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Nadia Grell (Spoilers)


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If you do the marriage proposal thing, you get a follow on letter that she wants to "come out" and tell the council and everyone.


No follow on to that though.


Huh... I went with the middle path (nice relationship but no marriage), and I've gotten two follow-up letters so far. Just nice little love-notes from her, one about dreams, and reminding me that she doesn't want to lose me. Heh. :)

Edited by ZenBones
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I think you are looking at it wrong. Jedi are not supposed to have attachments, so romance gives you dark side points. If it were difficult to get her attracted to you, those who are trying to adhere to the code would have no puzzle to unfold with how to avoid her advances. It even makes sense from a dark/light perspective. The dark path is the easy path. Doing what is right is often difficult.


So, yes, gaining her affection is somewhat easy, but a Jedi is supposed to not cultivate this relationship. That is the puzzle to be unfolded.




The issue is that you are being inconsistent in your role-playing. If you are willing to break the code to have your own romance, why did you turn in the couple on Tython?


There are three choices.


1) Role-play a Jedi who is loyal to the code, turn in the two padawans who are breaking the code, and shun the advances of your own companions. You take no dark side hits or you get light side points doing this.


2) Role-play a Jedi who believes the code is a buffet from which you get to pick and choose the rules you are going to follow (or shun the code altogether), let the padawans off, and romance your companions however you choose. You get dark side points for letting them go, and you get dark side points for the romances.


3) Role-play a Jedi who is a hypocrite (or changed his mind) and turn in the two padawans but romance your companions as you choose. You get light side points for turning in the padawans, and you get dark side points for romancing.


There is no role-playing problem here. What is going on here is that you made a decions based on the reward (which option would give light-side points) instead of which decision your character would have made if he was willing to romance his own companions. That decision is made, so there is nothing you can do about it. Simply role-play that your character is a hypocrite (saying one thing and doing another) or that he changed his mind.


Or you could take the fourth option and realize that it isn't love or a relationship that gets you dark side points for siding with the padawans on Tython, but rather the fact that you lied to two masters about two padawans who were not ready for a relationship and who were being led to the Dark Side by their inability to control their passions (as evidenced by the anger, threats, and attempted bribery).


There is no hypocrisy in turning in the Padawans on Tython and then having a relationship yourself. They were not ready and, presumably, you are.

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I'm sorry to hear that.


This is the first computer-based RPG I've ever played that allows you to form a romantic relationship with another character. And although I know it's not the main focus of the game, I was intrigued by it.


I remember seeing the picture of Nadia Grell and thinking that she's actually quite pretty, alien or not, and I was rather looking forward to the romance storyline with my Consular.


But I was kind of expecting it to be a puzzle of some sort, that I had to figure out, and work toward the goal of gaining her affection. From what I'm hearing here, though, it sounds more like simply saying yes to a girl who's already throwing herself at you, whether out of love, hero worship, or whatever else.


I honestly don't know if I can get into something like that.


Too bad.





This is actually something I've been thinking about, regarding both my Consular and my Jedi Knight (who is about to start the class quest on Coruscant that gains him Kira Carsen as a companion).


Going into those storylines ... Does anybody else here kind of feel like a hypocrite?


I mean, on Tython, both of my Jedi chose to turn in those two students who were in love with each other, because that was the Light Side choice. And rationalized it by saying that as Jedi, we are sworn to uphold the Jedi code and hold others to do the same.


And now ... ? After that, how exactly do you justify having your character form a romantic relationship with another Jedi?


It's not really a big deal to me, but it does create a bit of a role-playing issue, I think.



People grow and change. By the time you form a relationship, you might be a different person.


Although my guy was dark sided anyways, and used the dark choices for Nadia's teachings and let her kill Stark.


I'm wondering at what point does the passion that fuels the dark side necessarily become all consuming hatred and demonic bloodthirst? Isn't love a passion, too? Indignation? Joy?


Game needs more 'gray' options, IMO, for both the Jedi and the Sith.

