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Rakata weapons still useless in 1.1

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Considering the number of players who have end-game level gear compared to, say, the number of players still leveling their first characters, I'd say this issue with end-game weapons being bugged isn't a high priority. Needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
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and they havnt fixed the immortal tree TPS/DPS and migtation either wich is a joke all top tier pve raid tanking juggs run around in vengence specc with some in immortal how this also havnt been fixed and they fix endure pain and leap in pvp but dont fix this.. all other tanks deals like,


10-25% more damage than us 10 times better aoe tanking and single target tanking and got 10 times better migtation due to our godamn usless tank tree wich gives us like 5 talent points that gives us surivivability and others get like 28-34. How this even is concidered balanced or fair in any way is beyond my beleif.


And also fix rakata please and give harder content in Nightmare PLEASE that i can migtate damage so well with this broken specc/talent tree it proves that the numbers on hitting on tanks need to be upped like hell. EV is a joke, Karrgath palace new bosses was ALOT better but still need to be a bit harder imo.


What does your issue about juggernaut tanking have to do with the raid weapons.....please stop trolling when you have nothing better to say.


Secondly, if you think WoW responded to EVERY ticket with a GM, you are full of the perverbial.....never mind, because believe me, they did not. Also, generally you never did get a response if they did for AT LEAST 6-10 hours. Usually, I simply got a reply in my mailbox saying they were sorry they could not get to me. At least in this game, you don't have to go to a mailbox to see that......

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