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If no one else is willng to say it, I will..


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I actually think travel on the ship is too fast, doesn't feel like you actually "travel". I wouldn't mind if you had to wait a little longer to travel to other planets. Give you time to go get something to drink or something hehe, and yes I actually do think this and not trying to troll.


As for the space stations and Docks, I like them it adds Immersion, makes it feel like My character actually landed on a new place.


One thing I never forgave EQ for, was coming out with instant transport to places. While I will agree the wait time for boats was horribly long, but just adding the PoK tps made so many zones useless and well just sorta made the game feel "smaller"

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I love the travel the way it is, it adds ambience to the Role portion of RPG. Maybe if you could turn it off after players finnished thier storylines or, added an option to turn it off or leave it on. in the preference menu?
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I want to be put right in front of every objective with no wait whatsoever. I don't want to take the extra 2 minutes of travel between planets which is used to make the universe seem bigger, even though the developers could not possibly make a universe on the size that we are requesting.


Closing program.

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It's these kind of complaints about how everything in a game should be easy that force the devs to change everything, taking any challenge out and making the game completely worthless.


It starts with making travel everywhere instant, but will end with leveling up twice as fast so you can sit around and complain about no endgame full-time.

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What's wrong with my nuts?




Oh yeah because it's sooo painful to run a bit and be in a social setting to get to your mailbox. You know, might as well put all the trainers and all the NPCs on your starship so you never have to leave it.


What's wrong with you guys? Everybody knows this type of laziness kills a game, ESPECIALLY THE MMO PART.

Really. I've never believed any of that has one iota to do with the social aspect of any game. Then again, I never relied on any game to force people to run past me so that they get sprinkled with magic dust that suddenly wants them to stop and talk to a completely random person.


These "it's good for community" and "It's about being social!" statements just make me think of some kid standing in the middle of a playground crying their eyes out and yelling "Teacher!!!! Make them play with me!!!!!!"

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Solution: Change the loading screens between planets to interactive space combat mini-missions, which begin as soon as the player selects their destination from the galaxy map. Enemy ships (Republic, Imperial, Mercenaries, etc.) populate the screen in droves, and the player can kill them for experience points comparable to what they'd get in a space mission at their level. Once loading is completed, the mini-mission segways directly into the landing cutscene.


This could provide a practical way to load the next planet and offer the player some sort of entertainment/recourse during the wait.

Edited by Avenloc
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What's wrong with my nuts?




Oh yeah because it's sooo painful to run a bit and be in a social setting to get to your mailbox. You know, might as well put all the trainers and all the NPCs on your starship so you never have to leave it.


What's wrong with you guys? Everybody knows this type of laziness kills a game, ESPECIALLY THE MMO PART.


What the hell is social about a hangar? What the hell is social about a stupid room that everyone needs to run past and never sees another person in just to get to where they need/want to go. What the hell is social about a complete waste of time?


He is not asking for all venders to be put right infront of him...Heis asking why the hell is there SO MUCH WASTED SPACE/TIME THAT IS 100% POINTLESS...

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I want Insta-travel between Planets and Fleet.



To hell with Starports and Profession Hangars and Orbital Stations and Ship.



It's boring and stupid.


There, I said it.


If, for some reason you dissagree, thats your right. Personally, I think your nuts.


This again... can you think of anything other then "me, me, me".


Try to reflect on things before you go QQ memememe. Think about what it would mean to the game and how it could be implemented taking into account the current systems in place.


Since that is obviously too much for you to handle, i'll put it simply to you: If that happened there was no point in having a ship and it wouldnt feel star wars. On top of that, story sections require you to go through your hangar in the spaceport so you cant just teleport away from those or the story wont make sense!


So, you can ask teleport to the hangar, that would be a good sugestion that is feasible.


QQQQQmemememe doesnt work and it would require a major rework of the game systems.


Just because you dont like imersion, doesnt mean everyone is QQQmememe like you.

I strongly oppose the OP's sugestion. There would be no advantage to the game in doing so... and i think if you do, you're nuts.


Ps: Oh and in case you missed it, you can already teleport instantly to the fleet. I wouldnt be surprised if you did, since QQQQQmememem is so much more interesting to do.

Edited by Nemmar
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You can teleport to fleet ONCE per 18 hours. Make it 30 minutes and then its viable argument.


