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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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So ya I was doing Hoth with my male Jedi Knight and the leader of the Brotherhood flirted with my male, I am even able to ask if he's flirting with me. Just some more little timbits if no one knew. Edited by kraidy
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Agreed on all counts. I know it's frustrating not to hear anything. I know it's easy to think we're being ignored. But the lack of news is that and only that - a lack of news. Assigning any meaning to it beyond that is nothing but speculation and assumption, and I think we all know what happens when you assume.


Well its not even just the 20 days since this thread started. Its the whole 4+ months since the last time anything at all was said about it. If they have nothing new to say after 4+ months, I don't really expect any.


Some might say trying to stay positive about this doesn't do any good. You might be right.


Not at all, I'm glad there are folks keeping a positive attitude. Personally though if BW regards this issue so flippantly I don't see any reason to give them my money. While I'm still here (the short amount of time that is now) I'll continue to support the issue and send in my feedback. I'm simply not going to wait months and months for them to decide we are worthy of notice. Especially considering how quickly and easily the whole thing could be resolved.

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I think it's pretty safe to say that many who wants/wanted this has moved on. I've already cancelled my subscription.


I would've too, but I have to keep subscribing or my partner won't talk to me for weeks.


The MMO Report has a little bit on SGRAs, not much and not the way I would have wanted them to bring this issue up, but it's still something:



As for the disappearance of old forum tr... posters, I see a couple here and there but not many. The good thing (or bad, depends on what you consider entertaining) is that there aren't any bigots anymore. Maybe they enjoy the current situation or maybe moderation is superfast?


As a matter of fact, we should have a poll about this, they draw people like flies.

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I have to say, I was more than a little disheartened when I clicked on the latest news stories on the SWTOR blog sites and got the joke segment from Conan O'Brien instead of actual news. Months of silence and then this? Makes me wonder if it's ever going to be anything other than a bad joke.


I really enjoy the game on characters that I either play as straight or asexual, but playing a gay smuggler right now is both extremely difficult (so much stress each time he talks to a woman) and so disheartening. Every time Corso opens his mouth I want to tell him to either get a clue or lose the bedroom voice.

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Come on, who can be so naive to think that "Due to the abudant dialogs and blablabla" could keep them including a same sex romance? Where're talking about what, 10/20 dialogs AT BEST for any romanceable companion to add? So what, AT BEST an hour more work for the voice lenders?


Come on, they're kidding.


The real deal is it that the DO NOT WANT to add the same sex romance, or don't want to, and they're napping the all thing saying "we'll give you them.. in time." *giggles*


Reason? A lot and open to infinite speculations, but the reality is just that.


Sign in, more rakghouls for all people! <3

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Not sure if this is indicative of any hope for our game, but I'm still receiving e-mail notices from Rift.


Apparently, this Valentine's Day, they're trying to break some record for virtual marriages or something. I didn't give it much thought, until I came back to this thread this morning. Going back to Rift's forums and doing some investigating, it seems clear: same-sex weddings are allowed in Rift.


While it's not quite the same as writing, acting and coding out new dialogue for NPCs, this sets a precedent - "gay" isn't something to be hidden away or excluded from content. Trion opened up this new feature and didn't seem to have any qualms about making it same-sex friendly from the start.


Hopefully this will urge BioWare along.

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Well for that matter, that is an entirely different group from BW - Austin. At the moment we have no idea if BW - Austin shares the same ideas of inclusiveness as the group that made Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc. All we have to go on so far is their actions. So far I am unimpressed (at least as far as this issue goes). It is all well and good to provide a form letter in the face of the concerns of the player base that wants to see this content, but until we see action, I'll remain skeptical of the Austin branch.


I'm with you on that, if this was Edmonton I've no doubt this thread would not be needed.


I'm actually tempted to post something along the lines of "Could you pass that memo over to Austin" next time one of the Devs posts about the 'inclusivity' over at the BSN :cool: With Mass Effect 3 just around the corner, the anti-brigade will no doubt make their voices heard again over there soon enough.


