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Why do so many play Empire?


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I will add only what I can. Why I play Empire. Or why I chose it in November of last year when I first got into testing and never left. After a year and half nearly playing the game I have gotten to 7 on a Smuggler, 4 on a Trooper and 5 on a Jedi Knight. Conversely I have been to 50 NUMEROUS time on Imperial classes.


I am a 501st Costumer and Costume Crafter. I make a living, albeit a reasonable one, on Imperial garb. I do not costume the Rebel Legion, and no Jedi are in my closet of costumes. In the world of costuming I am an ardent Empire costumer.


I do not like the "good side" in MMOs, not because of the stories, but because of the player base. You see, I am a roleplayer as well (PvP-Rp Ajunta Pall), and I find that the players who play the "good side" tend to play very sappy stories, overly kind and benevolent characters, and also usually tend to be the side with the ERP heavy players as well, something I have no interest in. It took my domestic partner only one night of playing Republic before she saw a MT in general to the tune of "He puts her ****** in his mouth sucking on it gently." We both laughed terribly, and then she logged back to the Empire and sanity.


I like to PvP but am not a hard core PvP'er. In my experience playing MMOS since their inception, the "evil" side tends to initially draw PvP centric players more easily than the "good" side. Ironically when we did a survey of players at the Art Institute of Seattle for class last year, in regards to WoW, female PvPers tended to all be Horde, female "pretties" all Alliance. I expected a similar bent in this game.


It is Star Wars, I expected every child who watches Clone Wars to want to be a Jedi or a Sith, so Lightsabers were out for me; when combined with the above it narrowed my class choices to 4, of which the pair was easy to choose; Bounty Hunter/Imperial Agent; or Trooper/Smuggler.


Trooper of the two Republic classes is the only one to even moderately appeal to me because, in costuming Clone Troopers are considered a 501st costume because they were truly a part of the nascent Empire that was forming and how it would take power. But beyond the interest in them was a base interest. I like the clones because they are clones of a Mando, and I liked the Mando'ade bent they had. Because at my core. I am a true and utter Fandalorian.


Not one, but two custom femme Mando costumes in my regalia. And a Femme Fett too in case I do not want to sport the standard chest plates. I also speak, as fluently as one can, Mando'a.


Which led me to the Bounty Hunter. Agent I fell in love with in Testing, and spent the majority of my time on Imperial Agent Allora or Imperial Agent Caille depending on which of my characters got which name.


I am at my core it seems, just more attracted to the characterizations, locations, and classes Empire was given, coupled with my dislike for the "good guys" in MMOs it was an easy choice. The fact I am British born probably plays a bit of difference as well. The Empire just sounds classier, as far as its accentuation is concerned.







Edited by Caille
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I am empire because that is what what my friends rolled (i only bought the game a couple weeks ago) on a PVP server (dont really care for PVP but oh well...) I had much better names picked out for republic characters, no matter though, i will only be playing until GW2 comes out.
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Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force shall free me.




There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force.



Is there really any debate?

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I intended to play republic at first but after going through first 12 levels on both jedi knight and sith warrior (the class i wanted to play) I decided to switch to empire. My friends did the same.


Sith warrior story is 100 times better then JK one.

Sith warrior voice over is 1000 times better.

Sith warrior animations are 100 times better, I'd rather pound my enemies with rage then do some baton twirls.

Sith warrior has better companions, hated the dumb robot you get first as JK.

Sith warrior armors look better.

I like the looks of my chosen sith warrior face much better then the JK one.


Beside all that the Jedi code to me is a bunch of hypocritical nonsense.

I believe that killing enemies works much better then letting them go so they can attack you again, I also believe that might makes right.


Finally I also like the fact that I can for once play an evil character who has a properly developped story unlike in most games.


Seriously I find it really surprising how much better the Empire side is.

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This is just false. Classes and leveling zones are fully developed on republic, not sure what you are talking about. You may prefer empire but that doesn't make republic classes and zones not developed.


I had to drop quests on each planet because there was so much content, But yah it's underdeveloped




Uh yes ... they are.


The planets are more thought out and of higher quality with more detail in them and a MUCh better and natural layout, specially in the beginner levels which are unique per faction.


The story is much better, by far. Better plot, better characters, better everything in nearly all classes and the world arc.


Aesthetic - Sith look better. Every single class on every single level looks better. Only one that looks remotely pleasing is the Trooper, and even then by the time youre in your 40s you notice you pretty much looked the same for the last 20 levels, including the BFG. Not just gear either ... abilities (Force Lightning vs Force Egg Crack? Really?)


Then, of course - last but certainly not least, the imbalance. Im sure you've heard how these supposedly mirrored classes arent so mirrored anymore when you have things like Project, which takes seconds long to do any damage vs Shock which is cast instantly. Yes, this has been an issue since beta and Bioware (specifically Georg) said "we know, /shrug not a priority."


This has been apparent since the game was in development. The Sith Empire is Bioware's baby, they have been caring for it and showing it off since day one. It wasnt until the community started complaining that they FINALLY showed some Republic themed content. And dont even get me started with Baby Malgus; owning the Republic since 2008.

