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Design Notes - Game Update 1.1


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Just reading the largest part of this thread I can't help but facepalm.


This game is out for one month, it's a frickin' MMO, and people can't even wait a bit to have it fixed?


The amount of vast rage is simply disrespectful to the game developers. Yes, they made mistakes, yes they will have to change it, but just like this MMO took more than 5 years to create, so too are not all things fixed in the blink of an eye damnit.


Go ahead and quit, but really, this only shows the current mindset of modern society.


Everything has to happen now now now now now now now now. 5 minutes? NO NOW, gosh darnIT FU I'M LEAVING CANCELLING SUB, QQQQ


:l really. I hate the changes too, but ***, cancelling over this is IMO childish and a pure sign of impatience.


Now people will say: I won't pay to play beta! Well, believe it or not, but if you would be playing beta this game'd already be dead. This game is good, but the developers are bit oblivious to how they should make PvP work. Apart of that? No issues, IMO.


And yes, I'd actually pay beta because I want this MMO succeed. If supporting it can make it the best game ever, then why not? I mean if you want this game to succeed you'll have to sub. If you QQ over stuff and unsub, then your voice becomes illegit very fast.


+10 ^


People really need to learn that not everything manifests right away.

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All I can say is that the people that unsub after one day of horrible pvp experience are making my game better by not being here. They're unsubscriptions won't really hurt EA or Bioware. I have personally NEVER run into a totally game breaking "OMG THIS IS RUINING MY LIFE!" bug. I agree that the faction imbalance and EA/Bioware doing Ilum the way they did was a HUGE mistake, but warzones are better than ever with the new bracket. They shut down the Ilum pvp area pretty quickly today, so I'm not upset, I just hope they fix it.


I have a hunch that the un-subbers are probably going to come back pretty soon anyways, but if I'm wrong and they don't, well they can enjoy being spoiled brats that expect an MMO game to be the first to come out smoothly and perfectly within a month. NEVER been done, I've seen EVERYONE ***** about ALL of the other MMO releases defending swtor and I've personally seen the big ones like WoW and Rift and I can say that this is not much worse if at all, but it seems MUCH more worth the wait.


So I'll have fun playing while you unsubs do whatever you do when you aren't nerdraging about bugs and rage-quiting over a couple of unhappy hours of your lives. :)

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BW need to really work insane overtime to get this game working properly.


SUCH a good game, close to being the next best MMO but yet there is so much work to do. I was having a lot of fun up until about lvl 48 with my Sith Juggernaut. Then the real issues start to show. Questing becomes less and less polished as you work through, flashpoints become more buggy the later you get. My lvl 50 members of my guild are all complaining they can't find any action on Illum.


Worst of all, the character becomes sluggier and sluggier until you find yourself frantically clicking buttons in PvP in the hope SOMETHING fires off, because literally most of my action bar freezes up, not just the occasional ability. I only noticed this at high level. Like I say, 1 - 30, the issues do not arise and I think this is the reason there is such a massive divide in opinion on the forums.


I'm very scared that if faction balance issues are not sorted, a basic LFG tool aren't added, and very quick patch doesn't come out soon to fix the bugs that everyone rave about 24/7, then this WILL become another F2P MMO. I certainly don't see why I should spend any more time on it once i'm bored of the story, because there are better quality games out there at the minute.

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Frankly, if you want to quit for that reason, go ahead. It'll make it more fun and less laggy for the rest of us, and we won't have to listen to you gripe in chat about everything you hate about the game.


If you understand MMO's at all you'll understand that losing half of a game's player base is not a "good" thing. Let me give you a business structure in a way you might understand. If you have less subscriptions that means less profit. That means its harder to pay the trained monkeys they have developing this game and giving you automated responses to tickets, etc. Eventual outcome is the game tanks because of budget issues and no profit gain. Remember EA and George Lucas are greedy. Bottom line losing players is bad.

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You won't find many games that after release date, take a step back. But behold SWTOR has taken that award! They ruin the game instead of fixing it, so they can expect me to cancel my account once the month was done.



