Diablo2 or something, spam one or two skills,.. to mow down waves of mobs who spill gold everywhere.


I like the current difficulty, the game might even be slightly to easy. Strong and elite mobs right now are fairly easy to defeat, safely, but at least alittle strategy is needed, skills need to be used in the correct order, ect, or you run a small risk of dying.

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Good point, WoW did get easier over time, mindless farming is in no way fun. But I have seen a lot of requests in this game and other games, to make them more like Diablo2 or something, spam one or two skills,.. to mow down waves of mobs who spill gold everywhere.


I like the current difficulty, the game might even be slightly to easy. Strong and elite mobs right now are fairly easy to defeat, safely, but at least alittle strategy is needed, skills need to be used in the correct order, ect, or you run a small risk of dying.




There's a couple of really strong elites in the game right now, but a change of strategy is generally all that's required to take them down. Avatar of Sel'Makor on Imperial comes to mind.

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