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I am sad.

I like this game still.

But we dont deserve this ****.

If developers gave it away to everyone that bought the game, and announced it first day of release. Yea it should been ok.

But dont try to make people buy another month for THIS.

Ive councelled my subscribtion as soon i bought the game cause i wanted to try out the game first in a month before i decide if i want to try it a month more.

I havent play for longer then 16 lvl and i am still enjoying the game.

I hope i will.

But pls use some brain and dont do stuff like this, when so many dont like the pvp as it is now.

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Well fanboys I gues now you know why the forums ARE flooded with complaints...because there actually ARE a lot of people unhappy with the game...enough to make them so worried about losing people they need to throw in something so pathetic to try to get people to stay.


A title...seriuosly? a freaking title?


You should be giving everyone some kind of tricked out super mount and a weapon that makes a mob turn purple and dance "cant touch this" before they explode and give everyone in the area a piece of candy in their inventory that makes female characters breats 3x the size for 10 minutes and male characters actually have a buldge...cause a title isnt going to cut it for the unhappy people.


BTW, are you actually going to start addressing customers issues directly at some point and time? That is near the most spoken complaint you have right now...crap customer service.

Edited by wolong
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Will the shiny title last longer than the 10 second holodancer? Because that was so worth the extra money I paid. Hmm, now that i think about it, other than the STAP, I have yet to see anyone using any of the "bonus" features. Wonder why that is.
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The day before credit cards are billed the best bioware could come up with is "don't go, if we bill you we will give you a title!"



A title that every single person on the server will have now through march, making it as prestigious as a waffle house name badge*.


*not that I don't enjoy some scattered, covered, and smothered!

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So is it safe to assume that those of us who already bought the game and paid 1 month's subscription will automatically get the title? Because I already used my Product Registration Code when I created the account, and it won't let me use it a 2nd time.
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Why do you care about any of this? You are not playing this game. Why bother posting your bile?


He is upset because he lacks intelligence to properly review a product prior to purchase.

But he had to have it on release day.


I for one knew what SW:TOR was, and I am enjoying it immensely.


I also dodge bullets like Aion and Tera, because I did my research. :rolleyes:


And again, they assume the world dances to their beat, and if you don't you are unworthy to walk the earth with them. ;)

Edited by Fraxture
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Will the shiny title last longer than the 10 second holodancer? Because that was so worth the extra money I paid. Hmm, now that i think about it, other than the STAP, I have yet to see anyone using any of the "bonus" features. Wonder why that is.


I was had, duped and weaseled .................and will proudly say it :D

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LMAO!!!! Seriously......... a medal for those who will pay 14.99$ for their second month!


Thinking about it... if you pay 14.99 to suffer another month in this game, you truly deserve a medal!! :D


Think about it... Im having an incredible time playing the best MMO thats ever been released. and your going back to your sad pathetic MMO thats not worth the brown stains in your underwear. Same goes for the rest of you sad negative losers. ;)

Edited by xorcist
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I appreciate this. To the people complaining - Why does it matter to you? You're canceling to go back to WoW anyways. You can't use a SWTOR founder title in WoW.


I don't play WoW............:eek:


BTW Rift has 5 graphics options and AA also.

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I bought the game and bought the 60 day card, both digital, but since i have like 3 months more of game time, the day that you guys want us to pay something is like nothing near when my game time ends, but since you guys want to reward the players that started this game, i find it unfair that due to me buying time and stuff when i started playing, i don't get rewarded, i mean its fine but you should think more about players that have an account activated from december to january or february something, and that have played more than 30 days or so, that would be more logical and would reward every single player that helped you since the beginning
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Why dont infants come out the womb walking, talking, and with jobs already? This is 2012!


When you answer this, youll have your answer to why we dont have unrealistic expectations of TOR being 10/10 NOW NOW NOW!...


Because that's even more reductio ad absurdum than you're trying to make him out to be. This was an artificial creation by, supposedly, fully rational beings, versus a new life that cannot currently be programmed with knowledge. The fact that WoW was bad at launch in no way mitigates this being such a travesty. By that logic (WoW being bad means it's ok for ToR to be bad) it's ok for me to break into your house and murder you with a shovel because other people do it. It doesn't matter, it's still wrong.


I don't expect it to be 10/10, I'd be happy for 5/10. 1.1 broke the only functioning (barely) part of the game. PvE was boring, broken, and bugged but pvp kind of worked. The ability delay was absolute garbage and that's not a bug, it's a design feature. The story was not very engaging; I actually read real books with real plot, not deus ex machina ghostbusting to stretch out the Sorc line. If end game content wasn't ready they should have slowed leveling. I'm glad I unsubbed so early and didn't get snared by their creative problems with the cancel button. I paid $80 for a real game and all I got was Pinoccio. I should make that a TShirt.

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I have a title for you: Pathetic


Next time I heard one of you americans going on about your lauded 'founding fathers', am I to assume that actually means 'anyone who paid tax before 1985'?



Founders don't turn up 3 months after the game is released and wave a credit card. Founders gave you their hard earned cash before you had a product to offer them. Most did it on good faith, without the benefit of reviews, trailers and gameplay reports because everything was still under NDA.

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Think about it... Im having an incredible time playing the best MMO thats ever been released. and your going back to your sad pathetic MMO thats not worth the brown stains in your underwear. Same goes for the rest of you sad negative losers. ;)


Grats on having a low end computer system........:ph_win:

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I have a title for you: Pathetic


Next time I heard one of you americans going on about your lauded 'founding fathers', am I to assume that actually means 'anyone who paid tax before 1985'?



Founders don't turn up 3 months after the game is released and wave a credit card. Founders gave you their hard earned cash before you had a product to offer them. Most did it on good faith, without the benefit of reviews, trailers and gameplay reports because everything was still under NDA.







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Thanks Bioware, I really appreciate it when games recognize their founding players and longterm players.



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Just absolutely insulting. You guys must have no respect for your playerbase.


I had similar thoughts.


I can just imagine them setting around a meeting table, someone mentioning this idea, and then most (if not all) of the people in the room thinking this will work.


This small example actually says a great deal about the culture at Bioware.

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It's a nice little bonus to say thanks to supporters, not some evil plot to "trick" people into subscribing.

Sorry, there is nothing negative about it...there just isn't.


All you big, bad wolves can huff and puff, and try to blow reality away all day..hehe, good luck!


You are too easy.

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