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Uh yes ... they are.


The planets are more thought out and of higher quality with more detail in them and a MUCh better and natural layout, specially in the beginner levels which are unique per faction.


The story is much better, by far. Better plot, better characters, better everything in nearly all classes and the world arc.


Aesthetic - Sith look better. Every single class on every single level looks better. Only one that looks remotely pleasing is the Trooper, and even then by the time youre in your 40s you notice you pretty much looked the same for the last 20 levels, including the BFG. Not just gear either ... abilities (Force Lightning vs Force Egg Crack? Really?)


Then, of course - last but certainly not least, the imbalance. Im sure you've heard how these supposedly mirrored classes arent so mirrored anymore when you have things like Project, which takes seconds long to do any damage vs Shock which is cast instantly. Yes, this has been an issue since beta and Bioware (specifically Georg) said "we know, /shrug not a priority."


This has been apparent since the game was in development. The Sith Empire is Bioware's baby, they have been caring for it and showing it off since day one. It wasnt until the community started complaining that they FINALLY showed some Republic themed content. And dont even get me started with Baby Malgus; owning the Republic since 2008.


Honest question here:


Okay, so Jedi look like Jedi in this game.


Now, you say "Sith look better", so you'd want Bioware to make Jedi not look like Jedi?


Do you know what the most powerful Jedi Knight in the universe would wear? A brown robe with a hood.


It's not that Sith look better, it's that Sith already had an art style that seems to appeal to more people.


This doesn't mean they should butcher the lore and make Jedi look all flashy.

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Same reason more and more people tend to make evil characters in games and goes anti-democratic when they feel they can safely and anonimously express it.


Western civilization is decadent, it's dying. People subconsiuosly feel it, demand change, are revolting against current order.


As art shows society's condition so does "avatars" people create.



ROFL - hilarious answer let's hope your either joking or a teenager, if not you have much to learn than just the surface 'facts' around you.

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Honest question here:


Okay, so Jedi look like Jedi in this game.


Now, you say "Sith look better", so you'd want Bioware to make Jedi not look like Jedi?


Do you know what the most powerful Jedi Knight in the universe would wear? A brown robe with a hood.


It's not that Sith look better, it's that Sith already had an art style that seems to appeal to more people.


This doesn't mean they should butcher the lore and make Jedi look all flashy.


Well I didnt just say Jedi vs Sith ... I said Empire vs Republic. That said not every Sith looks like Vader. Palpatine, probably the most powerful and most successful Sith ever wore a black robe ... that doesnt seem to have stopped Bioware from creating very interesting gear for both of them. Hell, even the Vader look-a-likes look better, scarier, and more manacing than Vader.


JK, particularly guardians look like theyre wearing spandex up until the early 30s. Then its a visor for 20 more levels. For ***** sake a guildy of mine just a samurai helmet! Not one thats inpired by samurai, not one that resembles ... AN ACTUAL MAROON COLORED SAMURAI HELMET on the head of a Jedi Knight! Id start with the Consulars but as a Shadow myself ... I try to avoid thinking about it. Plus I would just go on and on so ill just say, ive had my head slot hidden since I got one at Coruscant.

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the empires colors and outfits look much cooler in red, purple, and black. The republic colors are often white and brown maybe a little gray. force lighting is much cooler than using the force to shoot debris through the air at targets. I think the developers would be doing everyone a favor if cloaks and coats become a idem slot all to itself. That way jedi/sith could pick out cloaks of different colors to go with there cloths. Much of the armor is connected with a shirt and a cloak together and i dislike this way of doing it. the smugglers and agents could pick out leather or wool coats to go over their cloths. I agree the empire side looks much better in terms of graphics and color appeal. On the moral side of things I play the empire because today's world has reveal that to me that the line between so-called good and evil is such a subjective idea. The world doesn't seem to be so cut and dry or black and white to me any more. Our society tries to propagandize the public with what the government wants people to think is good and evil but the truth is all sides have their own agenda. Star wars is no different the first three movies where designed to give everyone the idea of absolute good fighting absolute evil but in the real world that's hardly the reality. If you have an open mind and look at events carefully you can see both sides of conflicts throughout history. And really the jedi come off extremely ridge sometimes, while the sith come off extremely ruthless at times. But it's the individuals choice that matters frankly, I don't see the dark side as being absolutely evil because chaos is part of the universe just has much as order is too.
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I've heard from alot of people that Empire is the majority of the players ingame, don't know if that applies to all servers or whatever but if that's so then why?


on a pve server and there is more Imp.

Personally I find the story much more entertaining on the Imp side. Rep and jedi is just so bland. also because BW have ****ed up badly and allowed animations to dictate when damage happens Imp is less badly affected especially BH vs Trooper.

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For the most part people are mentally lazy and easily fooled.


Evil gives the disguise of power because it doesn't have moral restrictions.


Lazy people love to not uphold any type of code, have any vaules, or do anything that requires pondering consequences.


The dark side says F everyone and that's what mainstream media feeds these kids.

Edited by Wrenthirtysix
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