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Everything posted by Stressedgemi

  1. I also posted earlier in this thread but was wondering, I'm on Vrook Lamar and looking for a guild. If there is a mature minded 40+ guild on Vrook let me know Gem on the Republic side or Cinobite and Gemi on the Empire side
  2. There are two myths I like to dispel in MMOs 1. Girls don't game 2. Parents don't game OH REALLY 47 artist, homemaker mother and grandmother and have been playing MMORPGs since before they were graphical. ......... and on paper. Got my son into it when he was younger with The Realm and now both of us play SWTOR. Played WoW, Guild Wars, SWG, Daoc and Lotro just to name the main ones and way back in the day I beta tested whatever crossed my path. This thread makes me happy to see our generation so represented. we exist lol.
  3. yep you and me both, I totally forgot about the maintenance before launch. grrrrrr but tomorrow i get to go to gamestop and get my CE box yay that will be nice. I wana play my jedi too heh
  4. Greetings. I started this morning and chose Vrook Lamar, it sounded like the name of a Cantina singer heh. I have been having a great time today and chat seems to be full of people who understand RP. Sith Inquisitor Gemi and Twi'lek Smuggler Gem at your service.
  5. July 29th here, I'm really hoping I'm in one of the waves tomorrow.
  6. Beaverton Oregon here, Not sure about server yet but I'm thinking of starting on a RP-PVE and a RP-PVP server Possibly Vrook Lamar sounds like a lounge singer name lol.
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