My response was more a general comment on the mentality that SGRAs automatically equals lost money when a number of other high profile games have not lost money by including them, Bioware games or no.


Let's hope we get some sort of update on Friday :)

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The good thing (or bad, depends on what you consider entertaining) is that there aren't any bigots anymore. Maybe they enjoy the current situation or maybe moderation is superfast?


The latter, and they should definitely get our respect. Keeping this thread and the whole forum civil is a herculean task, they've done a strong job and the discussion has thrived for it.


Now, if we can just see (the results of) some of that attention focused on the game content...

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Just want to add a big THANK YOU to the mods for helping to keep this thread clean and thriving.


Since I subscribed to the thread I get emails whenever there's a reply, so just saw one particular reply that was posted and I assume immediately removed - thank you for that.


Differing viewpoints are always welcomed in a civil discussion when they stay civil without the name-calling a lot of us still experience in daily life, it's nice that we can come here to discuss our concerns without that same vitriol.


So thank you again moderators :)

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same-sex weddings are allowed in Rift.


Does anyone know if they have fixed Asha Catari? I hated her moaning.


Also have they had other ridiculous dailies such as that wet t-shirt contest for female players only?


Those two things made me quit that game and anticipate SW:ToR and Bioware's new, egalitarian game. LOL.

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Come on, who can be so naive to think that "Due to the abudant dialogs and blablabla" could keep them including a same sex romance? Where're talking about what, 10/20 dialogs AT BEST for any romanceable companion to add? So what, AT BEST an hour more work for the voice lenders?


I think it depends on whether they are adding in new companions with new content or editing existing ones.


I think they are doing the former, so that will take some time.

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They talk about new companions with these options. But honestly who is saying that we would want to romance any new companions over the old ones? I mean think about it any new companions added do run the risk of not appealing to the players. Not to mention they would have to add a male and a female at least for each class because you have gay/lesbian players that would want to use the options. thats if they dont add these options for the old companions. In turn would need at leasts 2 or more new voice actors. :rolleyes:
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They talk about new companions with these options. But honestly who is saying that we would want to romance any new companions over the old ones? I mean think about it any new companions added do run the risk of not appealing to the players.


Well, some might not like the existing companions for their class and wouldn't mind some new ones. At this point in time, you're more likely to find those that want to romance existing companions as they are familiar.


Not to mention they would have to add a male and a female at least for each class because you have gay/lesbian players that would want to use the options. thats if they dont add these options for the old companions. In turn would need at leasts 2 or more new voice actors. :rolleyes:


Yeah, I'd hope they'd add in a choice for each class and gender. It would suck if I have to roll a BH in order to see a f/f romance when my main is an Agent.


If they go that route, we are talking about 16 more companions that they have to write not only romance dialog for but also general dialog. Then for each, you have to add in all the VO work, the animation team, adding in 'gifts' and custom companion armor, etc. That will take some time.


I'd assume that they plan on adding in new companions/romances in general (SGRA and OGRA) with new story content to give everyone more options. I can't believe that they'd add in more story and companions or NPCs and not provide more romance content and [flirt] options for OGRA...of course they will...and the SGRA stuff will basically piggy-back onto that. That is how I believe things will happen, at least, and I think this is realistic.

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Not sure if this is indicative of any hope for our game, but I'm still receiving e-mail notices from Rift.


Apparently, this Valentine's Day, they're trying to break some record for virtual marriages or something. I didn't give it much thought, until I came back to this thread this morning. Going back to Rift's forums and doing some investigating, it seems clear: same-sex weddings are allowed in Rift.

Yeah - look, it's 2012. Same-gender content ought not to be a big deal. BioWare really screwed the pooch not including it from the get-go. It would have been 1,000 times better to delay adding companion romances at all until the SGRs were able to be included, but no, they decided to have us ride in the back of the bus. But they mentioned that yes, the content would be added - and that stirred up the Family Research Council and their amazing friends. So whose brilliant decision was this, and why does he have a job?


