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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gunslinger is to weak compared to other classes


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Wrakk just reroll another class.

Sniper/Gunslinger is retarded and needs to be deleted if they are not going to fix it.



These people who comment are like the rest of the sheep and play lolclasses. You went for diversity so shame on you, had you rolled an easy class that was setup properly for you then you wouldn't have to worry about it but its your fault. So why you here QQ up our forums?!? We want this forums filled with NERFS not buffs to broken classes PLEASE LEAVE.


Ya you probably should reroll


Snipers arent going to be fixed short of some kind of major overhaul. Minor tweaks will do nothing. By the time that happens.... expansion pack?

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gunslingers and snipers are no wear near underpowerd in fact they are quite OP



they have there little cover sheild which increaes in size to a bigger sheild then they have that huge sheild barrier and this makes them tough as hell.


that alone is crazy



if you can actualy get to the gunslinger before he 2 shots you the knockback root spam is quite anoying.

they also get a knockback shot which sends you flying.


they get other CC abilitys



they can sit there in place in cover with 5 people pounding on them dishing out silly damage like they can.



now i can say this is defunatly a l2p issue.

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Gunslingers are decent in pve as others have stated. (regardless of the terrible mechanics of 90% of boss fights that make us constantly move). Its REALLY hard to see how a Slinger does in top gear because we're like the freakin Yeti...I have Yeti to see a high valor Slinger..(waka waka waka). But seriously. The Slinger needs a LOT of help. I understand that people say "Oh its a complicated class, not for the meek". Well ...we must be the only 'complicated class'. I didn't sign up for complicated. I signed up for performing a role..and the Gunslinger has no role atm that others can't fill better. We can do good damage ..in optimal situations..(ie the other team is bad). Ask any of your imp buddies whats the first dude they look for and I bet 99.9% will say the Slinger crouching. I know...I'm the one sitting in the back while your running past 4 of my teammates to forcepull my rear end into your death circle. How about this..how about you make Aimed shot like the Sorc lighting of death...I want to spam aimed shot..then we can see how complicated this class can be.
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gunslingers and snipers are no wear near underpowerd in fact they are quite OP



they have there little cover sheild which increaes in size to a bigger sheild then they have that huge sheild barrier and this makes them tough as hell.


that alone is crazy



if you can actualy get to the gunslinger before he 2 shots you the knockback root spam is quite anoying.

they also get a knockback shot which sends you flying.


they get other CC abilitys



they can sit there in place in cover with 5 people pounding on them dishing out silly damage like they can.



now i can say this is defunatly a l2p issue.


Any argument you make is irrelevant. You can't spell and have no grammar skills.


Back on topic: I agree that GS/Sniper is mediocre at best. I do pretty acceptable damage in PvE and still can put on out the damage numbers in PvP, but that doesn't mean anything. If I have 2 melee come at me, its usually GG unless I have all my cooldowns ready. Even then, any sort of chain stuns after HD drops off means I'm dead.


I think one of the primary issues is the use of cover. No other classes need this sort of mechanic to function. While the function of this is neat and fresh, but by no means revolutionary, it simply doesn't work for PvP. PvP is fast paced, rarely stay in the same spot more than several moments at a time.


If they want to confine us to staying stationary, I suggest they make our damage relevant and non-ignorable. Most ACs (I'm looking at you Sorc/Sage/Op/Scound) have several instant abilities, that do significantly more damage than any of our attacks. While I've come to terms with the fact that this happens and that other classes are in a similar situation, GS/Sniper don't get to move around while doing mediocre damage.


These classes need to be reviewed. You don't need to remove cover, but either give us mobility or a significant damage increase while we're in cover. My suggestion, some sort of flat % damage increase while in cover. I won't pretend to guess a number. But 20- 30% seems like a good place to start. And also let us use all of our abilities out of cover.


Edit: After thinking about it, that sort of buff would probably make GS/sniper too good in PvE settings. It was the first thing I thought of though :rolleyes:

Edited by Whattheschnell
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Rofl ??? Shatter Shots Reduces the armor by 20%... but the shield still absorbs/dodge everything. you probably dont play sniper.


