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Everything posted by AcidQueen

  1. Exactly. I wasn't able to log in before the servers went down, so now I've got about 200 DNA samples camping in my vault, on the off chance that the DNA vendor mysteriously shows up on the Fleet or something at some point in the future. I can live with that, because really it's my own damn fault that I slept through my alarm and my 2-hour power nap turned into a full 9 hours sleep.
  2. So everyone who disagrees with you is trolling or immature? Really? Wow.
  3. Are you for real? I don't camp the game 24/7. Hell, I didn't start participating in the event until the last week, and I still had fun with it--guildies of mine that have 8-5 jobs also had fun with it and still managed to get a cool crystal or a pet out of it. If you seriously consider it a giant betrayal that the event was so short, and that you didn't get every last little thing, all I have to say is: Boo. Freaking. Hoo. Seriously. It wasn't meant to go on for months and months, and it was meant to be FOR FUN. If you take the game so seriously that you're going to get all bent out of shape over this, then I suggest strongly that you just stop playing and find something more constructive to do with your life.
  4. And a Remedial English class for old DarthWhinypants over there might be a good idea too.
  5. Very nice! Now, if I could figure out how to get my screengrabs to look as good....
  6. Goddamn, looks like I'll have to drop Armstech (after crafting 29379724 barrels for my blaster-using alts and their pets) and take up Armormech cos....damn.
  7. That said: I'm curious about the species unlocks--would it be possible to have (for example) a Chiss Jedi, if I have a Chiss BH or IA who is level 50 and on the same server? Because, quite honestly, I love my Chiss and don't think that they should be all necessarily have to be Imps (even if the Chiss Ascendancy is allied with the Empire).
  8. I understand that English is not the first language for everyone that reads these boards, so I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and presume that this is a language barrier issue rather than a "player being an entitled motard who is just upset that he has to wait longer" issue. Bioware said that they PLANNED to have Legacy out in March. A PLAN is not the same as a PROMISE. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/plan vs http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/promise Plans can and sometimes do change, especially when changing the plan means that whatever is planned has a far greater chance of working. Bioware didn't promise to have 1.2 out in March, they only said that they planned to have it out in March. There is a huge difference.
  9. The idea of having a Chiss Jedi (or Sith) is really really appealing to me. HOPEfully I wasn't hearing things, and this will happen.
  10. I have to agree--but it was sure damn satisfying to make him suck on my assault cannon at the end.
  11. I did play a "light side" Trooper--but my story didn't suck. You know why? Because I'm not 100% LS. I refused to get a sample of the nekghoul plague, sure--getting Needles was more important than some "please help the Republic engage in bio-warfare" request from Command. I even let Jaxo die, because she was, in the end, a selfish little ***** and wanted me to put her ahead of 300 Republic soldiers. But you can betcherass I killed the hell out of that Imp war criminal on Taris, and General Rakton. Why? Because they deserved it. And on Balmorra? I kept a few pieces of hardware for Havoc Squad, because it helped the Republic--and by extension, Balmorra. And so on. So yeah, it's possible to be LS while still making the occasional "Dark Side" choice, and still enjoy the trooper story.
  12. He plays Det. Carlton Lassiter on the show "Psych" (which you can watch online at usanetwork.com). What's really funny is that if you gave Tim Omundson (the actor) cat-eye contacts, canines, and covered him in short brown fur he would look uncannily like Jorgan. Well, *I* think it's funny anyway.
  13. Honestly, I am of the opinion that if you don't like Jorgan then you've CLEARLY never been owned by a cat (or, for that matter, watched "Psych"). He reminds me very much of Chancellor Merlin Liao, a cat that owned me several years ago--he was very much about "sticking to regs" and having things done in an orderly, timely, and Merlin-approved manner, but beneath all that he was a big softie who liked getting skritched behind the ears and under the chin. Jorgan is like Merlin....except if you piss Jorgan off he'll grump at you and give you a displeased expression, rather than waiting for you to fall asleep and skullf*cking you. Which is what Merlin did.
  14. Even so--at the timeframe of the game, the Jedi Order doesn't seem to have any hard rules against relationships like they (arguably) did during the timeframe of Eps 1-3. It's about keeping emotions in check and not letting them control you, and about not becoming so attached to somebody that you allow that relationship to control you or become a mechanism for control.
