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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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The guild leaders got together and discussed it. They pulled their people out of the spawn point in order to make it more fun. So the guilded empire players are not spawn camping anymore. The unguilded ones are still pressing them to the base, but alot of it has died down, due to players making the decision to stop the afk farm.


Before or after they had attained the valor they required?

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When you know how imbalanced is population, how (censored) you need to be, to implement that kind of mechanic?

I do not know how you will work on repairs, but i really dont see now point in PvP playing without valor rollback. This who earn they valor on both sides before was cheated by this patch. This on Rep side are cheated as we are speaking.

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I am an imperial player and I agree on this.


I was in Illum today, got my daily quest done and felt discusted. I really, really hope there is a rollback, because getting valor by means of a flawed system is not ok. That means all who were not able to take part in the flawed event (or being slaughtered and used) are getting the short end of the stick and some players are getting a significant advantage.


Not making a rollback would imo create an unfair and unjust situation which many people won't forget. At least I know I will not.


And I think pvp should be as fair as it can be.

Please, do a rollback BW!


+1 from another imp player

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Some of us actually pvpd in Ilum today and didnt spawn camp the republic. In fact, the republic on our server grew a pair of nuts and defended their base and were creative enough to attack us from behind when we were at their doors. This could be because they were not tabbed out crying all over their keyboards.


this is simply not a feasible scenario on a lot of servers, especially PvP servers (I am assuming you are not playing on a PvP server. you are definitely not playing on a EU PvP server, though). The faction imbalance is so great Republic players do really not stand a fighting chance. None.



None of you are ever satisfied, this generation of MMO players wants everything spoon fed to them. Go download an old mmo and you will understand what I am talking about. There was no dailies for gear or any of that crap, you fought for named spawns that were on 6+ hour spawn timers, dont tell me you have it bad.


It's easy for you to say that, enjoying the free ride you re getting in one of the most faction biased mainstream games to ever be released.


you have too much chest hair for Empire'? go reroll republic and impress us!


and that old back back in the day knockout argument?


I DO remember back in the day.. We didn't have shoes. We went barefoot. In the winter we had to wrap our feet with barbed wire for traction.

Edited by mufutiz
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Some of us actually pvpd in Ilum today and didnt spawn camp the republic. In fact, the republic on our server grew a pair of nuts and defended their base and were creative enough to attack us from behind when we were at their doors. This could be because they were not tabbed out crying all over their keyboards.


We are doing exactly what the devs wanted us to do. Their servers cant handle the amount of people in one spot but the game is still relatively new. If half of you clowns spent less time writing emo live journal posts and actually coordinated something this would not be so bad. All of the republic are reading forums rather than figuring out how to regain control.


None of you are ever satisfied, this generation of MMO players wants everything spoon fed to them. Go download an old mmo and you will understand what I am talking about. There was no dailies for gear or any of that crap, you fought for named spawns that were on 6+ hour spawn timers, dont tell me you have it bad.


Yet, and this does depend on the server, the factions are imbalanced 3:1 and 4:1 on average. Yes, it's good to hear that some Pubs rallied to defend the zone for a bit, but how long do you think that will last? I'll be happy to hit Ilum to fend off the hordes, but this can only be done for so long before we get completely rolled, and then it's a farm session on the rez.


You see, this situation isn't unique. It's already happened in this game. Case in point, Belsavis World Boss. Started out as 8 Pubs against 10 Imps. We rolled the Imps. They got more. We recruited more Pub. Pulled in every warm body we could. But the Imps could just pull more. Final count Imps 40+, Pub 25 or so. Guess who lost the fight? Guess who got continuously griefed at Medcenter respawn? Hint...it wasn't the Imps.


True story. Here's a screenshot of the event: http://www.collectiblecutlery.com/pics/swtor/Belsavis002.jpg


Was really good times for about 45 minutes until we just couldn't stop the roll.


So no. While your experience today is awesome to hear for some OPvP, it's not a real solution. Not as long as the faction populations are so skewed. On Dark Reaper, we suspect the Imp:Pub ratio to be 4:1, that based on rough Fleet surveys from each side.

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Of course they are not going to do anything about the credit exploit. Bans mean lost revenue, and EA is a publically traded company, and that is not good.


A credit exploit can mess with the economy, but with the way the GTN is set up, there really isn't much of an economy to begin with. Few people will quit over something so ineffectual.


Now with one side gaining valor at an incredibly accelerated rate than the other faction, this has the chance to alter aspects across the board including PvE and PvP. This not only causes disparity now, but will just tend to further it along in the future.


WoW had the exact same problems when they opened that can of worms called Wintergrasp and server/faction transfers.. Servers went from 2-3:1 to 10-25:1. Mal'Ganis is now like 26,000:1000.


At the end of the day, I don't expect a rollback as it's too late now. Bioware does not have enough consumer confidence to make the hard call. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't.


I'll just remember to get my copy of Mass Effect 3 the cheapest way possible to ensure that I am minimizing my support to Bioware.

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The moment you noticed this you shouldve shut down the servers and fixed it.


