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Everything posted by xTranceone

  1. Last Rites on Darth Malak We have great players, there are just 3 pure pvp guilds on imp side and we just cant compete number wise.
  2. It wouldnt change the fact that the imperials are overpopulated on virtually every server - I'm not asking for people to specifically come to this server and help us poor republic on this server alone. Its a general statement, asking people to TRY to balance the factions. Even If we roll to some other server and stay republic, the amount of people playing republic vs imperials in a BROAD scale, wouldn't change at all, and erego has no effect.
  3. For those of you saying My guild should take the first leap, I AM REPUBLIC, already on this server. Where in my text did you get any sort of hint that I was imperial?
  4. Looking for some love, cmon imps, do the right thing
  5. These issues will be fixed, however its hard to fix population imbalance when people have 50s and have already grinded up their valor... the game is still young, and this really needs to happen before the population is more solidified.
  6. My name is Flaunt, and I play on Darth Malak - Last Rites Is looking for people to even the odds on our server, and in general, begging people to even the odds on every server. In order for this game to truely thrive and make it past the initial first few months without them having to close servers or merge servers, we need people to step up to the plate and reroll Republic. The severe population imbalance on most servers is not something that will yield a fruitful game environment. There are servers such as the one I come from - Darth Malak - Where the Imp to Repub ratio is seemingly, and not exagerated, around 7:1 I understand what this entails, leaving a high level imperial character and rerolling and starting over from scratch, but this game desperately needs balance in order to somewhat succeed. There are no gamebreaking racials, and no benefit to playing imperial other than the asthetics, which you can achieve the same asthetics if you go darkside on your repub character. We need people to step up and make the switch, because as more and more people begin to play this game, people who are newer will always flock to the side who is more represented on a server due to easier questing, instancing, ops. Please step up and make the switch, the game needs it.
  7. My name is Flaunt, and I play on Darth Malak - Last Rites Is looking for people to even the odds on our server, and in general, begging people to even the odds on every server. In order for this game to truely thrive and make it past the initial first few months without them having to close servers or merge servers, we need people to step up to the plate and reroll Republic. The severe population imbalance on most servers is not something that will yield a fruitful game environment. There are servers such as the one I come from - Darth Malak - Where the Imp to Repub ratio is seemingly, and not exagerated, around 7:1 I understand what this entails, leaving a high level imperial character and rerolling and starting over from scratch, but this game desperately needs balance in order to somewhat succeed. There are no gamebreaking racials, and no benefit to playing imperial other than the asthetics, which you can achieve the same asthetics if you go darkside on your repub character. We need people to step up and make the switch, because as more and more people begin to play this game, people who are newer will always flock to the side who is more represented on a server due to easier questing, instancing, ops. Please step up and make the switch, the game needs it.
  8. I appreciate the support, I know this has been talked about in other threads somewhere or another, but this is really turning into a problem. A healthy competitve environment is what this game needs to prosper.
  9. My name is Flaunt, and I play on Darth Malak - Last Rites Is looking for people to even the odds on our server, and in general, begging people to even the odds on every server. In order for this game to truely thrive and make it past the initial first few months without them having to close servers or merge servers, we need people to step up to the plate and reroll Republic. The severe population imbalance on most servers is not something that will yield a fruitful game environment. There are servers such as the one I come from - Darth Malak - Where the Imp to Repub ratio is seemingly, and not exagerated, around 7:1 I understand what this entails, leaving a high level imperial character and rerolling and starting over from scratch, but this game desperately needs balance in order to somewhat succeed. There are no gamebreaking racials, and no benefit to playing imperial other than the asthetics, which you can achieve the same asthetics if you go darkside on your repub character. We need people to step up and make the switch, because as more and more people begin to play this game, people who are newer will always flock to the side who is more represented on a server due to easier questing, instancing, ops. Please step up and make the switch, the game needs it.
  10. No, no, and more no. Leave them the way they are, allowe free xfers to non-very heavy servers. I thoroughly love the pvp community as is with knowing everyone I'm going against.
  11. Play a shadow, laugh at operatives. Trinket initial stun immediately, and resil right off. Watch as said operative plays like crap shortly thereafter because his beautiful opening was screwed up and he has no clue what to do next.
  12. I saw a thread/post of them talking about hearing the communities plea for server forums... figured it would be something simple enough / easy enough, to implement relativly soon.
  13. Any ETA on Server Forums? Thought they might be released with 1.1. /ponder
  14. So I wouldnt notice much of a difference upgrading to a 6850? Atleast not a difference worth upgrading for? Pretty competititve when it comes to PvP and even the slightest skip is really annoying lol. Would it have something to do with the type of card it is? I've heard some people really complain about Radeon's on this game, or is that just people complaining to complain
  15. I've never been much of a techie, and in the past I've had my buds help me on my PC, however none of them live close anymore. I can play the game "fine" - No real choppiness or fps drops, except some little spikes here and there in PvP. I'm currently running a 5870 card 8 gigs 1600mhz DDR3 RAM i7 920 @ 2.67GHz I just recently upgraded my RAM, and I was curious which is the bottle neck for the remaining fps drops? When I'm talking FPS drops im meaning running everything on High, and it spiking from 60-40-50-40-60. It also happens when for instance while I was questing and going into an area underground, the screen would stutter a tad. Should the hardware that I'm currently running play this game flawlessly, and perhaps theres an issue somewhere else? Or is it time to upgrade to say a 6850, if I want to play this game at max and smooth. Any suggestions on video cards would be amazing
  16. 1v1 in most mmos is rock paper scissors.... hence team games....
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