  15. Eh--my smuggler (Captain Seji) looks at it this way: Corso is Corso. He's loyal to a fault and always tries to see the good in people. He believes in things like honour and not backstabbing friends, he's smarter than he lets on (if a bit silly), and he couldn't seriously lie to anyone if he tried. So Seji knows she can trust him with her life, and he's the first man that she's met that treats her with actual respect and decency. He's helping Seji be a better person, and she's helping him learn to deal with all the shades of grey in this big galaxy. When she's not gently nudging him in the ribs in the middle of the night to get him to stop snoring, that is. Bowdaar, well...there's that whole Wookiee life-debt thing. Seji saved him from a slow poisoning at the hands of that Hutt, so he's her Chewbacca (only squishy and without a bowcaster). So she knows she can trust him. Risha, she's not stupid. She kept Seji at arms' length and didn't give her the whole truth because she trusted Seji about as much as Seji trusted her--which is to say, not a whole lot. But when everything came out into the open and she refused her father's orders to shoot the one person who'd been honest with her, they were cool because Seji just wasn't the kind of person that you throw away. Akaavi? She's Mandalorian. They like a good fight, but they also like not jacking around with people and not getting backstabbed--so she and Seji get along pretty well, because Seji is pretty no-bulldada herself and holds pretty firmly to the idea that backstabbing people is bad for business. Guss is just a goofy Goodtime Charlie kind of guy who is more socially clueless than an Asperger's sufferer with ADHD (kind of like my husband). That doesn't make him threatening--a little embarrassing at times, but definitely non-threatening. Which brings us to Cipher Sleazeball errr Darmas and his sidekick, "Senator" B*tchface. Seji didn't trust either of them from the moment she laid eyes on them (and she especially wasn't fooled by Darmas' flirting with her), and ever since Port Nowhere she'd been waiting for the other shoe to drop. So when the shoe finally DID drop, Seji decided to just take the advice given to her by an old gunslinger: "I suggest you kill them."
  16. OMG Vector's Mormon? WHO KNEW?! (I kid, I kid.)
  17. OK, so I just started playing Dragon Age: Origins again after a loooong hiatus (and have also started playing DA2). Umm.... Is there a way to add "Yes. Swooping is bad" to Vector's (and Corso's) dialogue somewhere? I would be a happy fangirl if you did that. For reals. (Stop looking at me like that. I like Alistair, OK? Don't judge!)
  18. Oh riiiight, because anyone who isn't all "yo, I r from da hood!" is automatically a "bumpkin". /ignore
  19. There's a path in the Dune Sea, southeastish of Outpost Thorazan and just north of that Imp outpost. It's got a couple Sand People in front of it--you can clear them out easily enough, and enter the tunnel to get to Jundland from the Dune Sea. Smooth sailing from then on. Hope that helps!
  20. And by "real man", you apparently mean "raging bag of arsebiscuitry that will generally treat you like something that one finds on the sole of one's shoe". Corso is country--and he's a dork. He's got ideas about how a woman should be treated, and he does like strong women even though he wants to be the protector and put the ladies all up on a pedestal. Hells, it's even part of the dialogue if you bothered to progress through the romance storyline rather than just going "shove off, hick--and do crafting missions!" I don't mind that at all. Perhaps it's because I'm a little country myself, but I rather like that Corso will let my character be herself (that is, strong, take-charge, and snarky, without being a complete raging *****face) and still love her even if she occasionally beats the snot out of some bimbo that regally deserves it. To sum up: If you don't like Corso, then the problem is with you and your personality not being compatible with his--not with the character.
  21. If you can't be arsed to roll a healer or be more proactive in finding a group, then good riddance. Go back to WoW and deal with all the douchenozzles there.
  22. You're not using her right (or bothering to gear her) if she's of no use to you. I have her and Lt. Iresso geared pretty decently, and I am facerolling most of my quests with my Sage when I use either companion.
  23. Oh yes--but it's a funky kinda-cool kinda weird. (And dare I ask if you are a fan of the newest Iron Chef?)
  24. I'm pursuing the Aric Jorgan romance questline against my better judgement--knowing that he's voiced by the same dude that voices Carlton Lassiter on "Psych" makes the whole thing feel just so weird. >.<
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