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Valor rank cap at 100 and ppl already rank 72, do we have a problem here?


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i rather shoot myself than grinding to 100 with only 3 warzones over and over again


and you want more lvls ? visit a shrink


I don't want anything, I'm only rank 32 on my main and 23 on my alt I just think that something is broken, for example if the best gear u can get now is 60/65 cap that at 60/65 and then add more ranks.

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What do you mean "broken" what do you want?


He is saying the top rank of PvP (Valour rank 100) shouldn't be something that is attainable within the first month or two of the games release.


The number you put on it is arbitrary, the point the OP is making is that he has already seen people at r72, so r100 will be seen fairly soon. He is therefore asking if this is the way it was intended.


For me, I think it has good and bad sides. It means at 100 there will be no 'goal', unless they add more gear or more levels. Alternatively it means that everyone should be on a level playing field as far as gear goes, so should be able to fight on equal grounds, but then this means r100 becomes part of the grind, to when you can start PvPing properly (Similar to how RR5+ was in Daoc, or x number of Gladiator pieces in WoW).

Edited by Soazak
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there is a person that bots on my server so he is doing WZ 24/7. His character doesn't actually do anything inside a WZ, but is simply there until the WZ ends and he collects his valor/credit/xp/ and measly commendations.


He just hit 50 today and he was at 45V about 8 hours ago. He is so well known that whenever he appears in a WZ, people automatically assumes they are one person down.


It should be noted that he exploited a bug in the juggernaut storyline to allow him to repeatedly get 20K XP every minute or so, which enticed him to actually manually level from 40ish to lvl 50.


He had been reported countless times but so far NOTHING had been done to him. I expect this guy to hit 100 in no time (and by no time I mean like another month).


Valor rank at higher level just increases way too fast. Most people are NOT even 60V at this point, and there is no point in increasing the amount required. You cannot stop people from having no lives and grind valor all day, it's a reality of MMOs. If they cap, they cap. I will just slowly PvP my way up there.

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He is saying the top rank of PvP (Valour rank 100) shouldn't be something that is attainable within the first month or two of the games release.


The number you put on it is arbitrary, the point the OP is making is that he has already seen people at r72, so r100 will be seen fairly soon.


Thanks mate. :)


Also when they will put better gear on, some ppl will be already able to use that,

if u never put a cap the difference between grinders and regular players will never be reduced.

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He didnt specify at all what he actually wants. "People are already level 72 out of a cap of 100...". People are level 50 out of a cap of 50? soo?


Also since you said your highest valor rank is 30 or so, you might not know that at valor rank 51 the step jumps up. Getting to rank 100 will take a serious investment in time, more than even most die hard pvpers will do because there are no rewards and you're doing it just because you want to.


Finally though, there must be a cap at some point, unless you also want to bring out an argument why are we capped at level 50.

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People are already farming EV. When whatever the new Operation is that comes with 1.1 is I imagine some guilds will have it on farm in week 2.


MMOs have a finite limit to how much you can achieve. If you hit it, you should probably see about your agoraphobia.

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I think they should just scale it up, as in when someone gets too 100, add 50 more ranks which get harder and harder. They should have slightly better gear and stuff too.


I also think we should be able to view more PVP stats like total kills, total deaths, total medals ect.


I also think they should display your rank number or even an Icon next to your name symbol, if you want. (similar to LOTRO) could implement a glory rank + symbol every 10 ranks. ie for the trooper the glory ranks would be (recruit, private, corporal ect) for a jedi they might be (tracker, warrior, eclipse ect)

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He didnt specify at all what he actually wants. "People are already level 72 out of a cap of 100...". People are level 50 out of a cap of 50? soo?


Also since you said your highest valor rank is 30 or so, you might not know that at valor rank 51 the step jumps up. Getting to rank 100 will take a serious investment in time, more than even most die hard pvpers will do because there are no rewards and you're doing it just because you want to.


Finally though, there must be a cap at some point, unless you also want to bring out an argument why are we capped at level 50.


Why does people assume I WANT something,

is a start for a conversation, do you feel like it is normal? ok write it.

u don't? write it.


