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Everything posted by jdubsss

  1. Just wait until you get to 50 and the content isn't there anymore. Leveling in this game is solid - but ultimately mmo's are about endgame. And this game has a very bad one full of bugs and other issues.
  2. Agreed. I've literally only logged on to do dailies for the last several weeks (valor 62) and I'm getting very bored, very quickly. I had high hopes for this game, but this month will probably be my last playing if they don't add more pvp content (or at least fix what's broken).
  3. 5 relics 3 bracers 2 earrings 3 chests Probably about 50+ bags at this point and I have 5 pieces of champ loot I can use... valor level 57.
  4. I wish this was happening on my server because Ilum is an abomination in it's current state. Don't take something broken and smash it into the ground as the solution. I hope this continues as long as Ilum is in it's current state with balance, performance, and incentive issues. Commendations for kills in Ilum would be a good start.
  5. In Ilum I get 8-12 frames in any fight and constant disconnects. On the fleet I get about 20-25 frames with random freezing. Warzones 50-70 when I'm paying attention to it. 1920x1080 everything on high. No performance increase or decrease noticed on Ilum or the fleet with everything set to low. CPU - i7 960 @ 3.8 ghz GPU - Two 570gtx in SLI Ram - 12 gigs I should run this game at 1000 frames.
  6. Yea pull examples from games that went free to play in 6 months... That will help your argument.
  7. I already get only huttball Cross server pvp makes sense. Almost shocking it wasn't implemented from launch.
  8. Ilum is not a battleground. When you queue for pvp do you get 3:1 ratio fights? No. Also someone must not remember the original wow pvp system which was rank based off literally how many bgs you could grind in a week. Blizzard took an expansion to learn their lesson from wintergrasp, which is almost identical in terms of objectives to Ilum. Except wintergrasp actually had incentive like an instance which gave top tier loot and it's own set of pvp gear. Ilum is terrible, but don't try to make a point and have no idea what you're talking about.
  9. False. I've had dailies not get tracked both ways. How this was not resolved in a month is beyond me...
  10. I found madness very underwhelming... try 27/14 if you haven't yet.
  11. only 3 piece champ cause this game is retarded and I've gotten 3 chests 3 relics
  12. You're doing it wrong. http://i41.tinypic.com/ztwzed.jpg
  13. When I read about the madness tree it was by far the most appealing. I played both a rogue and warlock to gladiator in wow so it seemed like an amazing combo. However in actuality I found the spec to be quite underwhelming. Maybe it deserves another try, but I was disappointed to say the least.
  14. First of all, you shouldn't be using maul without the proc. you're using the ability incorrectly and then complaining about its resource use. Secondly, how is your gear? Third. We have a lot of abilities to get us out of unfavorable situations. Use them.
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