Sure as hell doesn't absorb the tech moves a sniper has available to them, nor does it absorb all the damage. Too many snipers play Marksmen without bothering to try the Engineer tree.

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You have no idea what you are talking about your combo is a waste of time and abilities.

Cover will get you killed vs any competent team.


Gunslingers can get good numbers, but it not because of our mechanics, but it is inspite of it. GO dirty fighting it will make your life a million times better. It still sucks compared to the 1 ability spammers, but at least you no longer have to use cover or weapon Damage.


Sharpshooter is for PvE Dirty Fighting is for PvP.


Well, then I guess my server, Trask Ulgo, is full of incompetent players. Since I do get incredibly few deaths on my Sniper and I'm 95% of the time the player that has done the most damage.

Personally, I found that combo quite efficient. From time to time an Operative/Scroundrel pops up from behind or a Jedi/Sith leaps in towards me. With that combo I can soak up a large amount of damage, which gives me enough time to kill that player without my health dropping to much. Probaly there are some serious flaws in my 'skills', but to be quite frankly: I don't care, it works out just fine for me and thats all I need really.


Dirty Fighting/Lethality loses to much of its value imo, once there is a competent healer in the other team, as they can easily outheal those DoTs.


Anyways, I love to play Sniper/Gunslinger in pvp and I am Marksmanship/Sharpshooter - specced. Perhaps you are missing something here or I just have had loads of pure luck.

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I think they are referring to the Gunslinger Tree and The Sniper Tree nothing special just the trees that make them who they are is all


Gunslinger and sniper are te advanced class names.


The tree names are; marksmanship, engineering and lethality for a sniper and sharpshooter, saboteur and dirty fighting for the gunslinger.


Only sharpshooter and marksmanship require a major use of cover.

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So I show you a completely random screenshot I took several minutes ago at a time of posting and you just go "omghhh... but the restrictions, but the damage mitigation... omg no synergy... qq"


Bottom line - I claim that Snipers are just fine and that's it. If you have no idea how to bypass said "restrictions" while utilizing our very unique strengths like ranged burst, CC immunity, and excellent array of CC we have, then it's your problem.


You can continue your clown parade as long as you like, heck if you manage to get me buffed, then it will be just sweet. I just find all the claims that Snipers do crap damage laughable at best and the most amusing part is that it is a leading claim in this thread, despite it being a total and complete BS.


And that's the point. Apart from the cc immunity, which is really nice, we have nothing unique going for the class. Everything can easily duplicated by other classes (even better on heavy armoured once) and they also bring really nice stuff with them without having the sniper's restrictions.


However, dream on about having unique stuff and also do not look up what mitigation does e.g. to the marksman tree compared to other classes's specs.

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Another issue is that even though cover is an "instant" ability, your brain still perceives it as a casted ability while you wait for your character to kneel and cover to pop up before you instinctively start shooting.
Sound as a L2P issue more than anything else.


You get a second quick-bar once you Crouch and Crouch is instant and does not trigger the global cooldown.


How about you put ALL abilities that require cover on that new bar and then, on the same slots and same key bindings, put the ability "Crouch" (not Take Cover!!!) on all slots while not in cover.


Good to bind Take Cover as well, but you dont need a "fast" key binding for it (like Alt-S or Alt-X). A good use of Take Cover is when you want to roll over the chasm during void star - before the bridge is out... ;)

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Its clear people aren't using shatter shot then... or being engineer spec. 20% armor penetration is nothing to laugh at really. Not to mention the engineer tree stuff is largely tech.


Well, according to the tests some snipers did (the board has sometimes some really informative threads) you don't really get 20%. Why? The value you receive per armour point isn't linear and it seems you just shear off the tip of the iceberg.


If that's true...no idea, I did not testing. However, that would explain some of the really low numbers I get on said target after using shatter shot on them.

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Rofl ??? Shatter Shots Reduces the armor by 20%... but the shield still absorbs/dodge everything. you probably dont play sniper.
Accuracy reduce risk to miss (all the way down to 0%) and the risk target successfully shield (all the way to 0% if you stack enough accuracy).


