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Everything posted by Pirwzy

  1. Whenever I leave the game to use a web browser, random keystrokes that I type into the web browser get activated simultaneously in-game when I return to the game window, opening various in-game windows like inventory, crew skills, codex, etc. When movement keys (QWEASD) are the ones activated by the game, my character moves continuously according to those keys until I press them again in-game, like the key is stuck activated. Notes: - This happens in Windowed, Fullscreen, and Fullscreen-windowed modes. It's not specific to any of them. - It happens with all browsers. - It happens ONLY with web browsers, which is awfully suspicious and implies intent. - It happens with keystrokes typed into password fields, which is awfully alarming considering previous point. - If you type really really slow the game won't copy the keystrokes. You have to type at least at a normal speed. - It only happens if you've included spaces, such as when typing sentences like a normal person. Typing 'dddddddd' doesn't trigger it while 'ddd d d ddd ddd dd' does.
  2. First, I'd like to say that the ability to save interface layout Profiles is super-convenient and very appreciated. However, I think it would be very beneficial (considering the Alt-heavy emphasis this game seems to have) to implement some way to carry over key-bind settings from one character to another, possibly as quickly as it's possible to carry over the interface layout. If this feature already exists then I must be blind and apologize because I cannot find it anywhere.
  3. Considering the number of players who have end-game level gear compared to, say, the number of players still leveling their first characters, I'd say this issue with end-game weapons being bugged isn't a high priority. Needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
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