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Why do so many play Empire?


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This - hard to like a side that berates you for moving towards the dark side every time u look sideways at a pretty girl.


That's weird because if you follow the romance arc, with the JK companion Kira (by not choosing the initial dark side flirt option) you get no dark side points, and she even begins to do research on jedi who have been allowed by the council to be together, some of which married and even had children.


Love isn't forbidden, infatuation and a lack of emotional control, is.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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ppl just like to play the bad guys, they spend all day being nice top ppl why not let out their dark sides at night :p


I personally dont think they made the rebels appealing enough, but i love my commando.


and we all know who reigns supreme in the end anyway :p

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You should really play beyond the 10 tutorial levels.






I will, but I only have so much time. I'm not saying the stories are absolutely terrible either, I'm just saying the starter world storyline for Imperial classes just seem to grab and hold you. Part of it is that with the possible exception of the Agent the Imperials are pretty much out for themselves, where Republic players are more part of the "greater good" so the faction has to grab you as well as your own personal story.

Edited by Evangelist
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I know we are on page 36 but I have a question, what proof do you have that Imps out number Reps besides personal perception? I level an IA to 50 and now I'm leveling a smug and I honestly can't tell the difference on population size.
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I hate leveling in Coruscant. I tried a couple of different Rep. characters, but that area makes me want to poke my eyeballs out. I hate the layout, it's like a bunch of little quest hubs connected by taxi's, much like Nar Shaddaa (which I hate too).
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The only reason I chose Empire side is because it fits me better...


I don't care which side is more "developed" or which side has better specs.


I picked the empire because if this was real life...I would be on the side of the empire. Plain and simple.

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I think the Jedi and Sith codes go a long way in explaining the disparity in player population (if there is one):


Jedi: There is no Emotion - Prior to Athiss, Jedi Grandmaster told me I should be afraid (...what?)

Sith: There is Passion - To help others, to help oneself, to gain prestige, to love, to hate - all passions.


Jedi: There is Peace - Now craft a sabre and start the killing spree (...what?)

Sith: Peace is a Lie - Jedi are trying to kill you, so you better be prepared (sounds about right)


Game mechanics (kill stuff to gain loot and xp) doesn't sync well for the Jedi in my opinion. "What was I doing again? Oh yeah, killing people so I can steal their gear. How noble of me!"


The Jedi code (pre-Skywalker) is just too fatalistic for me. Kind of like hinduism. Life is an illusion. Anything you do only reinforces this illusion. Try, by not trying, to do nothing so life (the illusion) can finally end... I like to think my choices matter, that my life matters, that my wins and losses are not just "the will of the Force".

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I think the Jedi and Sith codes go a long way in explaining the disparity in player population (if there is one):


Jedi: There is no Emotion - Prior to Athiss, Jedi Grandmaster told me I should be afraid (...what?)

Sith: There is Passion - To help others, to help oneself, to gain prestige, to love, to hate - all passions.


Jedi: There is Peace - Now craft a sabre and start the killing spree (...what?)

Sith: Peace is a Lie - Jedi are trying to kill you, so you better be prepared (sounds about right)


Game mechanics (kill stuff to gain loot and xp) doesn't sync well for the Jedi in my opinion. "What was I doing again? Oh yeah, killing people so I can steal their gear. How noble of me!"


The Jedi code (pre-Skywalker) is just too fatalistic for me. Kind of like hinduism. Life is an illusion. Anything you do only reinforces this illusion. Try, by not trying, to do nothing so life (the illusion) can finally end... I like to think my choices matter, that my life matters, that my wins and losses are not just "the will of the Force".


I don't know about you, but when the option comes up for my Jedi to; A) Let someone live or B) Kill the ****** for screwing with the wrong Jedi, I take pride in showing them the business end of my lightsaber.


Not to mention, in PvP, seeing a Jedi Sage in full white robes and lampshade for a hat while sporting a red light saber makes people stop and say, "w t f ?"


The only thing that throws ME off ... is the fact that when I talk to Satele with full blown Sith Corruption, she doesn't question me and kick me in the throat.

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I've played several alts on both sides, but my favorite is my "light-side" Sith Inq. He is often aggressive and violent, but goes out of his way to earn the love and respect of his allies. Choices are in tiers: Benefit Self > Hurting Enemies > Helping Randoms > Hurting Randoms. Who wants to live their life with a bundle of rage eating at their insides? Now I might agree with the idea that passion=power and power=freedom, but I can think of some more enjoyable passions than fear and rage.
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Empire has:


1) More race diversity - Republic Zabraks aren't even an option. They look like plastic-faced mannequins.


2) Better looking gear - The best looking gear I've had for my lvl 35 Jedi Shadow is the robe that dropped on the Esseles. Consular hats. Dear god, consular hats. My level 18 trooper had to pick up armorcraft and make pants that didn't look like I was wearing white sweatpants anymore


3) More interesting (to me) missions - The Empire is the proactive faction. Playing as a reactionary pacifist gets stale. The Empire has you stopping organized revolutions and dealing with unearthed Dark Jedi secrets. The republic can't figure out how to get rid of a biker gang that lives downstairs. Ineptitude on the Empire side is punished. Ineptitude is to be expected on the Republic side.


4) Better voice acting - Except for the female smuggler (which I find slightly annoying), Republic classes have no character. They're flatter than a bank commercial voice over.


