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I dare anyone to say they have "no permormance issues"


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I logged on this afternoon during my lunch hour and went straight to Ilum. I dare say I did NOT have any performance issues. However, there were only about 20 or so people in the vicinity at this time. Edited by Hellapain
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After visiting illum and being involved in a large battle of more than 2 ops groups, if you think thats playable you just plain lying. You may aswell delete the whole planet and forget about open world pvp as the game engine clearly isnt up to the job.


Get a PC that isn't ****, OP.

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I have no permormance issues. I'm not sure what a permormance is, but if I had issues with it, I'm certain I would know.


^ LOL! If the word doesn't have a little red line under it, the majority of forum posters have no idea if the word is actually spelled correctly. Sad but true... ;)

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Zero issues..

and I know what real graphics and performace is.


I do feel for people who are having a hard time (if this is a game issue not rig/configuration/driver etc, issue) but game runs with all settings maxed, 1080 res for me.


i have a $2500 gaming rig, its darn good but far from top of the line also.



Also im not trying to troll, and im NOT going to post fraps, because I simply dont feel like it. I dont have to prove anything to you.. im just saying that you might consider that not EVERYBODY is having the same issues you are having.

Edited by tcalusine
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This game has a terribly unoptimized engine or SOMETHING.


Granted fast hardware will help. But there is a wall that bogs down even the most powerful systems.


I have a i5-2500k at 4.6GHz, SLI GTX 570s, 8GB RAM, game is installed on a SSD for what it's worth.


In most places I run at ~100 fps with maxed settings. This is more or less how it should be at all times.


At HIGH settings 1920x1080p in the Ilum zerg i get 15FPS.


AT MINIMUM SETTINGS AT 800x600 in the Ilum zerg I get ~20 FPS


This means my hardware isn't to blame. The game simply runs like crap, absolute crap.

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After visiting illum and being involved in a large battle of more than 2 ops groups, if you think thats playable you just plain lying. You may aswell delete the whole planet and forget about open world pvp as the game engine clearly isnt up to the job.

I don't have any problems.



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I have absolutely no performance issues what so ever and my rig is average to high. I'm not like you fancy PC-fanatics. Don't know how to post my stuff. But no, it's fine on my end. Update your blooming graphic card.
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After visiting illum and being involved in a large battle of more than 2 ops groups, if you think thats playable you just plain lying. You may aswell delete the whole planet and forget about open world pvp as the game engine clearly isnt up to the job.


Never had any performance issue what-so-ever

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After visiting illum and being involved in a large battle of more than 2 ops groups, if you think thats playable you just plain lying. You may aswell delete the whole planet and forget about open world pvp as the game engine clearly isnt up to the job.


Its the same in WoW. Do a 25 man raid in wow you're FPS will drop to the 30s

Alterac Valley if the hord / ally go at it an a large PvP battle you will see a huge FPS drop

go to org / SW at prime time in front on the AH you will see a FPS drop to the 40s or more.

Edited by xXcronicXx
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