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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

ifs theres no rollback and revert ilum changes ill unsub


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actually the forums do need posts like this so the devs realise the amount of people who are annoyed with it. There are quite a few imps rather annoyed with it also from quite a few of the posts. The only people who are happy with it are those who cant be bothered spending any effort for valor and feel the changes mean they can afk and still get battlemaster
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Sorry, but I have a hard time taking seriously these "change this or I'm quitting" posts. Posts that offer constructive criticism are fine....empty threats are just childish.


The thing that annoys me is the fact that certain people 'feel' they speak for the whole community, bioware should stop everything and make changes for everyone because of one persons un-sub threat for this or that ?? .... what a joke!


If your going to quit just do it .... just dont expect bio to get on there knee's and beg you to stay.


Sorry but true :)

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If they cant roll it back soon I may unsub it too. I spent weeks at 50 getting valor and still a few levels shy of battlemaster. now there are a bunch of new players who havent PvPd at all and they are rank 60+ in hours.


I see BW actually fixing this one though. It will completely break game if they dont.

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Please refer to my previous comment of "Goodbye". I meant it. All you whiners and complainers are quite annoying. Enjoy the game or dont. Does the forum REALLY need 100 threads ALL saying the same thing? If you dont like it, either A) go back to WoW B) deal with it and enjoy other aspects of the game or C) leave.


Enough said



Yes, the forum does need 100 threads all saying the same thing - because Bioware continually fails to respond to their player community. A simple "We're aware of the problem and working on a plan to fix it" would suffice (for most). But the longer they ignore people the worse it will get for them.


if they don't respond soon then most people will choose option C....as in "C-ya!".

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Please refer to my previous comment of "Goodbye". I meant it. All you whiners and complainers are quite annoying. Enjoy the game or dont. Does the forum REALLY need 100 threads ALL saying the same thing? If you dont like it, either A) go back to WoW B) deal with it and enjoy other aspects of the game or C) leave.


Enough said


Sorry Mr. Entitled subscriber, but people have a right to put their mouth where their money is.

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Tip: don't attack the big blob, look for stragglers or people out hunting lockboxes by themselves and pick them off solo. Then hide (stealth if you can) and regen health. Repeat until daily is finished.


Being outnumbered 5:1 doesn't mean a thing if you're prowling around the periphery looking for targets of opportunity.


Be creative. Good luck :)

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If they cant roll it back soon I may unsub it too. I spent weeks at 50 getting valor and still a few levels shy of battlemaster. now there are a bunch of new players who havent PvPd at all and they are rank 60+ in hours.


I see BW actually fixing this one though. It will completely break game if they dont.


I am in the same boat man, I am valor 54 and worked hard for it. Now people farm the turrets and they have instant valor 60!?!?! Many people have no idea that the Imp player on right now are farming the Republic base turrets, and can go from 0 to 60 valor and Battlemaster in a few hours. I'm an Imperial player and I work hard for my 54 valor for nothing.


I am waiting to see what Bioware does if they do nothing then I will cancel my sub.

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What's the problem? I'm Republic, we're out numbered 3 to 1 and still Roflstomping the hell outa the Imps. Ilum is great fun now. Kinda laggy atm, but I'm sure that'll be fixed soon.


Sounds to me like some ppl just suck at oPvP. Being good in a WF don't mean jack in oPvP... It's an entirely different beast.


That's encouraging. Glad to hear it. A little ray of sunshine in this thread.

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Tip: don't attack the big blob, look for stragglers or people out hunting lockboxes by themselves and pick them off solo. Then hide (stealth if you can) and regen health. Repeat until daily is finished.


Being outnumbered 5:1 doesn't mean a thing if you're prowling around the periphery looking for targets of opportunity.


Be creative. Good luck :)


problem would be all the aoe taking place on top of the spawn point, cant do **** captain.

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Crucible Pits Republic guilds are dominating Empire. Re-roll? I don't know ...



Either way, Republic as a whole is definitely outnumbered by Empire. Seeing so many upset Republic players is only going to make it worse in the end.


If many Republic players quit or re-roll Empire, as much as I love this game, I'm afraid that the damage done might be too severe for Bioware to recover from.


I do hope I'm wrong. I'm Republic and I don't care, I'll just stay away from Ilum. However, if the Republic players leave, there won't be anyone for Empire to fight against.



Do away with factions ... make everyone neutral.

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What's the problem? I'm Republic, we're out numbered 3 to 1 and still Roflstomping the hell outa the Imps. Ilum is great fun now. Kinda laggy atm, but I'm sure that'll be fixed soon.


Sounds to me like some ppl just suck at oPvP. Being good in a WF don't mean jack in oPvP... It's an entirely different beast.




What server is this?

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Tip: don't attack the big blob, look for stragglers or people out hunting lockboxes by themselves and pick them off solo. Then hide (stealth if you can) and regen health. Repeat until daily is finished.


Being outnumbered 5:1 doesn't mean a thing if you're prowling around the periphery looking for targets of opportunity.


Be creative. Good luck :)


I am sorry but you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

There is no tactic or creativity that will help you once you face something like the guy on the video faced, he cannot even get the hell out of there less alone do something about it.

And that is what is happening right now on majority of PvP servers after today's patch.

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Tip: don't attack the big blob, look for stragglers or people out hunting lockboxes by themselves and pick them off solo. Then hide (stealth if you can) and regen health. Repeat until daily is finished.


Being outnumbered 5:1 doesn't mean a thing if you're prowling around the periphery looking for targets of opportunity.


Be creative. Good luck :)


So while I spend time trying to complete my ilum daily some random lvl 20 imp afks in the republic base and gain .. ooooh I dont know.. around 60 valor ranks in the matter of a few hours?


yeah thats fair.. PvP not broken at all

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O by the Way you can go back to rescuing Pandas


What does WoW have to do with anything? I play both, I subscribe to both, I enjoy both. They are not mutually exclusive. Sorry to interrupt your groundbreaking original comedy routine here but, well, it just makes the rest of your post look stupid. Just... stop it.


Besides, WoW may have pandas but Star Wars has princesses and magical laser swords and a planet full of cuddly teddybear men so it's hardly like you're playing the bastion of truely mature storytelling yourself, y'know?



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