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  1. I have been trying to find an online Tank Optimizer Calculator for Juggs. like the one Kamikaze has for Vanguards. http://kamikazetank.com/ I could find several githubs that are outdated. Is there a repository where Bant's or Dipstik's code or is updated and maintained?
  2. I just realized I have been running SWTOR on battery saver mode.. and went from 7 fps in WZ to 60 fps. I feel really dumb right now...
  3. aah i remember that, even then the objective here is huttball and not team slaughter. So i think the scenario would be different.
  4. With regards to people leaving warzones, with the slightest hint of loosing i have the following recommendations (apologies if this has already been suggested): a) 'Time out' The chosen pvp player gets locked out for 30 min and cannot join any warzones. The activity is monitored over a week. Repeated violation will end up player getting 2hr ban, then 24 hr and eventually 'no commendations or valor' or being disqualified from being mvp (either at the end or all along) b) 'Wrath of the Empire' buff - 'Retribution of the Republic'. The suggested names may change but essentially the team loosing a player gets a buff, stat boost. this can be in form of a shield enhancement, or something similar to lower levels joining warzones. Once again boost is incremental on the people leaving. *imagine God mode, if everyone leaves on the team except you:D* Kindly replay back if you like option 'a' , 'b' or have and another suggestion here
  5. +1 agree 100%. Now i can go o a and explain the mmo forum stereotypes.. maybe thats another post for aome other day (just when im not at work)
  6. You were correct on mentioning temperament..when pvp'ing. I think its about attitude. i just followed your lead
  7. Excellent post. Here are my thoughts. 1) Be optimistic: Picture everyone beating you down as scared and acting in defense.. instead of picturing some teen laughin at your poor skill. You may be sith on game... channel your rage into harmonious slaughter. And not facerolling on your keyboard. 2) Try to focus on your class: Dont buy into trolls and whiners on forums "my class sucks". Learn the game changing traits of your class. Who you work best against and who you could avoid (range vs melee) etc. 3)Prioritize your spells. Dont burn out all your c.d.s. learn your spells as if your building a 99 hit combo. Spell 1-it interrupt- relic+ hard hitting spell 2- interrupt heal- finisher etc. 4) learn your surrounding Line of sight your enemy. Thia can cause them to get frustrated or move to someone else. 5) Team up and dont go solo in warfront You have better chances of survival when working together. 6) stimpacks Can be game changers .. time it well. Dont wait till your below 30%health. Skill before gear.. (just unless he is all champions:p). Remember pvp can feel better like a grind sometimes.. just roll with it. Perfect your rotation.. anticipate ur enemys move... and surprise them. FOR THE EMPIRE!!!
  8. Turning 30 within a month. Glad to read the post.. i am heading home to level my 47 sith juggernaut . Played almost all mmo's that came out in the last decade or so. Besides playing atari.. my first 486x pc had this game where the central character looked like a trooper.. "crusader: noregrets no mercy no remorse" if anyone remembers that game. IT consultant in rl.. grinding away all my creative energy.. in the corporate blackhole. Did bachelors in comp sc. Would love to work with like-minded ppl someday. Cheers
  9. Turning 30 within a month. Glad to read the post.. i am heading home to level my 47 sith juggernaut . Played almost all mmo's that came out in the last decade or so. Besides playing atari.. my first 486x pc had this game where the central character looked like a trooper.. "crusader: noregrets no mercy no remorse" if anyone remembers that game. IT consultant in rl.. grinding away all my creative energy.. in the corporate blackhole. Did bachelors in comp sc. Would love to work with like-minded ppl someday. Cheers
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