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The 45 Year and Older Professional Club


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I'm am in charge of marketing for a smaller candy/cookie manufacturer. I don't really have an official title, but I maintain the website, write most of the sales literature and press releases, attend the trade shows and do the legwork for securing new clients and new projects. Only 30, but I'd like to think I'm a professional :)
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53 years young here, still avid WoW player (a ilvl 397 Rogue with some current heroic mode bosses under his belt) Working as Statistical Consultant in a Clinical Institution and having a blast in SWTOR as well (in fact I am enjoying so much the leveling in SWTOR that I spend more time on it logging in WoW only to raid Dragonsoul with my Guildies :p ).
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Turning 30 within a month. Glad to read the post.. i am heading home to level my 47 sith juggernaut . Played almost all mmo's that came out in the last decade or so. Besides playing atari.. my first 486x pc had this game where the central character looked like a trooper.. "crusader: noregrets no mercy no remorse" if anyone remembers that game. :p


IT consultant in rl.. grinding away all my creative energy.. in the corporate blackhole. Did bachelors in comp sc. Would love to work with like-minded ppl someday.



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Turning 30 within a month. Glad to read the post.. i am heading home to level my 47 sith juggernaut . Played almost all mmo's that came out in the last decade or so. Besides playing atari.. my first 486x pc had this game where the central character looked like a trooper.. "crusader: noregrets no mercy no remorse" if anyone remembers that game. :p


IT consultant in rl.. grinding away all my creative energy.. in the corporate blackhole. Did bachelors in comp sc. Would love to work with like-minded ppl someday.




Yep; I remember, although IIRC, there were two. One was Crusader: No Remorse, and although I didn't remember the title, Wiki shows the sequel as Crusader: No Regret.


Don't recall my first video game (probably Dungeons of Daggorath, or something similar), but my first game on the Intel line of chips was Darklands, which I bought before I even had a computer. I did console gaming quite frequently, but always walked through the computer gaming section and when I saw that someone had made an historical RPG, I was hooked. My roommate absolutely laughed his butt off when I came home with it, but I stopped by the local Best Buy the next day and bought a Packard Hell 486/66 to play it on.


I still remember the hours it took to get the game running as I struggled though dealing with 45 minute to 1 1/2 hour hold times to learn the appropriate IRQ and DMA settings (among others) to get video & sound to work. There were multiple times when I had to manually change settings without a monitor because my video settings were incorrect and my system booted to a black screen. Let's see; is it four arrows up, one arrow over, then hit enter and type in 220, or is it five arrows up and one over? Yeah, that was fun. IIRC, Darklands actually took two days to get to where it was running absolutely perfectly.


And I had to walk to Best Buy for support each day in snow up to my waist. Uphill. Both ways.

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There are two myths I like to dispel in MMOs


1. Girls don't game


2. Parents don't game





47 artist, homemaker mother and grandmother and have been playing MMORPGs since before they were graphical. ......... and on paper.


Got my son into it when he was younger with The Realm and now both of us play SWTOR. Played WoW, Guild Wars, SWG, Daoc and Lotro just to name the main ones and way back in the day I beta tested whatever crossed my path.


This thread makes me happy to see our generation so represented. we exist lol.

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There are two myths I like to dispel in MMOs


1. Girls don't game


2. Parents don't game





47 artist, homemaker mother and grandmother and have been playing MMORPGs since before they were graphical. ......... and on paper.


Got my son into it when he was younger with The Realm and now both of us play SWTOR. Played WoW, Guild Wars, SWG, Daoc and Lotro just to name the main ones and way back in the day I beta tested whatever crossed my path.


This thread makes me happy to see our generation so represented. we exist lol.


Girlfriend, not sure where you've been for the past 20 years or so, but YES, GIRLS DO GAME. :) Been doing it myself, and having a hella time doing it.


We just get kinda tired of the BS associated with identifying ourselves to the virginal fan boy crowd, so we mostly go silent. Y'know, we just keep it "Underground."


:) Easier that way.


Rock on.

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I'm only 36 and becoming jaded with MMO's if I have to be honest. Too many "look at me!" teenagers I want to introduce to the back of my hand :/ Playing an Empire character, ninja looters who rush in and loot chests as I'm killing the guarding mobs are very prevalent as well, I don't say anything because I don't want to give them the satisfaction.


I guess I'm just becoming grumpy in my old age...

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I think it would be cool to start a guild with everybody in this thread...


Don't know why any TOGger has mentioned us yet, but The Older Games (TOG) is already in existence and gaming in SWTOR in great numbers, around 7 or 8 guilds full of members from NA, EU and Oceanic on several servers. Only 25y+ are permitted full membership and the community as a whole play just about every game in production, and some out, so check out www.theoldergamers.com.


BTW, not quite 45 yet but on the way, 37, and Office Manager for a national company. Everyone there knows I'm a Star Wars geek and gamer, it's mandatory for all potential staff to be conversant with the Star Wars universe before I tick off on their application... :csw_fett:

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Don't know why any TOGger has mentioned us yet, but The Older Games (TOG) is already in existence and gaming in SWTOR in great numbers, around 7 or 8 guilds full of members from NA, EU and Oceanic on several servers. Only 25y+ are permitted full membership and the community as a whole play just about every game in production, and some out, so check out www.theoldergamers.com.


