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Everything posted by Babyymaker

  1. You won't find many games that after release date, take a step back. But behold SWTOR has taken that award! They ruin the game instead of fixing it, so they can expect me to cancel my account once the month was done. Now they could fix this easily, but by the time they do the month will be up and I won't waste my time or money waiting for months on to fix this new issue and the others. If they want to fix this issue they shouldve leaved the old system for Ilum (Daily 0/5 War Effort) but require for each completion to kill 1 Republic/Imperial player. Thats it. And having the abilities not grayed out, just makes it more confusing in PVP situations. But even if they do fix it, several ppl are already at 100 valor. How can they ban them for the huge error on the developers part? However if they fix this horrible mistake they have created very soon and adjusting all that took part with their valor, ALONG with much needed ability to have more than 1 specs, mask with hoods, more PVP and end game, and with more then I may continue playing. But really I don't think they will with their current "success" and will just wait for Diablo 3.
  2. We all have I think. But I was meaning actual confirmation in this thread they are gonna do something. Cuz of yet we havnt really seen any of these suggestions in the upcoming 1.1 patch really. Besides that, if its gonna take them several months to fix these minor issues and grant some wanted and necessary wishes then they can count me out and ill just play Diablo 3.
  3. Yeah they need to have someone saying yes we are reviewing what the community wants. At least some kind of confirmation.
  4. I definitely agree. It does not seem to work half the time it is used and you can have all of the requirements needed and still doesnt work. Happen just 5 min ago. Low Slash him, tried to Maul but it wouldnt work. Then Electrocute and tried to Maul twice (it even went thru the motion) but still nothing. Thankfully I still killed him, but couldve saved me a lot of time.
  5. I think a big one for me is having hoods/helmet combination. If the problem lies with the Twi'leks then disable them from allowing to wear hoods/helmet. Why should everyone else suffer? They really need to fix end game. Besides PVP its boring! They need to add a level 50 chat so it can be easier finding groups for PVP or HM. Ilum could be fun, but without having the need to fight the other side it is pointless. I know they are adding the need to kill 1 person before you can complete, but I don't think this will fix it. I believe we need to have the ability to have mods with Expertise. I think having the ability to have a specific item that you like and be able to use it for most of the game was a great idea, except when it came to being level 50. Almost pointless then... But for me the biggest need is having the ability to have more than 1 spec. I mean really? Rift and Wow both had this and it was greatly sought after and they don't include it? If Bioware expects me and many others to continue playing after our 1st free month then they HAVE TO PICK UP THE PACE. I mean just look at the other MMOs and see what was expected of them and what was fixed. Bioware spent 300$ million and its still very lacking. That shouldn't be a problem. That is what beta's are for and it really seems like we are just playing another of their betas, just having to pay for it. Talk bout a rip off.
  6. The biggest suggestions for me that will help the game for me is having the ability to have more than one Spec. Finding a proper group for flashpoints already make it difficult to find, especially HM flashpoints. Rift had this and it was really easy finding groups for instances throughout the game. With that I think that there should be a general chat based on levels. This way we can turn off the annoying chat that happens with low level people who immediately will base Star Wars off of WOW. We have all heard it and its beyond annoying. But this will also allow finding people to group with much much easier, especially for HM or PVP. Now there are some other minor things that I WISH to be fixed: Having the ability to have a hood over a mask/helmet. This was possible in the first beta and they took it off cuz some of the graphics with some of the characters didn't properly cope with it I guess? To me being an Assassin myself this is a must to show my character properly. Color crystals shouldn't have restrictions, at least level 50. PVP voting should be based off of the top 5 IMO (medals is the best way I think). People who are top just vote for the people on the bottom so they have a better chance to win. Its pathetic. Another thing with PVP is stated in the first post is not having the option to have more than 2 sets of PVP gear or at least having the ability to have Expertise on mods and such so we can keep our favorite looking (able to mod at least) gear on us. I thought that was great how they implemented this into the game but its useless at lvl 50. On top of that purple color gear is considered rarer in the game but because most dont have an armor place to be modded they are definitely less sought after cuz of this, unless its lvl 50. The purple gear (I believe called Artifacts) should not only have the same amount of possible modding as the orange gear, but maybe even additional slot to show that having a rare item will greatly help you. For my Assassin, they need to fix the Maul ability cuz if you spam it sometimes cancels it out. And before you say "just don't spam it" I have seen the ability not work even when I press it just once. Its like for the ability to work you have to be behind the opponent the whole duration of the ability where some abilities don't require that. Also Khem Val needs to be increased at least for PVE combat. After lvl 30 he became almost useless for me cuz he would die after every combat, even trash. AND he even has/had good gear for him. Theres my 2 cents..
  7. Adding to it: In PVP MVP voting should only be for the top 5 people (my best guess would be in medals). Regardless of team. Some of the companions in the game need fixing/altering. I know with my own Assassin, Khem Val becomes useless after lvl 30ish and dies literally after any trash adds. Maybe add a PVP where it includes more than one server? I know there are some servers that have unfair advantage in population between Sith and Republic and it can greatly show in PVP. AND another thing with PVP that I have been fustrated with games like Rift [and WOW] is the lack of different PVP gear. Its silly being 50 and everyone having the same gear. I know there is 2 but there should be much more options. I do like they added the feature of many pieces being able to be change out pieces in some/most of your gear, but the rare pieces (purple) only has 2 slots which can really suck.
  8. There isn't really a proper search engine for threads so I will just make my own. This game has so far been pretty good and fun for myself but there are some noticeable changes to be made. One of the biggest problems with many people that I have seen is not having the ability to have more than one Spec. Fixing this will fix a lot of the issues for lack of flashpoints being played (especially HM, it takes literally several hrs just to find a proper group). In Rift, this was great and made instances easy to find groups and able to complete. Another thing to help finding proper groups is having a lvl chat for ALL of the instances: like 40-49 lvl general chat, and especially level 50 having their own chat. The seperate worlds is very interesting but makes it very hard to find groups or help others, etc. 2 other things that I would like change is Color crystals NOT to be so limited and a particular one for my own Assassin is the Maul ability. The former Color crystal limitation is just silly imo but I do understand some of the main idea behind this, but you should be able to choose your own color crystal or not abide by having Dark/Light restrictions. The latter is just a problem not I have experienced but many others. Its just a glitch when you try to spam the ability it seems to cancel it altogether. I know there is some abilities other classes have experience so please feel free to put your own suggestions here! And yes I do not know if this is the correct place to put these suggestions so please let me know if I need to remove it and start it up in the proper place. Thanks
  9. So what is the consensus favorite for PVP? I keep hearing Madness/Darkness instead of Deception is the way to go.
  10. +100000 They definitely need to bring it back. Sith Assassin alone isnt complete without the ability to have both hood and mask. I mean who doesnt want to mirror like Darth Revan?
  11. Im with this definitely. Has been a big complaint that I have seen in the General chat and amongst my friends. Please fix!
  12. I just got dc again in the waiting queue! Back to 1000 waiting
  13. Yeah this happened to me 4 times today. Twice I got dced while in waiting queue, another during a flashpoint (I managed to get right back in thankfully), and the last was right after the flashpoint and lo and behold a 900+ waiting queue. They need to fix the random dced that is happening to a lot of ppl and add a grace period. Im sure they will...hopefully...please???
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