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it isn't love or a relationship that gets you dark side points for siding with the padawans on Tython, but rather the fact that you lied to two masters about two padawans who were not ready for a relationship and who were being led to the Dark Side by their inability to control their passions (as evidenced by the anger, threats, and attempted bribery).


There is no hypocrisy in turning in the Padawans on Tython and then having a relationship yourself. They were not ready and, presumably, you are.



Interesting. I hadn't thought of it like that. I'm now realizing that my earlier view of the situation may have been oversimplified.


For me, turning in the students on Tython was purely a game-related decision. I didn't want my Jedi to gain any Dark Side points.


I actually felt bad about turning them in, but after reading your post, I'm now thinking that, however painful it may have been for them in the short term, it was actually for the best.


Thank you, and everybody else who shared their thoughts on this. It was very insightful. The situation was obviously not as black-and-white as I had originally thought.

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Besides the whole romance thing, the part i have a hardest time understanding is how you "get" her.


When you meet her around lv 35-38 or so, you complete all the questls and suddenly you get her codex page, which usually happens when you get a companion. But you actually can't use her.

You see her using force and you start thinking that you'll get her as a padawan, but instead she disappears for ~5 levels. Hmm ok so maybe she was sent to receive some Jedi training, but no she still appears in the cutscenes.

Finally you go after her father, the game tells you to use Nadia as a companion, she pulls out a lightsaber out of nowhere and starts kicking asses.

In the end you'll forced to pick her as a padawan, even though she killed Start out of pure rage and anger and you can't do anything about it.


To me it seems that the didn't bother to actually finish this character. Her inclusion to the team makes no sense whatsoever. It'd be way better if you received her right after becoming a master to train as a young jedi.

In the end i was rather disappointed with the lack of character development or any logical explanation of how/when she was trained to be a Jedi.

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Besides the whole romance thing, the part i have a hardest time understanding is how you "get" her.


When you meet her around lv 35-38 or so, you complete all the questls and suddenly you get her codex page, which usually happens when you get a companion. But you actually can't use her.

You see her using force and you start thinking that you'll get her as a padawan, but instead she disappears for ~5 levels. Hmm ok so maybe she was sent to receive some Jedi training, but no she still appears in the cutscenes.

Finally you go after her father, the game tells you to use Nadia as a companion, she pulls out a lightsaber out of nowhere and starts kicking asses.

In the end you'll forced to pick her as a padawan, even though she killed Start out of pure rage and anger and you can't do anything about it.


To me it seems that the didn't bother to actually finish this character. Her inclusion to the team makes no sense whatsoever. It'd be way better if you received her right after becoming a master to train as a young jedi.

In the end i was rather disappointed with the lack of character development or any logical explanation of how/when she was trained to be a Jedi.


it actually explains it if you pay attention. Nadia gets the lightsaber from you <more specifically before that fight you tell her to grab equipment she might need> its implied you had old lightsabers or such around, which isn't hard. Nadia also loved her father dearly, because she was a Pariah in her homeland, something of an anomaly for being able to use the force was shunned and received a lot of grief for it. Infact her father tells you one of the primary reasons he brought her with him was to try to find out what she was and see if there was any way of "helping" her. The build up to getting her, and seeing her potential i thought was enjoyable. it wassent like Irusso or w/e when he's like oh btw im tagging along LAWL.


As for the fact she did something dark side to begin with, so what? Your a consular, helping people turn away from the path of rage and hatred and vengeance is what you do, i thought it made more sense cause she was clearly a very troubled, and very gifted padawan, a <perfect> match for such a high standing and powerfull jedi like yourself. Also In the small cut scenes between you and her father before the last mission with him, he tells you he appreciates you helping to train Nadia and help her out with her "condition". Again most of the things your looking for actually happened in the cutscenes, Sorry they weren't made more explicit.

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Agreed, she practically jumps towards you. It's almost too easy.


Not to mention she's supposed to be a jedi ! She's also useless as a companion. She's no tank, can't be used with Jedi Sages. She's just shadow dps , weak padawan that you have to travel with.