BTW, not quite 45 yet but on the way, 37, and Office Manager for a national company. Everyone there knows I'm a Star Wars geek and gamer, it's mandatory for all potential staff to be conversant with the Star Wars universe before I tick off on their application... :csw_fett:


ahem....25 isnt really "older" but yeah...prolly twice the age of the problem user base

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I am only 40 at the moment, so not really in the 45+ geriatric club :) In real life I am a chief of strategy and foresight in a large organization.


I started my gaming hobby in 1977 by playing Wumpus (text version). Few years later came pong (cabinet version), then came Mattel Intellivision, C64 and so on... My first MMORPG, if you can call it that, was batmud in 91. Since then i've played SWG (pre-cu and pre-nge), WOW and now enjoying SWTOR.


I am in a small guild on RP-PVP server (Lord Calypho). All my guilmates are real life mates and all are 40+.



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...but from time to time I'll have a client you can just tell after a few minutes of conversation that they're a gamer lol. Like finding another member of a secret club lol.


We gamers need a secret handshake, insignia ring, special lapel pin, code word or something so that we can identify each others... bit like free masons or Illuminati members... and then we shall rule the world (even more totally than we do now) :)



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52 years old male, And i am more in for flightsimulators, DCS, Falcon 4.0 etc

I have played the first swotor and the second and now this one.

I am not married but have the same girlfriend for the last 25 years or so!

I am a Factory worker whit a lot of freetime(working 12 days/Month) So i can play a lot

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43 this year and running a waste management company, this thread made me think its almost 20 years since a few mates and I used to take over our old company office for the weekend once a month with our shiny 'Pentium' PC's to use the network and desks for LAN weekends, reminiscing ain't what it used to be :) Sad to think one of those mates hasn't spoken to me for four years over a disagreement about a wow arena team :p
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It's been great to see just how many people are out there! Some people have suggested we start a guild. I have a couple of suggestions for potential guild names:


1) Galactic Geezers

2) The Older Republic

3) Corellian Codgers

4) The Bunion Brigade

5) Oldspice Smugglers

6) AARP'ers


Anyway, just some thoughts :)


LOL, that would be AWESOME. I am using a different approach SWTOR compared with how I approached WoW, specifically in WotLK and Cata. (my raiding Guild wanted me to rush through leveling so we could start raiding ASAP and fighting for Realm Firsts).


My most advanced characters are in The Ebon Hawk Realm (a smuggler lvl 20) but for a Guild of like minded people I wouldn't mind to start over whatever Realm is chosen (I'm not too much into PvP though)


<Oldpsice Smugglers>, priceless!

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62 here, 8 weeks away from 63 = I'm blessed with an amazing Wife, Five kids (working on #6 - been firing blanks for years though) & ten grandchildren.


My first MMO was DAOC, played with my brother and his five sons along with my four sons (my daughter never caught the bug), we started a guild called the "Warlords" and have been playing together in just about every MMO ever since.


We own a small construction company in the Seattle area, no retirement here, just don't see the point.


To all of you who are or have served our Country, well done and thank you!


Age verification questions for the older than dirt crowd: "No google allowed"


* Dobi Gillis's girlfriend = "first & last name"?

* Ralf Cramdon's best friend = "first & last name"?

* Paladin's logo on his business card = ??

* Who played Josh Randall in "The Bounty Hunter" = ??

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Age verification questions for the older than dirt crowd: "No google allowed"


* Dobi Gillis's girlfriend = "first & last name"?

* Ralf Cramdon's best friend = "first & last name"?

* Paladin's logo on his business card = ??

* Who played Josh Randall in "The Bounty Hunter" = ??


1. Dammit! I can't remember her name, but I remember her face and her long dark hair with bangs! Shoot! You ask older people to prove their age by reaching into their memories? lol


2. Art Carney


3. Have Gun Will Travel -- I still sing this song, along with Rawhide's theme song. So here's a question for you: Who was the cook in Rawhide?


4. Never saw that >< or at least I think I didn't haha.

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1. Dammit! I can't remember her name, but I remember her face and her long dark hair with bangs! Shoot! You ask older people to prove their age by reaching into their memories? lol


2. Art Carney


3. Have Gun Will Travel -- I still sing this song, along with Rawhide's theme song. So here's a question for you: Who was the cook in Rawhide?


4. Never saw that >< or at least I think I didn't haha.


1. I was never a fan of poor ol' Dobie.


2. Wow. That's reaching back there. I'm still trying to remember the first name of Ralph's long-suffering wife.


3. A chess knight was Paladin's logo. Right there on his holster as well as his business card. Loved that show! Don't remember who was the cook in Rawhide, but I remember Clint Eastwood being early-eye-candy. Rowdy was just yummy. lol And Frankie Lane singing the show's theme-song.


4. I don't think I ever watched that either.

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Chess knight = correct, well done.




ZG -- for Dobie Gillis


EN -- Art Carnie


SM -- Josh Randall


Last tease question, what Dog headlined pre-Lassie. Distracting Hint = Rocky's "Yo Adrian" was a similar call out in the Western TV Series the Dog starred in. "Yo ?????"

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