Now the only solution to your problem is to roll back the valor ranks, titles and any potential gear people have gotten through this exploit.


The faster you do this, the better for everyone.

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I dont know HOW they didnt see this coming, they had polls for YEARS.


Its not like this issue can wait for weeks/months until the next major update.


This needs a fix in 1-3 days or the exodus starts and this becomes the biggest flop in gaming history & EA tears down your company leaving only a skeleton crew and the Mass Effect studio.

Edited by Ratham
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Ofc, ranged AoE got an advantage here, but I had no problem farming over 90/150 today for my weekly as a Sith Juggernaut.


Wow, you actually admitted you are an imp? Obviously with 50 healers around you you certainly were able to receive SOME heals....


Melee IS broken. It's the delayed "completion" of abilities. If an enemy isn't in the correct spot for the entire mechanic of the ability, it won't work. And yes, I can stay behind a target quite easily. But when my screen is saying one thing and the server another....yeah, about that

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Many ppl were telling that imbalance will kill game. But Bio did nothing. They even make Imp chars a little better (like Sorc elemental dmg while same Republic has kinet) They could give Republic some boost (like +10% to valor and exp) they could close making new Imp chars while Republic would be open.


But no they didnt - and now in most improtant moment everything crashed - we know it. But Bio didnt listen - so they wont get our money - but im sure they will still think that they are smart.

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Im republic. Just logged on and did my daily in ilum.


It was kind of satisfying in a twisted way. While 40 imperials zerged me and 1 other republic on our turrets, I dutifully knock backed and aoe'd for the 3 seconds I was alive in between respawns. With luck a turret would kill someone I had hit with AOE and I'd get a kill.


The best part was even though I died 40 times, the imperials only got credit once. Between turrets and my knock back they ended up wiping.



Working as intended bros, working as intended.

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I have Developer Tracker on a constant refresh. We're waiting Bioware...


There are so many bugs in the game and such horrible customer service from BW. I have bug tickets from last week over unatainable Raid Boss Loot and Hardmode boss loot that is still unanswered. My previous tickets have all got a generic "we're working on it, have a nice day!" message delivered. During the first few weeks of WoW GMs actually responded to you personally, aplogized, and usually compensated you with loot. You need to step it up BIG TIME BW or I will never play one of your games ever again.

Edited by DimeStax
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Funny how when I used to talk about this / warn about this people just told me I was bad.


How to fix it:


1.) Limit the number of people allowed in the zone at a time (WoW Tol Barad)

2.) Give a tenacity buff based on a % of how ot numbered Rep. is ( WoW Wintergrasp)

3.) Forced re-rolls for Imperial players


Dont even try to add Warhammers Against All Odds thing in this game, IT DOESNT WORK !


Fix this issue or your pvp community will be non-existent very shortly.


Reps will quit from being farmed, Imps will quit for having nobody to fight.


Fix option #1.) = bad idea.

Fix option #2.) = good idea.

Fix option #3.) = rediculous idea.

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160,000 + views.


Seriously, do something BW. Right now, based on the yellow text, it would seem as though you're having a meeting to determine the exact wording of your reply.


I don't care what your reply is, not one bit. JUST DO SOMETHING.


Does it really take 8+ hours to formulate a politically correct response to this threadnaught? Or to determine what the best course of action would be?


Because most of the posters here seem to have a pretty good idea of what has to be done, and it took them an average of about 15 seconds to formulate and type.


What in the name of God is there to be discussed?


Roll it back, close Ilum until this is hotfixed. The longer you wait, the harder it's going to be... unless you're seriously considering allowing this to stand, in which case you have signed your own death warrant.


Eagerly awaiting the yellow devtext indicating that they are working on..... a response. /facepalm

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Just scrap ilum all together if you're going to have turrents giving valor, 30-40 imperials scrounging for 30 armaments every day which are rarely available, and making it a numbers game.


I'll take the old system far more than this one, makes my dailies not take 500 days instead of one.

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I play on Warriors of the Shadow as Republic.


The changes made to the battle of ilum daily and weekly have successfully forced combat between the two factions. But in the case of my server, where the republic is outnumbered 3 to 1 or more, ilum has turned into a ceaseless onslaught that knows no bounds. The two automated cannons by the medical station will slowly pick off one or two imps at a time and let the wave of fury overtake the base.


This almost sounds fun right? oh, i forgot to mention that i get zero to a maximum of 7 frames a second during the chaos. And before the wannabe hardware nerds interject with, "get more ram, or a new cpu, or a new graphics card brah" i assure you that my computer can handle anything that is thrown at it, i built it for gaming. But as 200 people swarm in the heat of battle on ilum (while about 30 of which are republic) the client holds on desperately one frame at a time.


Bioware, i appreciate your effort to ensure the PVP mechanics on ilum are working as intended. But you just broke ilum. I am not okay with bearing through it and spending a half an hour or more grinding out this quest if it means watching a TOR slideshow.


Why cant your client handle massive engagements? Why, when this is just about the only MMO styled aspect of the game, can the game not deliver? It blows my mind.


I'm very disappointed, and frankly not quite sure what to do with this game anymore.

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