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Game virtually unplayable now, can't even tell when my cooldowns are on properly.


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Worst change ever, when I saw that in patch notes I knew something is gonna feel wrong. Now I have no idea which abilities I used and which are on cooldown, since none of them gets grayed out after use. Whoever thought of that change in BW should be immediately fired or assassinated.
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I don't understand the reason behind the ability CD change at all.


It worked perfectly fine before. Now, it's entirely too hard to tell at a glance if something is off CD or not. This is especially difficult in the middle of a fast paced pvp fight when just glancing down for a split second. I really hope they revert this.


The reason the change occurred is likely because they wanted to differentiate between the global cooldown and a skills cooldown after use. Whether that makes it a good change or not is unknown. I'm currently in college so I haven't gotten much time with the patch.

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surely everybody notices this? how did it get past testing? what a massive joke.


it looks better at first but then when a cooldown is nearly up you can't tell if it has 3 seconds left or 10 secs, i'm constantly clicking abilities that look like they're off cooldown and it's just horrendous.


not only that, some skills that are not on global cooldown dont fire at all or take 4 or 5 clicks,


lol tanking will be awesome, escape will be awesome...


anyways i think you hit the nail , frustrating indeed.

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I agree. I thought I'd get used to it, but I just can't tell if a 3 minute CD has a few seconds left or not.


I thought I'd get used to it as well, but it's proving more difficult than I thought.


It's even worse with my abilities that are on a blue background (playing Jedi Knight right now). The cooldown slider is blue, my lit abilities are blue, I am having even more difficulty trying to see if it's cooled down or not now.


There really was nothing wrong with it before.

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The most disturbing thing about this change is in how it was ever approved to begin with. It does not speak highly of the team involved, and makes me question whether they have much experience actually playing MMO's in general, let alone their own game.


This patch just screams amateur hour.

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I found it easier to see while still looking at the rest of the screen what was available before. The new way makes it easier to tell whats about to pop but you still have little real info on when. a countdown system on the button would be nice.
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With Jedi Knight Guardian tank I find this horrible now that I've played a bit


With so many abilities on different cooldowns, not really lining up into anything predictable, being unable to see when an ability is usable just plain sucks bad!

Let's even assume that it's the best possible scenario and that I lose ONE (1) GCD every time I try to use an ability coming off CD... well that's quite a lot of lost damage/mitigation on bosses over a course of a whole fight - since not having used so many GCDs might sometimes mean living or dying to enrage...


absolutely atrocious change -.- terrible... all I can say

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this was requested by the community. i have seen 2 names so far who claimed the game was broken and they were leaving because they couldnt tell if an instant, reactive ability was avaliable or not until after the gcd ends. these same 2 are now saying they are leaving because they cant judge their defensive cds.
Clearly they're in over their heads.


Complaint: My abilities aren't necessarily activating when I press the button, even if the animation/GCD activate, and the only way I can determine if they did activate is to wait through the GCD and see if the ability is on cooldown or not (which doesn't even guarantee the ability landed anyway, but it's mostly accurate).


Why are my abilities failing to activate? Why are animations triggering? Why is GCD triggering? Why are these subeffects triggering, but the actual ability itself isn't?


How is tinkering with the GCD animation actually fixing this issue?


And why didn't they just disable the GCD animation for the specific ability used, and any ability already on cooldown?


But really, why the **** did they design a MMO using OSP (offline single player) mechanics?

Edited by Ansultares
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Completely agree, this change is horrible. Keep clicking CDs that I see are lit up but still have 10 seconds left. Has caused me to die a few time because I keep thinking things are up and they are not.


Please either change it back, or add an option to toggle!

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Adding my voice to the choir. The heavily cooldown based Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight rotations were already painful to begin with, now it is much harder to tell which skill is on cooldown and which one is not. Please rework it, or at the very least, make it a togglable option.
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I haven't logged in yet post 1.1, but the issue that this was intending to fix was personally one of the more annoying things about the UI. Happy that Bioware are trying to fix stuff, but the proposed solution sounds like it's made things worse. Holding off judgment until I can play with it for half an hour.
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Just thought I'd add my voice to the crowd. The change was wholly unnecessary and made the UI worse.


Is it the end of the world? No. That said, it makes no sense to now require every player to look directly at the icon to see the CD. There is zero indication if you're looking at the center of your screen that your CD is finished.


I could go on about the whole moment of blindness that happens when your eyes quickly scan from one thing to another, but I think it suffices to say simply that it's a bad change and there should be an option to revert it.

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The most disturbing thing about this change is in how it was ever approved to begin with. It does not speak highly of the team involved, and makes me question whether they have much experience actually playing MMO's in general, let alone their own game.


This patch just screams amateur hour.




Was there ever any feedback from players requesting something as random as this to be done?

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The most disturbing thing about this change is in how it was ever approved to begin with. It does not speak highly of the team involved, and makes me question whether they have much experience actually playing MMO's in general, let alone their own game.


This patch just screams amateur hour.


So you think that you're smarter than a team of developers because you can rip one ONE thing you don't like about a game huh? YOU are not on the team, YOU have no idea what the process is to do things. I'm sure there is more red tape to cut through than you can possibly imagine. THIS GAME HAS BEEN OUT FOR A MONTH!!!


I mean, seriously, go take out your aggressions somewhere else. Your uneducated posts have no bearing here, nor are they needed.

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It really isn't a problem if you sit in Fleet and yak in General chat.


After "working around" my missing un-sub button I plan to come back when the game works.


By then GW2, D3, and Pandas will be out, thus making this game completely irrelevant; and it will still be down on features.

Edited by Arkimor
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I would honestly suggest people taking 3 months off and then come back to this game. I was amazed by all the updates Rift got when I came back to it after 3 months. I am unsubbed and am going to focus on school and maybe come back for summer or something. Now back to my unfinished sp games(Deus Ex:HR, Skyrim, and Resistence 3 :D). Edited by Volksworgen
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