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  1. This. This is the reason why we must live in ignorance... /sarcasm intended
  2. This is painful... Giving females special titles is like saying they are better than males, or worse than males. Nothing good can come up from making either gender special.. History repeating it self... I prefer to consider myself equal to men, not as something special. As for that, why then don't we have Jedi knightess, since knight is male title? Or commandess, since commando is male title? Or bounty huntress, cause...? I still fail in understanding the point. Yeah, and thousands of people who play the game and don't reply on forum... (Logging out in attempt to load my LORDS...)
  3. Agreed. I don't want to be flagged by other players if I don't want to be flagged. I don't want accidentally flag other people.
  4. Because sooner or later I will run out of empire classes I wanted to play.
  5. Don't know, can't help it In my opinion, in sw lord is title for both genders (as someone already pointed out) and I see no point of relevance who is what gender. I have no problem with women, specially being one, but lady sounds more like something nice and polite, something I would not want to have on my sith juggy As for movies and canon, just pointing out something that proves my point. Lord is traditionally sith title, I see more problem in giving females new title, than I see in sharing one with males. That's just my opinion. And if they implement the title, my chars will (hopefully) still be lords.
  6. "When it comes to absolute canon, the real story of Star Wars, you must turn to the films themselves — and only the films. Even novelizations are interpretations of the film, and while they are largely true to George Lucas' vision (he works quite closely with the novel authors), the method in which they are written does allow for some minor differences. (...)" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_canon
  7. No! Sith are Darth, Lord. Simple as that. It's like asking title "knight" to be added to sith... It's not canon, does not fit in. I'm a woman and I don't bother. And I want lord title on all of my chars. (Aside from this, I can't really see lady as a military title somehow..)
  8. This actually worries me. Since classes aren't balanced, and until they get to be, this means that some of my chars will always be in raids, and some other never... I would make some changes to your list above (based on my observation), but I agree on one thing, yes please, DO balance classes.
  9. EU Rogue Moon. 08.25-30 pm everyday, dc and error 9000. followed by total lagg spikes, sometimes it's impossible to even quest..
  10. When you put your mouse over the item it DOES say "forbidden to lightside I"/"darkside I" or II,III,IV, depending on items. Meaning you can use lightsabre that is forbidden to darkside I only if you are less than dakrside I. (Neutral or light) And yes, restriction is on crystal. Also, some crystals don't have restrictions.
  11. Dear Bioware, I am a happy customer and I never complained about anything, but I do have some suggestions to share with you, and rest of community (so, please, everyone are welcome to comment), both I see people already suggested, and both I think should really be pointed out. 1. Please give us dual spec 2. Please make talent trees really valuable Let me explain. Take my sorcerer for example, I would find myself lot more useful as healer to my group (and find group more easily) than as a dd/utility. But at the same time, this will kill my pvp, since I dislike idea of going to pvp as a healer. After years of mmos, specially rpg ones, I think I'm pretty tired of this idea. I've made this class because I like it, and I would hate to have to choose between only one aspect of it. (In case someone thinks it's better to be healer for example, I respect that, but MAKING me do something isn't my idea of fun, and it would be lot better if I could actually choose what I want to do.) Even better example, my juggy. (I've come across some serious issues about this talking to people) If I spec as tank, and let's say I'm really useful for group, I'm completely useless for pvp. Unless you count Huttball, witch is my least favorite warzone, and aside caring ball, I got nothing else to do. I might as well give up from pvp on this char. If I spec as dd/utility, I am no way near useful as let's say operative, mercenary etc, both for pvp and pve. Specially since I don't have dual spec, so even if I can live with idea that my char will never make enough damage, I can't respec on site whenever I decide to play either aspects. (Not to mentioned that I would personally seriously dislike any nerfing to juggy damage, too cool class for that, think Vader... killing my childhood dream here??) Sure, there are some other classes, with some interesting aspects, but in my opinion, I should not be forced to make other class just cause mine isn't valuable at some aspect and because I can't choose more than one (dual spec). Sorry for possible misspelling, please do comment, and Thank you for reading!
  12. 1. Play the game. 2. Don't play the game. Make your choice and stick with it. I choose 1. Thanks for asking.
  13. I had red, blue and green. Now I got yellow. I was neutral/DS/LS.. it's options. Why not if you like it?
  14. Pardon me for putting it this way, but if you're gone, then why are you still here? All these things are already noted and they will be fixed. List of things that make me stay is a long one. If I would have to choose two, I would go with: 1. I got NONE of big issues that will seriously bother me (like low graphic/performance, bugs, low popularity, no warzones, no people, boring content etc) 2. I'm having fun
  15. Not necessarily. Starting with me. And I don't know what's the situation on other servers, but on mine I don't see big imbalance: yesterday there was 48 people on Korriban and 47 on Ord Mantell. Other starting planets were also not much of difference. I guess there might be imbalance on higher levels, but it's not that bad; hey, we even have normal warzones, with oposite faction. Maybe that's just european servers, but I can't say I see big difference. (Note; the time I was playing was quite late, when most of people in europe are long off, so in normal time there should be bigger difference, but not that big.)
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