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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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Have been pretty patient with bugs and glitches as it's a fresh MMO and will need time to fully polish.... However, this is quite unacceptable and as nearly every post in this thread has mentioned, Bioware you need to do a roll back.


Not doing so will definitely hurt your player base not just in PvP but others and their confidence in you. I can only hope that the morning patch will resolve everything even though the details were lacking.

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Maybe im stupid or dumb or anything.. but next time i would suggest posting this type of stuff.. on a "better" suited moment. The whole forum is raging and you give it extra fuel *sigh* :(


The founders of this game are the ones that bought it and played it during the first month of this game.


They are insulting everyone by telling them that they don't qualify as a founder until they have paid for one additional month after already paying over $50 for the game.


This just shows how bad this company is. VERY BAD TIMING TO RELEASE THAT.

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Don't usually post on forums but with no rollback, Bioware is pretty much telling people they have the green light to exploit any changes that players know they can take advantage of. Think of the real empire players that didn't exploit or join it, they must feel left out now and probably should've joined the exploit group.


Yep bioware is saying they dont care to enforce TOS, so why should we care to follow it. At least thats what their telling us in actions.

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Ok had some time to read the threads...


This has been a disaster for Bioware, there can be no other way to describe this. A rollback is necessary in this case, but a server-wide rollback is not. Bioware should have the tools to do the following:


*Search for and flag ANY PLAYERS that have been ON ILUM during a specified range of time periods.

*Players THAT HAVE BEEN ON ILUM during that time period would be subject to an ACCOUNT LEVEL OR CHARACTER LEVEL ROLLBACK to a time period before the patch was released.


This is the only way to address this issue as far as I see it while preserving progress of players who was not involved as, based on what I have read, this event only occured on Ilum. This is also predicated on the speculation that Bioware does actually have the tools (AND THEY SHOULD AS A MAJOR MMO) to accomplish this resolution.


Feel free to requote and repeat this message as many times as necessary... I believe I will avoid logging into the game tonite and until I get a solid update from Bioware indicating what they intend to do with the DAMAGE THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN CAUSED as a result of this event.


Have a good night everyone.

Edited by GameMasterZephyr
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Lol. Those that you describe post constructive feedback on the forums, of which i see almost nothing in this thread. I see people screaming, and that points clearly to the fact that most of them are simply trolls.




So you'd rather alienate everyone else that got it's progression legitimately today? Yeah. Smart move :rolleyes:


I played many MMOS over the years. And no i didnt played WoW for a long . i am an EvE veteran. CCP the makers of EvE screwed up a patch big time, too.

They even ruined the operating system of many customers!


But the difference between them and BW atm is. They told us the truth.

they said "okay we screwed up big time, we apologize" and they even didnt fired the one responsible for it. Because we forgave him, because he took the full responsibilty for it. People make mistakes, that happens!


But lying in our face and just saying oh it was not intended and a bug, when it's absolutly clear that it was never intended and he's lying.


Sorry but thats a sign things wont become better in the near future. You have someone who screws up, won't apologize and wont take responsibility for it.


That guy wont make the game better, such a man only want to keep his job.

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Loading screen bugs and crashes aside (which I will grant are an annoying oversight), the people mindlessly moaning on these forums and in-game are no less of fools than they're claiming the devs to be. Though the dev post is sadly vague, that nebulosity could mean that several solutions are actually being considered, many better than all of the bawling for rollbacks. Rollbacks usually don't mean much: They only ever end with the people who abused the "exploit" in question crying about how they got ripped off, whilst the people crying for the rollback enjoy their day or two of an inflated sense of triumph; later, when these people "legitimately" earn their titles and valor ranks, they'll complain about how meaningless it is and accuse everyone other than themselves of cheating/exploiting, and that they're the only ones who truly achieved anything. Such are MMO norms.


More importantly, however, I think it's important that we note how WoW, which everyone always references, and I will also (god save me from the endless flaming this will get me) reference it here. Botting and afk'ing were huge issues back in the days when ranks and titles were available through the PvP system in vanilla WoW, and people complained for YEARS; despite this, botting and afk'ing in BGs never got fixed until late into Burning Crusade. Hm, almost 4 years to fix an issue with people getting "easy" or "cheap" PvP rewards (though granted titles were removed prior to the fixes), and yet Bioware receives the same grief for not fixing an issue within a month of the game coming out. Sounds like a lot of people are either on their first MMO and have no clue what they're talking about, or have a memory span too short to recognize that even the "world's best MMO" isn't as flawless as it seems, and in fact had horrendous bugs, horrendous PvP abuses, and horrendous customer service and patches for its first year or so, some of the issues persisting for several expansions.


Point is this: for all the people who are complaining how this has ruined the game, how they're unsubbing, etc. etc., take the stick out of your collective bums and face the reality that an MMO is going to have big issues in its first few months, and that a company fresh on the MMO scene is going to make a lot of mistakes.



tl;dr It's an issue that got addressed within hours of the problem being created, more than I can say for a lot of the problems that occurred with WoW, which is funny considering they DID do beta testing and PTRs, and they STILL failed. Having a large issue, but one that you CAN avoid, for one day does not mean a game is ruined, stop making moronic over-blown statements and crying about how much the game sucks, because it doesn't.


Here's hoping some of the replies to this post are constructive. I'd rather hear a good counter-argument than "lol ur dum".

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honestly who gives two ****s about a roll back, I personally got like 2 lvls off of it from 28-30.... In a month everyone and their brother would have been a battlemaster anyway. So get off the "no rollback" qq train and deal with it, in the long run its no consequence. So either cancel your account get off my forums or **** and go play the game.
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honestly who gives two ****s about a roll back, I personally got like 2 lvls off of it from 28-30.... In a month everyone and their brother would have been a battlemaster anyway. So get off the "no rollback" qq train and deal with it, in the long run its no consequence. So either cancel your account get off my forums or **** and go play the game.


Hey *****y Mc *****, just **** off, ok?!

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Cancelled my 6 month subscription(feel free to check my account), will be back once the roll back has occured. If not, lots of other gaming companies wanting my money.


Yep right there with you. Guess I can exspect no response from bioware as far as doing whats right. Later all enjoy not having a republic to kill..

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Cancelled my 6 month subscription(feel free to check my account), will be back once the roll back has occured. If not, lots of other gaming companies wanting my money.


You the freaking man, thats the way to put it, I am doing the same.

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Thanks! Server is The Crucible Pits. There's large PvP guilds on both factions, which from what I gather isn't the case on the other servers? lol


Haha you are right :)


It looks like as though EU PvP servers are generally very heavy with the Empire numbers.

Though the situation seems a lot better on some US servers from what i see :)

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Question: which is more ludicrous?


Allowing a primary mechanic of PvP, Valor, to remain broken for the foreseeable future, permanently affecting faction balance and making the PvP grind meaningless?


Or rolling back a day of Valor point gain?



I know, it's a tough one. /sarcasm


You assume that they can rollback only valor, which is ludicrus. No MMORPG developer keeps separate backups for every parameter in the game. A rollback would involve loading the backup of the whole server database, deprieving everyone of their progression, which obviously is a stupid idea if I ever saw one.

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You assume that they can rollback only valor, which is ludicrus. No MMORPG developer keeps separate backups for every parameter in the game. A rollback would involve loading the backup of the whole server database, deprieving everyone of their progression, which obviously is a stupid idea if I ever saw one.


We've been over this already. Yes, yes they do. The ones who know how to run an MMO, anyway.


Google search best search.

Edited by Seattlite
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