Also, I hate Valentine's Day with the fire of ten thousand suns, but I think it is an ideal time to get our message across regarding inclusiveness - or, rather, the complete lack of it in SWTOR as the game stands. If there had not been that comment back in September and I were looking at SWTOR as a player today to see if it felt remotely open, aware or included in any way, the answer would be "No - there is no indication that BioWare has given it a thought."


And they aren't talking. Mods, thanks for keeping this thread open. I am afraid you have a long and virtually thankless job ahead of you, because I for one don't plan to sit down and shut up until BioWare mans up with an apology, an explanation, and actual, bonafide inclusive content. Without the damned "on/off" toggle.

Edited by Uluain
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And the longer they go without even talking to us about it, the less it looks like they have this actually in the works at all.


If they think I'll be ready with my party hat and whoopee horn when they finally roll this out in 2015, they have another thing coming.


That's not inclusive. If that's how they plan to play it, they may as well not bother as far as I'm concerned. I won't be here waiting.


I wont be waiting either.


If SGRAs are not in game by the time I'm done leveling my Inquisitor and Sith Warrior, then I'm putting the game on a shelf to collect dust. I wont start my Jedi Knight until this feature is out. It's part of how I want to play that character. And if Bioware doesn't go through with that they told us, then screw it. No Jedi Knight. No more money for Bioware.


This is something that should have been in-game at launch. I expected more from Bioware. I'm very disappointed.

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People are really quitting over this? ...how far the MMO community has fallen..


The MMO community fell quite a ways well before this game's release heh.


It's not like you "have" to have an in game romance anyway. (Honestly they crack me up they're so cheesy, but that's just my opinion)


Ehh it's just a game, if so many people want them included just include them Bioware. It's not like one player's romance preference is going to affect another player's in any capacity anyway.

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People are really quitting over this? ...how far the MMO community has fallen..


It's a slap in the face considering what Bioware has done for the LGBT community in the past. They knew people were expecting and looking forward to SGRAs in this game. They've pushed people into wanting to create their character as they would like to see them. They've gone on and on about choice and immersion.


And this game offers that. Unless you're gay. Or a straight person wanting to play a gay character.


I'm absolutely loving the game so far. And I've even given them time to throw SGRAs into the game and held off on playing my Jedi. But like I said, once I'm done with my Inquisitor and maybe my Sith Warrior, I'm done. I can only bend so much before I throw down.

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People are really quitting over this? ...how far the MMO community has fallen..


Others quit over PvP issues on Ilum, and god knows what else, oh what's that, not everyone likes the same things you do about the game? Dear lord! It's almost as if other people enjoy other things, who would've known.

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The MMO community fell quite a ways well before this game's release heh.


It's not like you "have" to have an in game romance anyway. (Honestly they crack me up they're so cheesy, but that's just my opinion)


Ehh it's just a game, if so many people want them included just include them Bioware. It's not like one player's romance preference is going to affect another player's in any capacity anyway.


It's being treated like a sin though. Out of every possibly issue people quit over, this is by far the most ridiculous I've seen on the forums. This is a story-driven MMO, not a dating sim, so why people take this so strongly is bizarre for me.

Edited by Moitteva
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It's a slap in the face considering what Bioware has done for the LGBT community in the past. They knew people were expecting and looking forward to SGRAs in this game. They've pushed people into wanting to create their character as they would like to see them. They've gone on and on about choice and immersion.


And they're coming, aren't they? I heard they were down the road.


If you can't wait, sorry dude, there's always Dragon Age and stuff.

Edited by RayceUlrand
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This is a story-driven MMO.


You just answered your own thoughts, this is a BIOWARE MMO, many people are here for a BioWare RPG Game, they said themselves it can be solo'd as such, now in ALL their previous games, this content was in at launch.


Honestly, how you people don't realise this is beyond me.

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