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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

We demand cross server pvp NOW!


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To answer the OP, no I do not want cross server queues immediately, nor do I want them ever. Having a server community is something that I enjoy greatly, especially considering the potential the World PvP has.


When it's server-restricted then you can instantly recognize some guilds. If you lose to that guild, you know to watch out for them. If you encounter said guilds in World PvP and can kill them, then it grants immediate satisfaction. Guild Rivalries are great, and they are most easily formed when you have people from your actual server fighting one another!


Unfortunately I did see a post a while back saying that they plan to implement cross-server queues at some point, so there's nothing I can do about that. However, I wish they would allow servers to choose whether or not they wanted to be included in the cross-server list. Personally, I don't think my server would want to be. Queue times aren't that long long (1-5min) for 4 man premades, so why kill our community for something we don't need?


tldr; noty OP.

Edited by Jeido
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I haven't added any, but then again, i rarely do that anyhow. i sure do know a lot of them when we get in together though.


The ones that give up? I keep them in mind when they are looking for a healer in general chat, just like the ones that afk..


cross server queus, i cant do that anymore.... I like my community as is, thanks.


I can't for the life of me see how this is bad, if you want to play a warzone / flashpoint with friends you go ahead and ask them. Done deal. You rarely add new folks to your friends list, so what on God's green earth is community destroying about letting people like me with less time on their hands get value for the few hours we have available?


It's in no way, shape or form detrimental to your community, but it makes the game playable for people like me.


I could add "are my $15 worth less than yours", but that would bombastic and silly :o




I see replies "No cross server" etc.

What I want to know is why?

What good arguments do you have to support that it "destroys community"?


Just stating that it "destroys community" is not a good (or infact a valid) argument.

Edited by zagon
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Obviously it's good enough for YOU, but I'm looking for one that's actually good.


AGAIN. If AFKers are a problem, you fix that problem. You don't throw away a completely unrelated idea because of some other problem that they havn't addressed yet.


Ohh, I can use that logic too...


Sorry, your reasons and opinions might be good enough for you, but I'm looking for some that actually are any good, therefore your point is mood, because I said so.


Cross-server anything is a huge no-go for me. As a person that's been there the whole way through WoW's evolvement, nothing good ever came of that.


You no longer see any guilds you recognize in a bg and feel the urge to slaughter them cause one of their guildmembers ganked your alt in STV 15 times, and on the odd chance you actually meet someone you'd consider worth of your time, (s)he'd be on another server and thus not an option to group with in the future.



I'd much rather see some of the communities merged as in server merges. A few servers does look dying and throwing two low populated servers together into one (or hell, throw a low-pop server into ours) would be a much better solution. Servers really could use a much higher cap for players available to be on them at the same time as well imo. =)

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I can't for the life of me see how this is bad, if you want to play a warzone / flashpoint with friends you go ahead and ask them. Done deal. You rarely add new folks to your friends list, so what on God's green earth is community destroying about letting people like me with less time on their hands get value for the few hours we have available?


It's in no way, shape or form detrimental to your community, but it makes the game playable for people like me.


I could add "are my $15 worth less than yours", but that would bombastic and silly :o




I see replies "No cross server" etc.

What I want to know is why?

What good arguments do you have to support that it "destroys community"?


Just stating that it "destroys community" is not a good (or infact a valid) argument.


Added multiple times during the thread, and you even added it yourself. YOU may not add many to your friend list, but others do.


And we all know that uncontrolled freedom is not something you can give humans, they'll abuse it. And in the western civilization the anonymity you can hide behind on the Internet is the pinnacle of freedom, especially when you don't even have to care about what other people think about you, as you'll never 'face' them again due to them playing on other servers.

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I can't for the life of me see how this is bad, if you want to play a warzone / flashpoint with friends you go ahead and ask them. Done deal. You rarely add new folks to your friends list, so what on God's green earth is community destroying about letting people like me with less time on their hands get value for the few hours we have available?


It's in no way, shape or form detrimental to your community, but it makes the game playable for people like me.


I could add "are my $15 worth less than yours", but that would bombastic and silly :o


Cross servers change the game completely - no rivalries - no playoff feeling.

Simple fix - make more time.

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No cross-server PvP please, I like to know who I'm facing so I can learn their strategies. Also makes it more fun fighting guildies in huttball. :)


If queue's are such a problem just combine a few low populated servers into one big happy server...

Edited by Darth_Sharky
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No cross-server PvP please, I like to know who I'm facing so I can learn their strategies. Also makes it more fun fighting guildies in huttball. :)


If queue's are such a problem just combine a few low populated servers into one big happy server...


Agreed, but your Jawa avatar was better. :D

Edited by QuiLink
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I can't for the life of me see how this is bad, if you want to play a warzone / flashpoint with friends you go ahead and ask them. Done deal. You rarely add new folks to your friends list, so what on God's green earth is community destroying about letting people like me with less time on their hands get value for the few hours we have available?


It's in no way, shape or form detrimental to your community, but it makes the game playable for people like me.


I could add "are my $15 worth less than yours", but that would bombastic and silly :o




I see replies "No cross server" etc.

What I want to know is why?

What good arguments do you have to support that it "destroys community"?


Just stating that it "destroys community" is not a good (or infact a valid) argument.


As in the other game, good player names, guilds etc become meaningless.


No competitin between guilds trying to better each other, rivalries dissapear, there is effectively no PvP community, just a bunch of nameless people you fight, it almost becomes like PvE.

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Since your update 1.1, i had 1 PvP battle and i've waited for a loooong time.

There is not enough lv 50 on our server and the one's who are are just disgusted by this new Update.


Please find a solution, so everyone can enjoy the pleasure of PVP .

I play this game for PVP and if there is no good solution soon, i will quit.


I think that a cross-server would be a temporary or a long term good idea.


Do something because you will loose a lot of Republic/PVP player ....

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People saying that it "ruins" community are over exagerating.


Community is about the people you group with, chat with, guild with... not who you shoot at.


But then you will never have any nemisis. I know already on my server I have one. Any time i see him my blood boils and I go after him immediately.


Cross server kills any of this because you will never see these people again.

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