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Here are a couple of things that people would NOT rage about. I know you dont give a rat's ***, because you obviously know better - and this threat is a proof of how smart you are, but still


Rewards that I would be happy about:



Purple crystal

Free days to play



On top of the FPS and Responsivness fixed, but that's not a "reward" that's your duty here.

Titles? You can shove them, and please do.

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You mean the truth that we don't really know what percentage of accounts won't be renewing their subscription into the first month?


Well we knew that already despite people claiming that a minority posting on the forums meant a massive number of players were quitting. Sure some will quit, it's inevitable as some won't like the way the game turned out and others will feel the bugs etc are to much to justify the subscription at the moment.


But the "masses"? Care to show the source for that truth?


The fact that they're giving "freebies" to people for subbing the FIRST month should tell you that the % is pretty damn high.


If you pay a month, you're a founder, if you're a ce owner who started playing on dec 15th but decided not to sub for whatever reason (game lacks any sort of modern feature, in my case) you are nothing. Ok.

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Good point, I agree, didn't think about that. This looks to be a 'don't go away yet please' attempt. Ah well, like I said I'm happy overall with the game. But those with issues, aren't gonna be happy as clearly this thread shows.


well we got the preorder rewards. Second, in order to be billed this cycle you would have had to have inputed the codes by launch day. So including those who ran out and purchased the game on the 20th and inputted their codes that day is not that big of a deal.

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I'll post here my question that I asked in the Foundry title qualification thnread:


What happen to the people who put out game time codes at launch? (like me). In my case I will be billed at 03.19.2012. since I redeemed a game time code at launch. I should qualify too, right?


I hope someone knows.

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The fact that they're giving "freebies" to people for subbing the FIRST month should tell you that the % is pretty damn high.



Not really. All it shows is that they want to reward players who bought the game at launch and choose to subscribe past the 30 days that came with the box. Anything is speculation and opinion.


An ingame title is hardly an incentive or freebie that will encourage many to renew their subscription though so if that was the route they were taking would they not have gone for something more substantial and attractive?

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Here are a couple of things that people would NOT rage about. I know you dont give a rat's ***, because you obviously know better - and this threat is a proof of how smart you are, but still


Rewards that I would be happy about:



Purple crystal

Free days to play



On top of the FPS and Responsivness fixed, but that's not a "reward" that's your duty here.

Titles? You can shove them, and please do.


Oh, but you have forgot that this game is Pay To Play, so on your next month is about to expire, they will say: " All players who continue subscription will get this crystal, or that pet, or some other carrot on the stick"


Bioware, when did a GAMER inside of you died ?!

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Not really. All it shows is that they want to reward players who bought the game at launch and choose to subscribe past the 30 days that came with the box. Anything is speculation and opinion.


An ingame title is hardly an incentive or freebie that will encourage many to renew their subscription though so if that was the route they were taking would they not have gone for something more substantial and attractive?


you can't be too obvious can you?

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The fact that they're giving "freebies" to people for subbing the FIRST month should tell you that the % is pretty damn high.


If you pay a month, you're a founder, if you're a ce owner who started playing on dec 15th but decided not to sub for whatever reason (game lacks any sort of modern feature, in my case) you are nothing. Ok.


Actually, many MMO's give titles to those who were playing the game from the start. Just as a few give ingame items and such.

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When do we get to pay for your expansion beta and a sparkle poney?


You guys on this forum think ppl are going to resub for a title....nah don't think so. This title is for the player base that is still enjoying the game and rightfully so.

Edited by Irishbrewed
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You should give this medal to the beta testers and the players that had early access which are the one that helped you with successful MMO launches of all time.

Not to the one who are willing to pay you more money, it is not fair and not logic besides money logic.

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Awesome, I love it- rewards are cool. Should be fun to have, especially a few years from now.


But I'm gonna go make a really big bowl of popcorn for this thread. I'm sure you understand. ;)

A cool reward, years from now? TOR is going to be lucky to make it a year. Their first patch and they already screwed up majorly. Nothing they could have screwed up listening to the players, and somehow they managed to screw up. Your precious TOR won't make it 2 years.

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Any ideas?


The title is for everybody who purchased the game before the 18th of february. And the next month pays for another game time (subscription) of atleast one month. If you do this before the 19th. So yes if you are already playing and you just subbed for another month you will earn this title.


On the rest of the topic i will stay with what i posted last night (arround 3 am GWT+1 time) this is the worst timing ever. I know it are sepperate departments, but if you can roll a patch back 5 hours before it hits. Seeing the mess the forums where in it would have been better to roll this back atleast a week or something. :(

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