Now they could fix this easily, but by the time they do the month will be up and I won't waste my time or money waiting for months on to fix this new issue and the others.


If they want to fix this issue they shouldve leaved the old system for Ilum (Daily 0/5 War Effort) but require for each completion to kill 1 Republic/Imperial player. Thats it. And having the abilities not grayed out, just makes it more confusing in PVP situations. But even if they do fix it, several ppl are already at 100 valor. How can they ban them for the huge error on the developers part?


However if they fix this horrible mistake they have created very soon and adjusting all that took part with their valor, ALONG with much needed ability to have more than 1 specs, mask with hoods, more PVP and end game, and with more then I may continue playing. But really I don't think they will with their current "success" and will just wait for Diablo 3.

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Thanks for the update!


FPS has suddenly tanked for some reason.



Because they decided to reset our graphics options back to "High" for some unfathomable reason. Reset them back to whatever they were before. There may be additional issues causing decreased FPS, but that's one of them.

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To everyone complaining about the "whiners"... You've gotten too comfortable with just spouting off at anyone with a negative comment. Try to understand the individual situation a little before you start bashing anyone with something negative to say, please.


In this case, this patch advertises fixing all sorts of bugs. In one day I've found several new ones that they've introduced. My current favorite is that many of my abilities on CD now appear to still be useable when they're not.


I am not much of a PvPer, but if I were, and I spent days trying to earn half the PVP currency that a group can now gain in hours by spawn-camping, I'd say a little "unhappiness" would be understandable. Again, an issue that was less of an issue before this "big fix".


No one with any maturity really expects a game to be flawless at release, or even really one month into release. What we do expect, however, is for "fixes" to actually fix things, not make them worse. So please don't come to a thread full of valid complaints and start blindly attacking people until you've considered their perspective.

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I enjoy the game and I love the updates and even the hint at the future updates in terms of story such as the Republic attack Drumand Kaas.


Won't be much of a Republic left attacking at this rate -- may as well call it Star Wars: The Sith Empire and be done.

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Ok, in the past i read an interview with someone from bioware that said something like we know what's best for players in the world of rpgs, I'm not even want to argue that point because BW actually have developed several RPGs that have been top (except for the stupid DA2), but this is not a CRPG, this is a MMORPG things here are different people needs to know what are you thinking, we as palyers need someway better to communicate and that policy of not readind the forums or the tickets that actually talks about imbalance must end ASAP, I'm not going anywhere for the moment, but That skyrim is making me think twice if i Keep my sub, after all the guys in betheseda don't force to have the best armor and weapon to defeat stupid mobs that must be easy to kill, and the don't have to balance the game b-cos it's a CRPG.


you promised something here, why you haven't delivered? as a costumer i feel dissapointed but most of all I believe you bring us all with false publicity, and my patience is running short

Edited by landerque
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Anyone else having trouble with lag now after installing the game update?

Network lag or video FPS issues?


If it's FPS issues, check your video options. This update appears to have automatically set all options to high the first time you start up after the patch. If you blow away all of your client settings and start the game, it also sets everything to high.


Everything maxed out (except for trees) appears to be the new default video setting.

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Network lag or video FPS issues?


If it's FPS issues, check your video options. This update appears to have automatically set all options to high the first time you start up after the patch. If you blow away all of your client settings and start the game, it also sets everything to high.


Everything maxed out (except for trees) appears to be the new default video setting.




Oh ok thx. My network connection is the same as when it wasn't lagging so I hope it's the video settings, I'll have to check when I get home. Thanks for the response I was getting worried.

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Network lag or video FPS issues?


If it's FPS issues, check your video options. This update appears to have automatically set all options to high the first time you start up after the patch. If you blow away all of your client settings and start the game, it also sets everything to high.


Everything maxed out (except for trees) appears to be the new default video setting.


This patch seems to have brought back anti-aliasing, and set it to high. I just disabled that (since I already had everything at high before) and got my FPS back.


The tooltip for the anti-aliasing says that it hasn't been implemented yet, anyway.

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