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The 45 Year and Older Professional Club


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Love this thread! As a female and and a gamer over 40, I thought I was one of very few. Good to know there are more (many more based on 48 pages of posts) and each one of you sounds like you would be great to play with.


I started with Everquest, went on to AO, CoH, EQ2 (for 2 weeks), WoW for many years, then Rift and now SWTOR.


Over 30 guild, count me in! Just name the server and the side :)

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34, Software Architect for an secret project in USAF, Advise 3 stars from time to time.


Been gaming online since about 2001. I tell people at work I am just beta testing their software. One day quite a few years back though I caught an employee on vn boards complaining about DAoC on company time, we let that one slide.


Heck, I met my wife playing daoc, we got married in game before we did in real life 7 years ago.

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40 Year old business owner and father of 4 , I too am a closet Jedi


I play Cambriel on Fatman I see Groncho, Thinner Swidgen and a couple other old timers playing on there.


I really do think every server has an "older" crowd but hell yeah call a server after transfers and ill put a char in guild

Edited by darthsporkk
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I'm female and older than 29, lol, that's all I'll say. Woman's perogative. Did they ever get the guild started. I have a friend who is interested in an old peep's guild, just kidding. She's interested in a guild for older people and I told her about this post. It's a great idea.
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I'm quickly going towards 40 and my employer currently pays me 12 months of paid holidays as a reward for me quitting my lifetime working contract. That means I had a lot of time to play SWTOR. And still have. :D


We have a 17 years old boy in our guild. He behaves like 12. I would like to smack him once in a while. Although I play strictly Rep side and not a Sith. :rolleyes:


And I love using smilies of all sorts. :o

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Sorry, but several of us gotcha beat @ 53. :cool:


Double nickels here....and my employees and sub-contractors have no idea that the personal reason that I am leaving early tomorrow for is my server transfer. ;p


Saw episode four while on leave from the Marines. Burnt mom's TV up playing pong, Burnt out a set of VCR tapes watching the SW trilogy. Had "Intelevision" while everyone else was playing Atari. Heck, I even had a dial up phone!


Not sure if I loved gaming because I was an electronics engineer, or I became an electronics engineer because I loved gaming. I do know that I waited patiently for almost 20 years until technology brought gaming to where it is today.


Currently run a small casual raiding guild that is pretty much 30 and over, on Corellian Run, "Ludicrous Speed".....Living the dream.... ;p

Edited by Blackardin
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Over 40 trial litigator here.


We need to start a guild for the older crowd!


Heck with that. I want a whole server. Lets riot! Who's with me!


.....and his name in the show was Ed Norton. Worked for the sewer department. "Norton my boy!".

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This is quite possibly the best thread I have ever read.

Only 38 but, planning on playing easily past my 45th.


Yeah, just read through the entire thing.


I play these games for their "escape from life" value, and this night was "The great escape" without ever logging in.


Thank you all for the hilarity and memories. ;p

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I'm female and older than 29, lol, that's all I'll say. Woman's perogative. Did they ever get the guild started. I have a friend who is interested in an old peep's guild, just kidding. She's interested in a guild for older people and I told her about this post. It's a great idea.

We sure did get it started! We're on the Sith Wyrm server (and hopefully we'll be a destination server). Check out our website (link in my signature below), roll a toon on Sith Wyrm if you don't have on there already, type "/cjoin Older" (minus the quotes), hit enter, and type a 'hello' in our chat channel. We'll be happy to help you all out! :)

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Every once in a while it dawns on me that I am teaming with folks that weren't even born when I bought the socks I am wearing. I know this as I often team with my three sons. As a 47 year-old professional who leads a multi-million dollar project for a large corporation, I am sure that many of my co-workers would be shocked if they knew that when I get home I log on to SWTOR and pretend that I am a Master Jedi for 2-3 hours. Not that it bothers me. It keeps me young in mind and heart.


It got me to thinking, "How many others out there are like me?" I'm sure I'm not the oldest player out there. So, if you fall into the geriatric crowd within SWTOR, give a shout out with your age and profession. It will be cool to know who is out there.