5) Better spell effects - I've really only noticed these on the BH/Trooper and Consular/Inquisitor. Death From Above > Squat and spray. Lightning > pebble power


All that being said, I'm stuck on Republic side since that's where my friends wanted to go. I started out on Empire side and switched at 30-something. I haven't really warmed up to Republic side at all.

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I joined the Empire side because my boyfriend played Empire during BETA, and thus wanted to continue to play it launch and beyond. I tried out the Republic; a female smuggler. The smuggler's voice got kind of annoying for me, however, I liked how she played.


On the other hand, I prefer the voice acting on the Empire side. I also cannot part with my IA female. I am liking her story. :)

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The Jedi code (pre-Skywalker) is just too fatalistic for me. Kind of like hinduism. Life is an illusion. Anything you do only reinforces this illusion. Try, by not trying, to do nothing so life (the illusion) can finally end... I like to think my choices matter, that my life matters, that my wins and losses are not just "the will of the Force".


Isn't that what makes Jedi attractive in the first place?


The whole Yoda thing. You walk into a room, clad in rags, 3 feet tall, and tell the huge, black-masked figure seething with rage and hate and powerhunger that you're deeply sorry but if he insists on being aggressive he leaves you no choice but to chop his head off. And in the moment he coughs out his last corrupted breath you make a sad face and tell him that you found no joy in this violence. And guess what, you mean it.


That's just so superior it gives me a *****, or well, almost. You know.


And that's what I don't understand. If you wanna pick the cool and powerful side, aren't Jedi more powerful and superior before they even grab a saber?


Sith make themselves laughable Emos just by giving a damn about what happens to the galaxy in the first place. At least that's how I understand Star Wars.



Edited by Valyxa
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And why not?


1. People I play with play on empire side.

2. There are races empire-only. Not much of a reason maybe, but again, why not.

3. It seems more like a real life; you can always do any bad things you want, and you're considered stupid if you do anything nice and good :D

4. People like playing in games what they can't do in reality.

5. The way I see it, not much of a difference anyway, on both sides you'll get quest like kill that dude, on both sides you don't have to do it, and even if you don't, in the end you will kill someone, it will just not be "for the empire" but "for the republic". :)

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I've heard from alot of people that Empire is the majority of the players ingame, don't know if that applies to all servers or whatever but if that's so then why?


Because this is the first rpg game you can truly play a Sith? All other games were about being a (falling) jedi, or Sith turns jedi in the case of SW:TFU.

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Same reason more and more people tend to make evil characters in games and goes anti-democratic when they feel they can safely and anonimously express it.


Western civilization is decadent, it's dying. People subconsiuosly feel it, demand change, are revolting against current order.


As art shows society's condition so does "avatars" people create.


Could there be any more nonsense on the internet? I'll draw the following conclusions from your post:


You are a suffering "loner" who incidentally surrounds himself with other suffering "loners", you perceive yourself as an artist and world critic, anarchy is your preferred overt sense of discourse while you quietly hide your desire for forced government structure. You loathe capitalism and personal excellence, while ascribing to universal suffrage and anonymity, success is your ever present nemesis, anyone partaking of it is vilified.


How close am I?

Edited by DracheJager
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I never played WOW but several of my friends did. When I mentioned this game to them all the reply was,' play the bad guys it'll be more fun.'


I guess playing the bad guys was more fun in WOW and people naturally stick to what they know, hence the big imbalance.


What will BW do about it? not a thing. The wait time/ queues will provide enough evolutionary pressure for people to roll as republic. When people realise you can play now as republic or wait in a queue to play later as Sith people will roll an alt.

The legacy system may give advantages to get your alts levelled quicker and this will apply more pressure to balance the sides.


It seems that BW wants to keep the story intact and do not want to introduce elements that break the story. E.g. there is no good reason for the orbital stations on Balmorra etc except they fit in with the story. The story says skills are things you learn over time, you can't just flit between knowing healing and knowing a fighting style so dual spec will break the story. If it's a toss up between story and what you are used to in other games, the story is going to win. The legacy system is encouraging you to have lots of alts between the different factions as this will allow dual spec without breaking the story, the existence of bonus missions and xp for space combat means you could have 2 characters exactly the same class but pursue different skill trees and level each while only sharing the main story missions.


In short BW have made it easy to have characters playing for both factions on the same server and encourage you to have many alts, the initial imbalance will settle out slowly with most first characters being created for Empire while later alts are created for the Republic with the pressure for doing that coming from the wait times for the overpopulated side and encouragement from the legacy system. If you are expecting stat advantages for the republic, I think you'll have a long wait.


Of course, I could be wrong.

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I've heard from alot of people that Empire is the majority of the players ingame, don't know if that applies to all servers or whatever but if that's so then why?


Probably because Jedi are split into two groups: Indecisive whiners "WAHHHHH MY DADDY IS EVIL WAAAAHHHHH"


And self-righteous pr*cks: "I do not use the dark side of the Force therefore I am better than you. On a side note, Go Broncos and may the Force be with Tim Tebow."


Bunch of Bronco loving tools that need to go away.


Is it possible to hit /delete on the Skywalker family? Big bunch of whiners.

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Probably because Jedi are split into two groups: Indecisive whiners "WAHHHHH MY DADDY IS EVIL WAAAAHHHHH"


And self-righteous pr*cks: "I do not use the dark side of the Force therefore I am better than you. On a side note, Go Broncos and may the Force be with Tim Tebow."


Bunch of Bronco loving tools that need to go away.


Is it possible to hit /delete on the Skywalker family? Big bunch of whiners.


I live in Denver and Im laughing so hard!!

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