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Everything posted by Southers

  1. yeah, i got some evil scars i want removed
  2. Glad you people agree. I hope they push this in other suggestions so we actually get something like this
  3. /signed. too me its wierd how the sith get less robes with the hood up and the jedi get more... other way round??? anyway, it would be really cool. if they had the time they coud even animate you putting your hood up and down for extra niftyness
  4. oh right, i am sure that they can find a way. they might have to go through every cloak and make a new model of the same piece but with the hood down. this might take a few days for one artist. would be really cool though
  5. Is there any way I can have my hood down? i just want to see my head when talking and stuff, and also i think it would look better
  6. I think that each capital city should have a little bar, say like dexters bar. It should have a hair dresser and cosmeticist in it so that people can change their hair styles and complexion (+scars) during the game. I do not see why you shouldnt be allowed to do this? Lots of other mmo's do. They could also sell mean drinks in the bar similar to a cantina. Maybe he could even have a quest at lvl 15 or something to take people there?
  7. this is the best post I have seen! If the devs read this, whilst most of them focus on new content a few can spend the time making the worlds bigger, more populated and the game engine much more functionable. With enough modifications to the game they could really make something. I think for NPC animations you should look a little at Lord of the Rings online. THey have really good animations on the NPC's and have made a real population effort. I still enjoy the game! its very fun OH and For goodness sake can someone add a hairdresser + cosmetisist into each capital city. I wanna change my hair style and add a scar to my face, is that too much to ask? x
  8. This is another shout for manual patch downloading! It is so annoying having to download 12GB of data every time you release a patch. luckily a certain few people are taking things into their own hands to give us these downloads, otherwise the game will be compeletely unplayable for us! dont any of you dare say press repair, or reinstall, or get a new computer. please increment small patches for us to download the new asset data before we all go mad and quit! Thanks,
  9. So every 10 valour ranks in PvP maybe they should introduce a Glory Rank. 10 = Glory 1 20 = Glory 2 30 = Glory 3 ect Each glory rank grants you a small symbol icon which you can toggle next to your large profile picture and a Title. Glory rank titles could be something like, scout, fighter, sentry, warrior, ranger, elite, warden, marshal, eclipse, overlord Symbols could just be small little icons of different shapes or even a badge type thing? (yes inspiration does sort of come from lotro if you were wondering I also thought we should get some overal war stats (total deaths, total kills, rating [kills/deaths ratio] total medals, ect.
  10. I think they should just scale it up, as in when someone gets too 100, add 50 more ranks which get harder and harder. They should have slightly better gear and stuff too. I also think we should be able to view more PVP stats like total kills, total deaths, total medals ect. I also think they should display your rank number or even an Icon next to your name symbol, if you want. (similar to LOTRO) could implement a glory rank + symbol every 10 ranks. ie for the trooper the glory ranks would be (recruit, private, corporal ect) for a jedi they might be (tracker, warrior, eclipse ect)
  11. I just wanted to say thank you! After 3 days of not being able to play due to bugs in the launcher they have finaly been able to help me! A team of customer supporters have clearly been working very hard in the background and thanks to them, not only me but many others should be able to get out of the install loops and play the game! this is the post that saved me and the amount of research gone into it must be days of work! Thanks you! http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=272 I hated all the negativity, and I know how hard it must be to program such a game. It is also probably one of the second smoothest launches I have seen of an MMO (behind LOTRO) WoW took about 4 months to become playable. and its still ****
  12. Thank you both but this is actually quite a big issue. I have already tried what you suggested with mem test. Here take a look. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=141281 you will see on the last few pages how bad things start to get.
  13. Still cant access the game becuase the files I am being sent do not install. I have been trying to fix this for 4 days now and its completely not my fault. I am not alone and I just wanted to shout out because I don't feel like the Dev's have in anyway acknoleged the problem. Stuck installing main asset 1, and 27. There is no user fix i havnt tried so far, it needs fixing by bioware as far as i can see!
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