I personally only took her out when im about to have a dialogue in Voss, never used her other than that. Besides, her voice makes me eat my fingernails, no offence actual voice artist !


You're not using her right (or bothering to gear her) if she's of no use to you. I have her and Lt. Iresso geared pretty decently, and I am facerolling most of my quests with my Sage when I use either companion.

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There are a few points Id like to comment on regarding Jedi and Attachment.


Lets start from the movie iconic moments, Anakin was not told her couldnt be married to Padmei, and he wasnt told he couldnt have children. Actually, Master Yoda told Anakin regarding his relationship when it finally came out, to be mindful of his attachments, and that his fear would bring forward the comings of his dissattachment. Therefore, bringing fear into his heart, and then he found out a rumor of deaths, then he became Angry by this, and you know the rest basically. So no, the Council didnt say he had to leave the order or part with his wife or anything of the sort. So Ill leave it short, since Im not really trying to pick at it.


Before that timeframe, dont forget the Sunrider's. Although not recognized necessarily by the council, they were a family of Force Users, Saber Wielding, shall we say Jedi. They werent evil, but they were not on the council, therefore, they were not considered Jedi persay.


Qui-gon Jinn was not on the council, he was not considered a Master, but he was considered a Jedi. Because honestly, he was not a traditional Jedi, thats why he never reached Masterhood. And Canonwise, only Masters are supposed to be able to train Jedi. And only 1 Master for 1 Padawan, for a short period, Qui-gon had 2.


My point in all this is, to be Council worthy, then I would say you are like a Monk. But, to be a Jedi in general, then no, I tend to disagree when they say you cant have Attachments. Because even the Master and Padawan to a degree are attached.

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I agree. Makes me wish I had the Sith racial so I could just backhand her each time she spoke! It's always "It's nice to see you" and other crap about how..... innocent? she is about the galaxy. Bleh. Give Miranda from ME2 any day xD Or even Kelly.


It feels like the companion stories are half hearted in this game. I hope BioWare improves them in the future, as they usually make very rich and thrilling stories.


I always like Liara because she was very critical and Ashley Williams because..well she was a frigid witch. Both of these personalities are quite attractive in the real world. Not that I enjoy feeling like my character is dominated in anyway but the qualities of a self supportive and independent woman who knows who she is and what she wants is incredibly attractive. Too my knowledge, these qualities were missed completely for most of the companions with exception to the Zabrak female available to the smuggler who borders on butch...

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Yeah, I ended up romancing her COMPLETELY BY ACCIDENT. Apparently if you're not a jerk to her right up front, and instead try to go middle of the road and be nice, you end up kissing her and developing a romance. You can't avoid it, since the decision you made like 2 conversations back set the direction for it.


My intent was to be a good Jedi teacher, and have her just be my padawan, but I wanted to be nice to her and let her have some hero worship. That ended up being a full-on romance. Arg.


So eventually I got her up to 10,000 affection, and the final conversation gave me the option to propose marriage. I went middle-ground again, which ended up being something kind, that she liked (another +102 affection), but leaves it at "I don't want to lose you". And then it just stopped there. No closure. Weird.

Yes exactly.


As for the rest discussed here, I actually like her as a companion. I'm a DD and she is a DD, besides some boss fights this works really well for me.


And I like her voice too ;)

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First of all what's with cliffhanger you get after you reach perfect affection with Nadia. Something about a marriage proposal and then that's it.


I just hit 50 and still on corrella finishing up quests to get money for level 3 speeder/training. I'm an infiltration shadow and I'm using her and even though we're both dps, we're just mowing through anything, weak, strong, elite it doesn't matter they're just dying. It may have to do with the fact that she's getting a lot of my old gear as I upgrade to my new gear (though my old gear was good too). So if you're a strong dps at least with shadow spec, with Nadia you can manage to kick ***.


On a side note, I think shadow's should be able to cc droids too

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In the end you'll forced to pick her as a padawan, even though she killed Start out of pure rage and anger and you can't do anything about it.


