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    In amazing land. It's pretty amazing.
  • Interests
    Being me, playing far too many computer games, being terribly unfit, being a genius... the usual.
  • Occupation
    Software engineer/Information Security Officer
  1. They can't implement deserter debuff until they fix bugs which cause you to not be able to leave spawn. I got killed in hutball and found myself, alive, lying flat on my face in the spawn, nothing I could do would get me back up again, eventually got kicked for idling. Not happy about that and it's not the first time it's happened.
  2. As far as I see it there are 2 kinds of potential ranking, arena or tournament style ranking (pre-made team based) and holistic ranking (generic warzones/world pvp). These are 2 completely different things and even holistic ranking should be seperate (and different) between warzones and world PVP. As the subject appears to be generic warzone ranking, I will focus on that. Statistically speaking, if you are good at PVP you will win more often (a higher percentage) than those who aren't, with or without pugs and regardless of all other factors. If there are two separate ranking tables for each faction, this also does away with any faction imbalance in player skill due to differing demographics. Blanket, holistic ranking in this way, based on victories, (although rarely ever considered) is the fairest. That or something like Battlefield 2 / 3 rankings/statistical openness where you can see who has most wins, most kills, highest win ratio, most games played, all that kind of thing. Of course to work perfectly it would have to measure a great many performance indicators and they would have to be properly weighted. However in order to discover these performance indicators you would first have to statistically analyse a great many warzones and discover which individual performance indicators have the highest correlation with victory. Therefore, until Bioware has enough statistical data and has had time to properly analyse it, the simplest approach would be to have separate rankings for each faction and to base the rankings on win ratio. Rankings should only kick in after 20 games played or something similar otherwise one guy who played one warzone and won would go straight to the top. Point being, the more warzones you have played the more accurate your ranking will be. Also the ranking should be counted back over your last 100 matches or so to allow for individual improvement. Importantly warzones someone drops out of or quits half way through should still count to their win ratio and ranking. As previously stated, in the immediate and for generic warzone ranking, despite it's flaws, this is the fairest of the plausible solutions. Until strong statistical correlations between specific player actions and victory can be established, this is the best way to rank generic warzone type pvp. If, however, Bioware introduce proper team based warzones in a tournament, arena style ranking would be a necessity. Potentially they could do both! With a third solution for world PVP ranking... that would be kinda awesome imho.
  3. A track record of... A MONTH. All big mmo's at launch have problems, don't pretend they don't and don't say 'well they should learn from others mistakes', firstly Bioware learnt a lot and have avoided a great many pitfalls other MMOs fell into straight away. Unfortunately pre-emptively fixing some problems has caused others, also, when it comes to real technical issues observing other MMOs can only teach you so much, they all have different mechanics, different engines, different databases. There is so much complexity behind even two games that feel similar or use the same game engine that even the slightest difference can cause completely different situations, good and bad. These things are far more complex than your tiny little brains seem to be able to comprehend, so stop the back seat driving and just express your displeasure in a straightforward manner something along the lines of: "I dis-like this change, it has negatively affected my gaming experience, I honestly have no clue what is possible or how the game engine works but I would appreciate it if you would do your best, as someone who does have a clue, to fix the problem and even things out to the way they should have been, thank you!" Strangely enough that is exactly what Bioware already said they are doing, and I for one believe them simply because it is in their best interest to do so and they are far more intelligent and capable and driven than the vast majority here seem to think they are, logically (if logic is something you are capable of) they would have to be.
  4. Turrets do not give valor. Turrets do not give valor. Turrets do not give valor. You discredit yourself and all your posts by blatantly lying! WHY? Why do you feel the necessity to lie? I don't understand! Devs have said turrets don't give valor, turrets have been killed and they do not give valor. I have seen and been a part of turrets being killed, THERE IS NO VALOR. Stop lying. Stop believing trolls who post things like 'turrets give valor' just because you want to be angry and they are giving you an 'excuse' it is not an excuse because, guess what IT'S A LIE! Just like the cake, the cake and valor from turrets are both lies!
