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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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That... is hilarious.


If Bioware "cared" about the "founders" I would have a medal for preordering.


But wait, you only become a "founder" when you let them charge your credit card.


Anyone defending the Founder's Medal needs to ask themselves that question...


Why did you have to pay more to get it? You preordered or purchased the night of release, played on day 1, played the entire first month through the toughest times!!! But nope, you're not a founder yet, sorry.


You got the crystal for that.

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I haven't received my metal/title yet.

I meet all requirements.

Am I missing something?

(do i have to do something extra in order to get this?)





You should get it I am sure if I got one I am sure you did too... it may just be taking time. For now I would just keep playing and enjoying the game. If you don't get one by the middle of the month just send them a little email and ask, I am sure they will respond. :)

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wrong, u get nothing, but a title.


and it is cost u $15,

not worth it.


For those like me that enjoy the game and subcribed then it cost nothing.


Did you pay $15 for a title for a game you do not like?

Edited by Additc
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Wow I really can't believe that there are so many people unsubscribing because of a title they didn't get that they may still possibly receive. I doubt the reason of the title is to get more people to play! Usually games do something like that to show new players in the future, who has played since the beginning so that they know who to ask for game advice. I mean come on people grow up and stop whining about something that you don't have. Those players that got it didn't get anything amazing. and chances are once you get to a certain level or other new options for a title you'll change it and not use the founder one again. If you don't get one by march and believe you should have just contact them ans politely ask why, they will probably apologize and fix it if you met the requirements!
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I wish at some point they're going to reboot the founder title:


  1. Give back the founder title to every account that was activated the first month
  2. Replace, yes you read well, replace the Founder title from everyone who subscribed after the 1st month with something else and fluffy.
  3. Introduce Veteran rewards starting with 1 month rewards and so on (look at Pre-CU SWG)

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What is all this talk about "wasting time on this crap"? I doubt that the same people who work on pvp is doing this.


"Spending all day" - I doubt it takes a whole day to implement a string of text. Its probably very easy to add a title.

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  • 4 weeks later...

sorry if this has been asked havent seen it so

i pre-order but dew to other thing happening it didnt work and (no money ended um moving hand not ur fault ) but i have been able to buy the game know and i have subicbed and everything but my free mount wont run out till after the founder time period is up dose that mean i wont get the title?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I redeemed the time code in february and havent recieved my founder title either. They lied to us, and it looks like they are trying to go back on their advertisement because those that started the game in dec are jealous that they made the offer. Lol. too funny


Oh well their loss. I know losing 300 + players isnt that big a deal, but think about how strong word of mouth is in this industry, or should i say, emails? hehe. Enough said have fun.

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correct me if i'm wrong: i have to do a subscription of 3 months or is a game card also good for the founders title? i got the game via pre-order so that makes me a founder right?


i use the monthly plan, and have the title. i get it in the mail for each new character i make, as well.

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I redeemed the time code in february and havent recieved my founder title either. They lied to us, and it looks like they are trying to go back on their advertisement because those that started the game in dec are jealous that they made the offer. Lol. too funny


Oh well their loss. I know losing 300 + players isnt that big a deal, but think about how strong word of mouth is in this industry, or should i say, emails? hehe. Enough said have fun.


eh... how about you contact costumer service if the title is really so important to you? seriously.

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I pre-ordered the Digital Deluxe Edition of SWTOR and played the game the first 3 weeks it was out. I left after the third week due to a combination of frustration with the early bugs and a hardware problem that I couldn't afford to get fixed for a while.


Unfortunately for me, I was only able to get my system back online and my SWTOR account re-established on March 21, 2 days after the deadline for the 'Founder' promotion, which I just became aware of a couple days ago.


Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not gonna cry myself to sleep tonight, or ragequit, over this. But I do think it is unfair. I've been here since the Beta weekends and I pre-ordered. I don't think its unreasonable to say I deserve to be rewarded as much as anybody else who bought-in early and is still around.

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I pre-ordered the Digital Deluxe Edition of SWTOR and played the game the first 3 weeks it was out. I left after the third week due to a combination of frustration with the early bugs and a hardware problem that I couldn't afford to get fixed for a while.


Unfortunately for me, I was only able to get my system back online and my SWTOR account re-established on March 21, 2 days after the deadline for the 'Founder' promotion, which I just became aware of a couple days ago.


Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not gonna cry myself to sleep tonight, or ragequit, over this. But I do think it is unfair. I've been here since the Beta weekends and I pre-ordered. I don't think its unreasonable to say I deserve to be rewarded as much as anybody else who bought-in early and is still around.


I agree, you deserve it, but seriously, using that title is like stamping a big L on your forehead.

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I pre-ordered the Digital Deluxe Edition of SWTOR and played the game the first 3 weeks it was out. I left after the third week due to a combination of frustration with the early bugs and a hardware problem that I couldn't afford to get fixed for a while.


Unfortunately for me, I was only able to get my system back online and my SWTOR account re-established on March 21, 2 days after the deadline for the 'Founder' promotion, which I just became aware of a couple days ago.


Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not gonna cry myself to sleep tonight, or ragequit, over this. But I do think it is unfair. I've been here since the Beta weekends and I pre-ordered. I don't think its unreasonable to say I deserve to be rewarded as much as anybody else who bought-in early and is still around.


Lol. I just bought the standard edition in february, but I aquired one 60-days timecode, and I got the Founder title. :D

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