No, you can stop her, I did. She said this means she fails and discrace her family, but yes, you can stop her.


And IMO, it's just like the some other posters said, it just depends on what kind of Jedi you want to RP. If you want a straight up live and die by the code, then so be it, but there isn't any invalidity about persuading a relationship. You can say that "but it's not a jedi thing to do" to what I can reply "but that's not the type of Jedi I'm trying to RP".


If you romance Kira later your Knight can have some really corny lines to say about it (something along the line he prefer to stand up and fight the entire council rather than losing Kira). So, Obi-Wan/Mace Windu or Luke/Kile Cartan, up to you how you want to roll.

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Another point to consider...Bastilla Shan begat....yadda yadda...begat Satele Shan, who begat Theron Shan. While having a child is certainly different then marriage, it's not like romantic relationships are exactly unknown, and Satele went on to become the grand master of the order.


Ultimately it might come down to "what's good for a master isn't necessarily good for a padawan."

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Ultimately it might come down to "what's good for a master isn't necessarily good for a padawan."



Without spoiling too much, it's also depended on the characters. Both Kira and Nadia are not raised as Jedi, they were inducted into the order as aldult under special circumstance after they have live their whole life prior as normal people. They aspired to the Order's idea and deed, but I doubt they're the type to live and die by the code (after all most Jedi are "indoctronated" since they were kids.

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Regarding that "cliffhanger" of marrying Nadia :


As Yoda would say, "Patience."


Just wait for the first expansion, when they raise the level cap, add more planets, and most importantly, advance the storylines.


I'm willing to bet that we'll be seeing new developments in the romantic storylines as well, including what happens next between the Consular and Nadia.

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My main problem with Nadia is that she's too unstable. I'm a sage and I have no problem keeping her as my tank. We can solo champions and the like. I find, strangely, silvers are far harder than champs but that's just me.


But she's a terrible Jedi. She's rash, emotional and insecure. She's needy and clingy, except when she's being whiny or *****y. Bleh. I feel an Anakin coming on.


I take most of my dialogue choices from the most laid back and stoic perspective. Everything is 'force will provide' and a never ending stream of -1 from Theran. I hope she'll develop with later patches because I'm at about 9700 approval with her and finished the Consular story and I still feel like she's an over-anxious 15 year old and not a Jedi at all.

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"So now my good as it could be, every following the jedi code counsler is making around with his padawan"


I had to read this 3 times and I still dont know what you mean by it :confused:




How about this?


"So my light side jedi that follows the code and has never made a darkside choice is romantically involved with his padawan?!"


Not everyone speaks English as their first (only .. lol) language.

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Frankly i think giving your romance the last is pretty silly. They could've easily made it so she joins you right as the Rift Alliance chain begins, they would've just needed her to use some force stuff on that Sith, and her father to ask you to teach her (and she could start with an electrostaff). Then after Belsavis the council could formally make her your padawan, and you could get a first quest to teach her to make a lightsaber (hell, why not bring her to the forge?), or give her one until she makes her own since you're going in dangerous missions.
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  • 2 weeks later...

In regards to whether or not it is hypocritical to start a relationship as a jedi (letting the master/padawan discussion rest for a moment): The Force is power. Love, especially sexual love, is a very powerful thing as well. One needs to take care not to let oneself be consumed by love, making it more important than one's responsibility towards the universe. On Tython, the two lovebirds were trying to bribe you to silence. That was a sign they weren't ready for a mature relationship yet. On the other hand, if you are levelheaded and mature enough, love and marriage is possible, as is evidenced by the fact that one of the masters you have to save, has a daughter who you have to save as well. As such, love as a jedi is not forbidden: it must simply be subservient to the greater responsibility of being a jedi, a servant to the universe.


Only during the Modern Era, just before the Battle of Yavin, was the Jedi code so much perverted, that love in itself was forbidden. Something that has happened more than once in the history of the Republic, but never as hard-lined canonized as during the time of Anakin.

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