Why is it you can travel from start planet directly to spacestation but when you get ship you suddenly have to run through airlock to get to station? Nothing happens there when you are 50 its just useless running. Or what do I miss? Why do the start shuttles keep the option "travel to fleet" when its not possible ever again and you have to go through airlock? To piss us off?

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I want my mailbox, class trainer, GNT, LFG tool, crew skill trainer, all the type of vendors and more things to be accessible from my ship bedroom (not scattered through the whole ship, no sir).


I also want the best gear in the game delivered to me piece by piece by the various bosses of operations/flashpoints every morning while I take my breakfast in bed and watching Vette/Mako/Blizz/Khem Val dancing for me in their underwear.




This is a game that is being placed in a big world, it is intended to be that way. And travel/walking is a part of that. Please don't ask the developer to change that. You could ask for simpler things, like allowing you to use your speeder inside spaceports etc.


But when you have a 30' teleport to your spaceport from anywhere in the planet plus a 24 hour teleport to the fleet I find your request a bit overkill. After all you don't have to travel all the time from planet to planet.

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Fleet Pass, You have it. What waiting 24 hours isn't convenient for you? Too bad, deal with it. Spaceport > Ship > Spaceport does not take that much time to do. Quit your whining you lazy people.


Next I suppose you'll want the game to just give you levels for staring at your screen, or maybe you'd like to just sit there and be handed the best gear in the game too.




You're asking for an instantaneous way to do what 5-7 minutes or less can easily accomplish.

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You can teleport to fleet ONCE per 18 hours. Make it 30 minutes and then its viable argument.


Why is it you can travel from start planet directly to spacestation but when you get ship you suddenly have to run through airlock to get to station? Nothing happens there when you are 50 its just useless running. Or what do I miss? Why do the start shuttles keep the option "travel to fleet" when its not possible ever again and you have to go through airlock? To piss us off?

It is on a 30min cooldown. It's called Quick Travel. You can Quick Travel to a ... get this ... Fleet Shuttle that's on EVERY planet near a Quick Travel location. BOOM! 30min Fleet Pass.

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Closing program.


Let's fit the whole of the game into a 10 m square room, all missions from one person, all buyables from one person, all pvp in an adjacent room to minimize any wasted time walking, all missions just warp you out of the room and into the designated area instantly, and you are zoomed back immediately upon completion to turn it in :)

Edited by JediNg
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I like it and dislike it...if that's possible.


I do find the whole travel process a bit long winded but I don't want it completely taken away. I like going to my ship and travelling.


The worst part is travelling on my ship to a space station and then having to get a shuttle to the surface...rather annoying, so I say get rid of that but leave the spaceship travel.

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I agree, it was cool the first time, not anymore, actually I would like the damn "heartstone" to have a option "to the batmobile" err I mean ship, so I dont need to run there to.


And orbital stations, loading time, run, more loading time, run some more, speeded, run abit more, crap forgot something in the bank, brb 10 min

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Fleet Pass, You have it. What waiting 24 hours isn't convenient for you? Too bad, deal with it. Spaceport > Ship > Spaceport does not take that much time to do. Quit your whining you lazy people.


Next I suppose you'll want the game to just give you levels for staring at your screen, or maybe you'd like to just sit there and be handed the best gear in the game too.




You're asking for an instantaneous way to do what 5-7 minutes or less can easily accomplish.


Let me grasp the logic behind this. You actually think 7 minutes of running is worthy of someones time? Are you *********** serious? We are lazy for not wanting to put up with, as you said yourself, 7 minutes of running just to start playing the game again? Do you see how retarded you sound?


You make it seem like running is a *********** gameplay feature that adds to the challenge of the game. This forum is a damn disaster; full of trolls and outright illogical morons.

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I want Insta-travel between Planets and Fleet.



To hell with Starports and Profession Hangars and Orbital Stations and Ship.



It's boring and stupid.


There, I said it.


If, for some reason you dissagree, thats your right. Personally, I think your nuts.


You definitely have to wonder what purpose this serves. If all the planetary vendors were on the space stations it'd be one thing, but they're not. They're planet side.


Right now they just serve as time sinks and homes to a minimal number of missions.

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It is on a 30min cooldown. It's called Quick Travel. You can Quick Travel to a ... get this ... Fleet Shuttle that's on EVERY planet near a Quick Travel location. BOOM! 30min Fleet Pass.

OMG I have never used my teleport that way. I am so stupid, lol, always going to the spaceport.


This should be in a new thread to point that out to people. Sometimes we overlook the simplest solutions.


Thanks for the tip mate! :)

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