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No patch on 1/17/2011


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not sure why i even come on the forums these days


just amazed each day in what new ways people will complain, try to establish entitlement, and only want things their way (because it IS optimal) for reasons of their own conditioned experiences.


funny how these attitudes are a growing trait in a number of professional circles as well, just wish it was legal to slap people some times as a remedy and wake-up call. No malicious intent, just a "quit yer b*tchin, and enjoy what you have" reminder.


BW could have just not made a game at all, if you are not satisfied with your investment or feel the "payoff" was not worth it to you... cut your losses and move on.


If you are posting criticism and vocalizing areas of improvement with possible solutions, then you MUST have some level of desire for this game to be successful and to enjoy it by your own personal standards.


Otherwise, why would you be here?


So if you do care, be patient and be supportive. Frustration is unavoidable, at some level in some way.


how you deal with it, adapt, and stay involved with evolving events will ultimately shape your overall enjoyment in any situation.

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Well, Bioware is officially the number 1 promoter of GW2. The way they handle their community has been complete crap. They haven't given us any true reason to postpone the patch, they just decided randomly that it would not be good. I imagine by now the community is used to a few bugs and a few bugs in a new content patch is to be expected. Sadly I believe that this patch is going the way of Legacy and Color Match under the "we'll get around to it eventually instead of when we said we would".


If this company doesn't shape up their crap soon, ALOT of players will go back to wow and especially to Guild Wars 2 as many people already intended to in the first place.

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Seriously? It's one month after launch, and some of the issues are big ones. And you think they were just holding onto it?


Software doesn't just spring whole out of programmer's heads. It takes time. So, yeah, they overshot their due date. That's irritating, but a conspiracy? Come on. I was actually pretty amazed they were attempting to fit so much in when they probably didn't even start working on most the bug fixes until after launch.


If they held this patch back just to keep people hanging, then their programmers must be inhumanly fast.


And you honestly think promising to fix bugs in the future is going to keep more people than just, well, fixing them?


Most of this stuff is so completely, laughably ridiculous I don't know if people even believe what they're saying.


Look I am a python programmer myself. I run plugins for 3d apps and sell them for a good amount.


But I dont tell my customers okay this plugin update is going live on xxx date then suddenly the night im releasing it be like oh wait nevermind im adding stuff that came up in that last few hours lol. If theres a bug I note it release the update and then fix the bug and release minor updates fixing the issue I found.


You have no idea how developement works. You select what you can fix for your deadline you fix it once its fixed you put in QA they test it if they find no major bugs you announce its release. And move on to the next list of bugs you have.


Its not a wait all day then after business hours decide your not releasing it lol. They knew about it before hand or there is no bug at all that is so utterly game breaking that they would delay such a large patch.


I mean to delay a big patch like this with no real info just oh we found a bug from our PTR forum and we care so we are delaying this patch so this game breaking bug doesn't hit your game..... yet theres nothing in the PTR forums linking to this bug...... theres really no logical reason for a last minute delay with such a vague response as we care there was a bug our ptr testers on the forums spotted.....


I mean if your okay with just buying whatever comes out of someones mouth because you dont know any better thats fine but dont sit there and insult others over it lol.


Not the other way around.

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LOL, you need to take a break. Maybe get up from the keyboard and go take a walk or something. If you are that dissatisfied with the product then please quit. Your money would be better spent on some anger management classes or something.


Now there's a tenuous jump and an utterly irrelevant series of "points."


Keep on fighting keyboard warrior, you're untouchable behind that screen.

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I approve of the delay. It's time for the critics to put some money where their mouth has been for the past 30 days.


They want to continue to hate on the game and its development, pony up 15 bucks.


Otherwise, go spread rage on some other forum. Star Trek Online launches Free To Play tomorrow, you can hate on TOR on their forums for free tomorrow.

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The amount of crying in this thread is UNBELIEVABLE. Go look on the Test Server's forums and *tell me* that they think this patch was ready to go. Go ahead. I'll wait.



If you come back and say "Well, it's obvious the patch is ready but Bioware wants more money first" you are flat lying.



Next comes the 'FIX THIS NOW' crowd: It's not like turning on a light switch. It's not like Bioware forgot to set "Uber-Content and Non-bugged game mode" to on. lol.



I don't think people realize just how impossible it would be to fix everything in the month this game has been released. WoW was TERRIBLE at release. I don't care that we are 8 years down the road and "technology has increased." You set 2 million players onto something, THEY WILL FIND PROBLEMS.



On a side note, I'm not saying that I'm sticking around no matter what. But a lot of you seem hellbent on telling everyone else that we shouldn't have fun because your impossible expectations weren't met in the first month of a MASSIVE game's release.

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Look I am a python programmer myself. I run plugins for 3d apps and sell them for a good amount.


But I dont tell my customers okay this plugin update is going live on xxx date then suddenly the night im releasing it be like oh wait nevermind im adding stuff that came up in that last few hours lol. If theres a bug I note it release the update and then fix the bug and release minor updates fixing the issue I found.