  5. lol! This whole 1.1 patch has given me such entertainment, I love the massive Ilum battles, I love the novelty of it, I am entertained, enthralled even by the ensuing fire of flaming obsessives who forget that in reality, everything takes times, and instead demand fixes NOW! that would take 100 man team weeks to implement. The whole thing is hilarious, just goes to show how much our generation has lost touch with reality and the concept of 'time'. I read an article once which claimed time on the internet (people's expectations and the development of relationships) on average happens 10 times faster than real life, so it may be understandable that people confuse this and subconsciously believe that the rate that time passes is in-fact 10 times faster than it actually is. Even then they should be able to step back and reflect momentarily and realise, actually, no, time still passes at a normal speed. Normal speed is bloody quick if you ask me, in a month this whole thing will be forgotten and everyone will be complaining about the next 'total disaster that will end the world of all MMOs ever'.
  6. Stop it. Emotional and angry people are no better than chimpanzees. Get a hold of yourself and be a man. You made your decision, you unsubbed, that is your decision to make, let other people make their own damn decision based on their own impressions of the game. This is a troll thread, the OP is a troll, please ignore him.
  7. Most unhelpful thread... ever!
  8. This is the most sensible, peaceful and calm thread in this entire forum. If all threads were like this we'd probably make a lot more progress.
  9. Some players have much greater insight than others. These specific players can be an amazing resources. They are also very, very difficult to distinguish from the mass of not-so-helpful voices especially as they tend to be the people who don't scream and shout and post a million times. It would be an idea for someone to develop an automatic competence correlation algorithm. It would probably take true artificial intelligence to actually work but you could at least create a forum spider that statistically matches intelligible sentences and lack of expletives and other characteristics that may or may not correlate with potentially useful and interesting players/ideas. It would take research on the level of the Gallup strength finder but there would definitely be a market for it. Would make a great recruiting tool also, I mean the right people with the right ideas are out there, mixed in with the crowd, the trouble is in discerning who the right people are.
  10. I'm a vangaurd tank with full pvp gear. I acknowledge the truth of this matter, shields do not work against all attacks but they do still work against a significant proportion, significant enough that I survive far longer than anyone else and can use it to my and my teams advantage. If I'm honest, I only play a tank, I have no other chars and I have never specced as anything else (in this MMO). I feel rather overpowered in pvp, it is rare that my team loses (when I am playing), despite being outnumbered republic on a pvp server, it is also rare that I do not come in first or second in medals. As a tank, with full tank gear. This basically leads us to one of three options, either: 1. I am an excellent pvper and would be even more OP if I specced for damage 2. Tanks are slightly overpowered in pvp despite the lack of shielding 3. I'm unbelievably lucky and only ever get queued against and with crappy people
  11. Dark days? I have one char, a republic trooper level 50. I loved it =D Huge war on Ilum reminds me of my days fighting for castles in L2
  12. population cap doesn't limit players on Ilum (i don't think) I believe it limits the players in an 'instance' of Ilum, you can switch 'instances' by going to your map screen and looking above the mini-map. The more people in an area the more 'instances' are generated. You will not be stopped from going to Ilum, you will merely be placed into a new instance if there are too many people already there.
  13. In WoW some of my best friends were the people I shot at (pre cross-server PVP) We had them come in our vent and joked around and all sorts It was great to have a consistent rivalry like that, it's one of the reasons I loved WoW and one of the reasons I ended up quiting. World PVP, and most of the fun, died when people no-longer wanted to raid Stormwind just for the hell of it.
  14. Troll for sure -_- This is the problem, people are emotional, emotional people communicate with emotion and not logic or truth. Slightly less emotional people read emotional persons convincing lies (through natural assumption of 'they have no logical reason to lie' which is true, but they are being emotional and not logical). This leads to a cascade of a fallacy, a huge rumour that once someone buys into, however logical, they have a natural need to propagate and defend as to not feel stupid. Of course there's also the whole 'you seem angry about something I am angry about and your point (regardless of how true it is) fits what I am angry about so I'm going to believe it and spout it everywhere' which is basically the same thing but more understandable. It is very sad that so many people are so unaware of the way they work and function as a human being. If more people were, we would all be closer to being 'human' in the Dune sense rather than reactive emotional machines with no real control over ourselves (literally the majority of human lives are ruled and governed by purely reactive emotion, as in the majority of you have no control over yourselves, you are merely being manipulated by your environment in an endless cycle). Point being: Get a grip, break free of your blinkered perceptions and see the vast and glorious truth that relatively speaking, none of us know anything at all. Upon achieving this, you will most likely find that your emotional reactions re-align themselves with truth and reality (to a certain extent) and everyone will be better off for it.
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