Well done mate, my father in law is playing at 58, so fear not ... a year ago he was all about Solitaire but as a Star Wars fan, he wanted to try and with many hours of help from myself and Grandkids, he is now an above average player; and far too polite online if you know what I mean, as Im sure you do .......... I think there are a lost generation of gamers at 50+ who never had a chance due to the era they were born in ...



Investigator for an Enforcement Agency

9 year boy plays Wizards101, kids MMO, stalking me for TOR

10th birthday maybe

Edited by Blockk
spelling error
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We sure did get it started! We're on the Sith Wyrm server (and hopefully we'll be a destination server). Check out our website (link in my signature below), roll a toon on Sith Wyrm if you don't have on there already, type "/cjoin Older" (minus the quotes), hit enter, and type a 'hello' in our chat channel. We'll be happy to help you all out! :)


I'm very happy with Ebon Hawk but I'll let her know.

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57 year old female IT professional with one of the largest utilities in the US. I was addicted to the movie - stood in line 11 times over the next few months to see it. Its special affects were just wonderful at the time. Only movie I ever paid to see more than once...


Been playing PC games since PCs came out - Bard's Tales, Lots of Elder Scrolls, Myst, etc., but got hooked on WoW - played as much as time would allow since it came out. Tried Rift, but SWTOR has stolen me away from Wow. As all of you still employed know - work interrupts game time dreadfully!:rak_01:


Have enjoyed this thread. Nice to know there are plenty of other old farts like me out there. Might start a toon on Sith Wyrm...

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Whoa Wait just a cotton picking minuet. lol I am 42 and guess what Most of us if not all of us that are mid age or older grew up on Atari or the original Nintendo or Sega then came Sony soon to follow was Microsoft. You all know the story. Heck My Grandmother who is in her late 80's now loves Mario Bro's still so you mean to tell me that once you hit past your prim we need to give up gaming?

I think not. I know and realize that many young punks think they can roll us in WZ with their uber skills but guess what you can't I will gank any you younger players any day because it is not about age but about skill. Which us older folks have way more then you can think of or count with on one hand. Remember we have been playing MMO's before the world know what a MMO was sorry younger players we are not going anywhere any time soon.

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41 year old male, in-house counsel for a multi-national financial institution.


I resisted the MMORPG craze right thru the other iterations that have come and gone / stayed but when I heard one was being crafted with Star Wars as the theme, my walls crumbled and I lapped it up like a weak-willied junky. Despite the numerous bug related issues Im still hooked and play almost every night.


Im a lawyer, would you expect me to play anything other than Sith?! hahaha :p


Lev 50 Bounty Hunter-Merc

Lev 42 Sith Inquisitor- Sorcerer

Lev 26 Sith Inquisitor-Sorcerer (yea something about this class resonated so Ive done it twice now hahaha)

Lev 17 Sith Warrior-Marauder (my first foray into melee DPS)


Real glad there are other mature aged players in the larger community. Mayhaps we should all form a guild depending on the Server that most of us play in. Im in The Bastion and soon will be on The Begeren Colony as well (25 years of table top RPG begs for an outlet via a RP server)


Great thread! :)

Edited by wairuakaha
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you need new pairs of socks I think.


I'm closer to the century mark than I am to a seed. (Being polite.) Co-founder and technical director for a global intellectual property services firm here. Most of my cohorts, clients and industry peers wouldn't be surprised to find out I play for the same reason they don't blink when l take a few days off to rent twin 80s and a dive boat or strap into a Formula Vee. I hang with as many attorneys who play MMOs as I do non-attorneys who play MMOs. There's just something special about smoking a lawyer's shorts in a video game that becomes priceless at the next state of the union meeting. :D

Im a lawyer, would you expect me to play anything other than Sith?! hahaha :p
Oh man ... that's beautiful. Edited by GalacticKegger
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38 years old software developer here :) I am glad to see so many of "proper age" people. Hope there are some ladies among you.

I am currently on Tomb of Freedon Nadd and was wondering if there is a guild for us, older people? It would be a blast to socialize with like minded peronalities.

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