I find it pretty clear that BW intend for Marksman Snipers to stack a lot of Accuracy (and for Concealment Operatives to stack a lot of Tech).

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Yet another thread full of L2P issues. C'mon guys, you whined a lot about how you can't get yourself to play GS properly, get over it and at least try to learn how to play GS! It's not the class what is having issues, it's you. I know, playing GS is quite hard, but definitely not impossible.
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Sound as a L2P issue more than anything else.


You get a second quick-bar once you Crouch and Crouch is instant and does not trigger the global cooldown.


How about you put ALL abilities that require cover on that new bar and then, on the same slots and same key bindings, put the ability "Crouch" (not Take Cover!!!) on all slots while not in cover.


Good to bind Take Cover as well, but you dont need a "fast" key binding for it (like Alt-S or Alt-X). A good use of Take Cover is when you want to roll over the chasm during void star - before the bridge is out... ;)


OH no we are all to gosh darn stupid to have ever done that. I did not setup the cover bar with my abilities at all i filled it with my speeders instead WOOPSY i guess every one, but you are to dumb to be alive.


Of course we did that, but the issue is cover breaks on some CC abilities even with hunker down because of the delay between activation and start of the ability so sometimes it dose not start and still goes on CD. Pulse push dose not work either at times, I hit cover, click 4 and nothing happens because cover is broken.


I get into cover and shoot at some one and instead of doing damage my ability breaks and my Aimed shot goes into CD any way while never firing.

Cover adds nothing to the class while making us more likely to die.


Stationery targets always get's targeted first.


OH and i am only Valor rank 40 because i play on a designated PvP server in EU and because of some dumb choices from some Spanish guilds we are now outnumbered by a TON and fight people i have known from Warhammer who are PvP masters. So many sorcs, so many BH and so many battlemasters.

Edited by MurderBunny
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OH no we are all to gosh darn stupid to have ever done that. I did not setup the cover bar with my abilities at all i filled it with my speeders instead WOOPSY i guess every one, but you are to dumb to be alive.


Of course we did that, but...

MurderBunny, you didnt actually read what i was replying too - did you?


Here, let me quote that part again. This time just for you MurderBunny.


Another issue is that even though cover is an "instant" ability, your brain still perceives it as a casted ability while you wait for your character to kneel and cover to pop up before you instinctively start shooting.

FinalBoss activate Cover and then he wait for the animation to end before his brain tell his body it is ok to fire. He is not the only one. If you read this thread you will notice at least six different people, some at rather high valor, that did not know you could hit Cover and then follow up with an ability - without waiting for a global cooldown or an animation.


This IS a learn to play issue. I gave him good advice (if you disagree, fine. I am happy to hear your counter-arguments).


However, there is NO reason why YOU should go all hostile because of my post. The post was not adressed to you. If you ARE going to reply; please try to do so in a civil, mature and polite fashion.


Thank you.

Edited by Xenon-se
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MurderBunny, you didnt actually read what i was replying too - did you?


Here, let me quote that part again. This time just for you MurderBunny.



FinalBoss activate Cover and then he wait for the animation to end before his brain tell his body it is ok to fire. He is not the only one. If you read this thread you will notice at least six different people, some at rather high valor, that did not know you could hit Cover and then follow up with an ability - without waiting for a global cooldown or an animation.


This IS a learn to play issue. I gave him good advice (if you disagree, fine. I am happy to hear your counter-arguments).


However, there is NO reason why YOU should go all hostile because of my post. The post was not adressed to you. If you ARE going to reply; please try to do so in a civil, mature and polite fashion.


Thank you.


The general ability delay issue strikes gunslingers the most as cover gets delayed aswell. Try an instant charged burst after taking cover. It isn't instant.

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Sound as a L2P issue more than anything else.


You get a second quick-bar once you Crouch and Crouch is INSTANT and does not trigger the global cooldown.




HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH instant....o wait....you really think its instant...damn..well it takes a long time to get the damn thing to work...

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