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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

We demand cross server pvp NOW!


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ITT: Lots of Imps on high pop servers with instant queues think that because I'm republic on a low pop server, somehow I don't deserve instant queues, too.


Imp children need to grow up. It's not all about you. It's about me, and Joe, and Bob, and Billy, and everyone else too, including your dumb asses.

Edited by elbicnivnimai
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Due to excessive queue times

Would you like to see cross server pvp implemented immediately ? ;)

I would most certainly not want that to happen.


It's what ruined pvp for me on that other game for reasons i will not go into detail here.

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Please no cross server anything. Breaks the community, seriously.


Instead, merge low pop servers. Easy solution.


There is no community on empty server.. dont you know? while we have some overpopulated servers there are also ones that doesnt have this luxury of insta pops.. and you never know when you will be on thats server too.


Therefore, stop posting crap about community....

Community is made in game not in server, - and you see a server forum here? No? of course no.. because we are one community doesnt matter what server you are in..


So yes, cross-server warzones as soon as possilbe and implemented with

- statisctic, ladder, working system that show you win/loss ratio

- matchmaking system, so noobs are not mixed with hardcore players and getting instakilled

- premade / solo queue for warzones


this points will make crossserver actually great

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I've gotten a whopping 2 warzones after 1.1 hit, and Ilum's silent. The server had a "standard" population when I rolled in it so I expected that it to be okay :|


Also, if I have to choose between having a server PvP community and being actually able to PvP, I'd go for the latter for obvious reasons...


I'd like either server transfers / mergers or actual cross-server PvP.

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no, cross server anything ruins communities in mmos


bioware has said before that they would not do cross server anything, i would be disappointed if they go back on that


unfortunatly i read somewhere that bioware are currently working on cross server pvp. so when it comes say goodbye to comminity pvp and always being with a bunch of randoms from various servers.

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Agreed. I work during peak play time so I have to play during off times... I dinged 50 earlier today and managed to sneak into 1 Warzone around 1AM. It lasted 120seconds before terminating due to lack of players. I have been waiting in queue now for roughly 45 minutes with no queue popping and no real hope of one popping.


I can't go to Ilum to do stuff there since well.. ya.


So umm.. what's my motivation to keep playing now?

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Due to excessive queue times

Would you like to see cross server pvp implemented immediately ? ;)


Please BW, if you can manage to do this today, you'll be known as the only company to utterly ruin both world pvp AND instanced pvp on the same day WITHOUT even touching class balance!





In other words- no, x-server pvp is the worst idea ever, it ruined WoW, it'll ruin every game it touches.

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BW really just needs to evaluate the server population levels and start merging servers. My server is standard/heavy and yet most planets have less than 40 people and only one instance. Ilum averages around 21 imperials during most of the day, just too low.


Never a good thing when your MMO has less people in the area than a typical BF3 map :)

Edited by Kurfer
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No, "we" don't.


Stop trying to make your personal opinion the mass, you're a spoke on the wheel of this game and the internet and just cause you say "we" doesn't mean anyone but you.


Just cause you rushed to 50 doesn't mean we should ruin server rivalry.

Edited by SithtobeJedi
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We really need this fast, on our realm pugs loose every game. Republic roflstomps every Empire game with their 2 premades full of battle masters, who seem to be the only rep's playing meaning you can only win in Huttball. Then there are Empire premedas roflstomping the huttball pugs.


In short, without organized gameplay you won't gain any noticeable amount of valor or commendations.


Blocking premade vs pug in the matchmaking system and cross-realm PVP would be a good solution. At least you don't get owned by the same people over and over and over and over again.

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People saying that it "ruins" community are over exagerating.


Community is about the people you group with, chat with, guild with... not who you shoot at.


In WoW some of my best friends were the people I shot at (pre cross-server PVP)


We had them come in our vent and joked around and all sorts


It was great to have a consistent rivalry like that, it's one of the reasons I loved WoW and one of the reasons I ended up quiting.


World PVP, and most of the fun, died when people no-longer wanted to raid Stormwind just for the hell of it.

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The queues on my server arent too bad, about instant-5min even post 1.1. Though I am republic. Imps have far longer queues Ive heard. HOwever I would still welcome cross-server to make it even faster.


Some people would claim it ruins the server community, but as far as Im concerned there really are none in this game. Sporting valor 47 I dont really think I can name a single imperial player on my server. Theyre all part of the faceless, generic imp swarm. Red running, targets, giving slightly more sport than mobs.


Its a bit surprising really, as in both my last games, Aion and Rift there was a great community, and I had several people from the opposing faction I would really look on as nemesises. In Rift I even had several WFs where me and this annoying little rogue dorf did nothing but fight eachother.


I guess it all comes down to the size of the world in SWTOR, and maybe the amount of players. Chances you would meet the same sith two times in OWPvP is pretty marginal(Due to the stupid idea of separate questing areas?). Have had alot of fun in OWPvP, but I never seem to meet the same guy twice, at least as I can remember.


So cross-server PvP as soon as possible, seems like a good idea in this game.

Edited by LexiCazam
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