U can clear pve but u can gain more levels of what is the maximum level required for the gear. Max rank required for gear is 60/65, people is 72, this is my first question.


The second one is, and maybe I'm naive here,

100 will be the max rank?

Probably not, I'm too used on 100 scale systems probably but they will go till 1000.


My personal feeling reading formus and devs posts is that they messed up something about pvp longevity. They admitted not to expect so much interest in pvp in SWTOR.

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I think they should just scale it up, as in when someone gets too 100, add 50 more ranks which get harder and harder. They should have slightly better gear and stuff too.


I also think we should be able to view more PVP stats like total kills, total deaths, total medals ect.


I also think they should display your rank number or even an Icon next to your name symbol, if you want. (similar to LOTRO) could implement a glory rank + symbol every 10 ranks. ie for the trooper the glory ranks would be (recruit, private, corporal ect) for a jedi they might be (tracker, warrior, eclipse ect)


You already have pvp ranks, is not that what u mean?


Edit: I mean titles.

Edited by bennyrosso
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People at that rank play 12+ hours a day. If they made it harder just because of these people then the normal people that play a few hours a day would NEVER get to the higher ranks without burning out on the game.


I imagine this to be the case. Although, they should have capped it at 65 until they were ready to implement higher valor-rank rewards.

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Well, I don't see much of an issue, to be honest. Besides that, considering 50-60 takes about the same time as 1-49, I am sure the whole 2 people per server who will actually manage to get rank 100, won't really change anything.


Besides Valor rank itself does not really give anything, it unlocks gear, but you still need to get it with bags, mostly. If there are people who can no life their way to 100, then they will have the new gear first anyway, if that's your concern.

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It's not that people get bored when they hit the cap, it's just the PvPers, like most MMO players like a target to aim for.


Although, given Biowares focus on this game, which seems much better than previous developers at such an early stage in the game, I think this will be addressed and there will probably be ongoing PvP progression.




If the majority of people are going to be rank 100 within a couple of years its clearly not a long enough grind.


Years is an overstretch, it will be months at this rate.


Well, I don't see much of an issue, to be honest. Besides that, considering 50-60 takes about the same time as 1-49, I am sure the whole 2 people per server who will actually manage to get rank 100, won't really change anything.


As long as it continues to scale at such a rate, it won't be much of a problem imo

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my concern would be for those of us yet to hit lvl50. when we do hit 50 are the people that are at valor rank 100 gonna be complaining about new gear and we will never be able to catch up to them.


they should have stopped the valor ranks at the highest gear you could get. and added more valor ranks with the gear they will add in the future.


it'll be like hitting lvl85 on a new toon and getting 2 shot by people with 4.5k resil.

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the valor u need per rank up increases by 4k every rank after u hit rank 50... so those valor 72 guys need ~96k valor for the next rank up (assuming there isnt another breakpoint where the valor/rankup increases even futher) thats ~64games (assuming u get 1,5k valor each game)

thats ~10h per rankup (10mins/game without queue time)


basicly at this point if u play 12h/day u will get ~1rank per day... so tell me this is quick?

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the valor u need per rank up increases by 4k every rank after u hit rank 50... so those valor 72 guys need ~96k valor for the next rank up (assuming there isnt another breakpoint where the valor/rankup increases even futher) thats ~64games (assuming u get 1,5k valor each game)

thats ~10h per rankup (10mins/game without queue time)


basicly at this point if u play 12h/day u will get ~1rank per day... so tell me this is quick?




1 month~ to go from 60-100 is very fast, given that 60 is coming fairly quickly for a lot of people.

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1 month~ to go from 60-100 is very fast, given that 60 is coming fairly quickly for a lot of people.


from rank 99-100 u need ~138 wins with ~1500valor / game so its ~24h of playing just warzones without queue time, without loses...


sorry my math isnt good enough to calculate the hours u need from 60-100 but u wont reach rank 100 in 1month i guess its rather 2-3 months if u do nothing but playing. if u play shadow u may be quicker than others.

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