You have no idea how developement works. You select what you can fix for your deadline you fix it once its fixed you put in QA they test it if they find no major bugs you announce its release. And move on to the next list of bugs you have.


Its not a wait all day then after business hours decide your not releasing it lol. They knew about it before hand or there is no bug at all that is so utterly game breaking that they would delay such a large patch.


I mean to delay a big patch like this with no real info just oh we found a bug from our PTR forum and we care so we are delaying this patch so this game breaking bug doesn't hit your game..... yet theres nothing in the PTR forums linking to this bug...... theres really no logical reason for a last minute delay with such a vague response as we care there was a bug our ptr testers on the forums spotted.....


I mean if your okay with just buying whatever comes out of someones mouth because you dont know any better thats fine but dont sit there and insult others over it lol.


Not the other way around.


Its good to see someone with a grasp on how things are done here.

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If they **** in your mouth would you thank them after?


if they informed me and advertised "im gonna **** in your mouth" then i payed them to **** in my mouth, and they **** in my mouth... i only have myself to blame.


what exactly did this game do or not do that was contradictory to all the media presented?

what part of inherent risk in investment do you not understand?


try specifics

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this game is a sinking ship looool


"Iceberg right ahead!" was repeated again in the bridge. The first officer quickly looked out of the ship's bridge windows. Seeing the berg looming off the bow, he turned and shouted "Hard astarboard" to the quartermaster tending the ships wheel in the wheelhouse.


At the same time the officer reached over to the ship's telegraph and rang in the order "all stop" and then "all reverse full." The quartermaster now had the ship's wheel spun over as far as it would go. The men in the bridge were peering forward to see if the helm would respond in time.

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Its kind of funny how people have reacted to this change in schedule. Myself, I'm happy to be able to play tonight. People worry about trivial things. Judging from the reactions of some, they think it's as bad as .....



... when Luke found out Darth Vader was his father .... NOOooooo! Hheehe - had to use the 'Spoiler' tags for my amusement :D


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and ADULTS know how to act mature and keep their pointless ramblings to themselves... ADULTS would know to post in a constructive manor or simply make a decision and leave not troll the forums day in and day out making long diatribes about things they know nothing about and crying... we call them "kid" because they are either physically of that age group or immature enough that they might as well be


Thats some of the most idiotic garbage ive read in quite a while, adults don't rant, ramble, get annoyed, go to war, kill each other etcetc catch my freaking drift?


I got news for you, we are all kids then, cause we all have moments that anoy us, and make us voice our opinions, if you don't have those moments, then I would be worried, cause all that built up anger will bite you in the *** sooner or later.



They waited until 5 hours before patch to announce it was post poned, Its just straight out unproffesional, and foolish.


Have spent the better part of the night "torturting" my self to get biochem to 400 again so I would be able to use my rakata stims etc when patch hit, now I find out I could have continued tryin got crit my relic trough theyr horribly broken crafting system, or even better gone to sleep.


They want to postpone? FINE! But don't drop it on people like a big *********** happy suprise, inform us in advance !

Edited by Munx
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The amount of crying in this thread is UNBELIEVABLE. Go look on the Test Server's forums and *tell me* that they think this patch was ready to go. Go ahead. I'll wait.



If you come back and say "Well, it's obvious the patch is ready but Bioware wants more money first" you are flat lying.



Next comes the 'FIX THIS NOW' crowd: It's not like turning on a light switch. It's not like Bioware forgot to set "Uber-Content and Non-bugged game mode" to on. lol.



I don't think people realize just how impossible it would be to fix everything in the month this game has been released. WoW was TERRIBLE at release. I don't care that we are 8 years down the road and "technology has increased." You set 2 million players onto something, THEY WILL FIND PROBLEMS.



On a side note, I'm not saying that I'm sticking around no matter what. But a lot of you seem hellbent on telling everyone else that we shouldn't have fun because your impossible expectations weren't met in the first month of a MASSIVE game's release.


So a BW employee thought 5 hours ago. Dammit we forgot to look at the Testserver Forum. *Goes looking* Ow crap this patch has bugs...*postpone* You, Sir, don't have many games under your belt do ya?

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No, you will not. My included 30 days ends in two days and I'm not paying for a game they have no interest in fixing the glaring flaws in.


Have fun waving from your vehicles.


Wait they push the patch back TO fix more problems and you are complaining about them not fixing flaws? No comment...

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So a BW employee thought 5 hours ago. Dammit we forgot to look at the Testserver Forum. *Goes looking* Ow crap this patch has bugs...*postpone* You, Sir, don't have many games under your belt do ya?


Exactly, this is the issue.

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So a BW employee thought 5 hours ago. Dammit we forgot to look at the Testserver Forum. *Goes looking* Ow crap this patch has bugs...*postpone* You, Sir, don't have many games under your belt do ya?



Think they just now got around to announcing it, maybe? The tinfoil hat conspiracy theories floating around here are unsettling.

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