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10 Good
  1. Having played and enjoyed both SWTOR and EVE, I'm pretty sure that these games are different enough that liking one has little or no correlation to liking the other. What's certainly true is that subbing to SWTOR expecting an EVE-type sandbox will leave you disappointed, and subbing to EVE expecting a SWTOR-type themepark will leave some similar disappointment.
  2. If BW feels that this is a concern that's worth addressing, then the obvious solution is to not group people by country (which gets peoples' backs up as you've seen) but to group by language in the exact same way as the European servers are currently arranged. And English is one of the four official languages of Singapore, FWIW, and is the only language that everyone in the country is fluent in. The same is not true for Hong Kong, but I would strongly suspect that the number of players in HK is much lower than SG+AU+NZ, and if I'm wrong then, hey, Chinese-language servers etc.
  3. While I support the idea of macros as posted by the OP, I strongly believe that this should be prioritized well below some other healing QoL UI items such as /target of focus and /target of target commands. For me, healing without mouseovers and conditional casting is mildly more clunky (not horrible, but opinions may differ) and causes a mild DPS loss while healing on easy fights, whereas trying to heal a target-switching boss at the moment is massively obnoxious. If these things are implemented it would make macros themselves much better on implementation as well! I posted something similar in the mouseover healing thread on the healing forums a while back - I'm not trying to derail the thread but I think people are making a bigger deal about this than I feel it deserves.
  4. In the finest tradition of the movies, any and all imperial trooper classes must have a 100% accuracy penalty. EDIT: @Sasherla: exactly. Imperial troopers went through three entire movies failing to hit anybody and losing to the teddy bear armada, why would anybody want to repeat that experience for 50+ hours.
  5. I don't want this right now. I don't have any special grudge against it, and I get that some people find it much easier/more fun/less aggravating to have mouseover functionality, but to be honest I'd like the UI team to prioritize other things (like target of target, target of focus and the ability to actually see and sort my op group's buffs properly) before they get around to this. EDIT: I am aware that there are different teams working on different things. However, these UI requests are all very closely related and so I am assuming that they need to be prioritized. In the event that Bioware has its own op frames team or whatever and is able to do this without slowing down the things that I consider to be higher priority, then hey, go nuts.
  6. 8/10 got some bites and made me look up the macbook air's actual specs.
  7. Also it would necessitate the repositioning of half the datacrons and make ilum even worse than it is now. I'm very against this in general, though I wouldn't mind seeing a bigger speed increase with higher level speeders if people just want to get places faster.
  8. THat isn't counterintuitive at all. Vsync caps your framerate to your monitor's, which is typically much lower than the maximum of 110 fps that the game tries to run at. This isn't the OP's problem though since he isn't hitting 60 fps anywhere.
  9. Obviously Bioware can't make a working RNG... why do you think we don't have a /roll command. /trollface Seriously though? Random loot is random. These threads always pop up in the first couple of weeks, and they never have any basis beyond tiny-sample-size anecdotal evidence.
  10. Win7 home 64 i5 2500 AMD Radeon HD 6870 8 gig DDR3 RAM 1 TB HDD 650W PSU fleet at primetime is constant 50fps with occasional spikes down to as low as 35. Settings are all@high, resolution 1920x1200.
  11. I thought the devs posted something specific about anti-aliasing not working right now on the 6700 series.
  12. If all you're getting out of that is a motherboard, CPU and some RAM I'm 100% sure that an i5-2400 (less than $200, I bought an i5-2500 for 210 a couple of weeks ago) and a motherboard ($120ish) plus some RAM ($50 or so for 8ish gigs) will be less than whatever you're spending. 450W power should be acceptable for that setup. EDIT: what the guy above me said.
  13. I haven't logged in yet post 1.1, but the issue that this was intending to fix was personally one of the more annoying things about the UI. Happy that Bioware are trying to fix stuff, but the proposed solution sounds like it's made things worse. Holding off judgment until I can play with it for half an hour.
  14. /tinfoilhat? Zero evidence and zero logic does not a sensible argument make, or even a somewhat convincing troll. Patch notes are on display if you want to know what the patch is going to do. 0/10
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