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Bad form in Alderaan cantina


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Actually it's a multiplayer game and we are all there for each other's enjoyment. Try applying your false logic to other multiplayer games to see how ridiculous your statement is.


Orly? I don't know you and i couldn't give a damn about your enjoyment. I am not lvl 50, but I sure as hell do my best to kill any red names I see while I am out questing. Specifically this one instance, I ran into a jedi in the czerka factory, he was fighting mobs, so I left him to it, ran past and was waiting on the elevator, he ran up next to me and I knocked his arse down the elevator shaft. I won't attack you if you are fighting mobs, but if you expect me to let you run up on me you are *********** high. If PVP is not enjoyment for you, its pretty simple. Don't make a toon on a pvp server.


It is your logic that is faulty as well as deliberately obtuse.

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I actually believe that the best thing for PvP is to have no safe zones outside of the starter planet and main faction hub.


I completely agree. I love the added element of danger. Running the storylines (which are excellent imo) can get to where you are kind of running on autopilot, doing missions as fast as you can to get to the next juicy story segment, but on a pvp server, the fact that I have to watch out for other players, makes me take more time and I get more enjoyment out of the game. I would love to see more contested areas.

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I completely agree. I love the added element of danger. Running the storylines (which are excellent imo) can get to where you are kind of running on autopilot, doing missions as fast as you can to get to the next juicy story segment, but on a pvp server, the fact that I have to watch out for other players, makes me take more time and I get more enjoyment out of the game. I would love to see more contested areas.


Great sig bro. :cool:

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On topic, be grateful that you have run into open world PvP OP. This is what it is all about. I remember when I was level 45 I run across this level 48 Jedi Guardian.


I was on Voss, the 48 was in a room I had to go into to finish a quest in that Voss temple thing. So, I cc'd his companion for 60 seconds and took him out while my companion Mako healed me.


I finished the quest, left conversation, the same 48 was standing in the doorway. He charged to me, I cc'd his companion, and took him out while Mako healed me.


Then, I get back to the neutral town, get to the transport vehicles to fly away, and the same 48 is standing at the edge of the neutral town. I /wave, he charges, I cc his companion for 60 seconds, and the guards and I take him out while Mako heals me lol. Best day ever.

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This has got to be a joke. I've played about 150 levels in this game and I still haven't run out of fingers (my own that is) when counting my world pvp encounters.


There is close to zero world pvp.


I wish things like this would happend all the time. To me, to you and to the little care bears who picked the wrong server.


Then go hunting when you're levelling. I know I've run into a decent amount of it.

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Orly? I don't know you and i couldn't give a damn about your enjoyment. I am not lvl 50, but I sure as hell do my best to kill any red names I see while I am out questing. Specifically this one instance, I ran into a jedi in the czerka factory, he was fighting mobs, so I left him to it, ran past and was waiting on the elevator, he ran up next to me and I knocked his arse down the elevator shaft. I won't attack you if you are fighting mobs, but if you expect me to let you run up on me you are *********** high. If PVP is not enjoyment for you, its pretty simple. Don't make a toon on a pvp server.


It is your logic that is faulty as well as deliberately obtuse.


You're reading what I said out of context. The fact remains, it's a PvP server, take whatever advantages you can and kill anyone you want from the other faction. That simple, if you have some preconceived sense of karma or nobility, I really don't give a ****, if I see you and I can kill you, I will.


As stated before, rolling on a pvp sever and then ************ about pvp is fullonratard and you should never go fullonratard.

Edited by Reryn
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It is your logic that is faulty as well as deliberately obtuse.



Not really, the game has rules, and people follow those rules.


You make up some silly honor/grief rule and get upset when I don't follow it? Sorry, you're the one being obtuse.

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Credits come out of the player's coffers. They incur "debt" if they overrun the amount they possess, and must earn credits in excess of that to be able to spend any again. Game takes a "tax" off the bounty and adds interest to the debt over time, both with relatively small percentages, as a way of bleeding more credits out of the economy. Have perhaps a 4 level or so range before the mechanic kicks in, thus, if players are reasonably close in level they're still assumed to be able to have a fair fight. Once it's passed that, the bounty/warrant system kicks in.




Or you could play on a PvE sever. Or we could make a PvP server with your bounty rules and a PvP server without some stupid bounty rule. Guess which server no one would play on?



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it would be neat if a bounty was added to a player who ganks. something like 1000 credits per level difference over 5 levels. 50 kills a 30...instant 15k bounty on that player.


Automatic bounties? I'd gank lowbies forever just to see how big a bounty I could get.


Then I'd team up with someone on the other faction who did the same and swap kills to cash in on the bounties.


Endless credits and endless carebear tears, perfect!

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Why not add a warzone style buff to even out the playing field of the level difference is past a certain point. Would solve this issue entirely and make world pvp more fun considering every target is a (fairly) even match. (not counting gear of course)


I don't play on PvP servers for this reason, too many frustrating leveling experiences in other MMOs. Sure it might be fun once you hit 50, but I really don't feel like subjecting myself to a 120 hour gankfest.

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I'm not someone who would camp low levels but this is part of the fun of an open world MMO. The best counter is to gather 4-5 low levels together and gank that one high level guy who was killing you, and watch him attempt to run for his life while the 5 of you tear him to pieces, priceless :)
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So funny with all people saying pvp on a pvp server happens! A level 50 against a level 30 in open world isnt pvp! Ganking at the best, but most likely a bad player that like to grief on others and kill what he can handle.
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And again, I remind those supporting this behaviour that it's exactly the kind of thing that kills pvp in games.


New player comes in, excited to try pvp. Gets killed repeatedly by high level foes he can't compete against. Gets frustrated and disillusioned, and leaves the server (or worse, the game). High level PvPer complains that no one is pvping.


I've seen this over and over in many other games. It's not the GAME that is at fault here. It's the PLAYERS who feel they are entitled to do whatever they want at the expense of others.



Yes, it's a pvp server, and open pvp happens. That high level guy CAN attack a low level guy. The question he needs to ask himself is if he SHOULD. There's the reason I mentioned above, but there's also the question of having some respect for the other player. It would be like me playing tennis with a 6 year old and constantly smashing him. YES, I could do it, but SHOULD I? It's only going to discourage him, it's not going to be fun for him, and it really isn't going to be fun for me (and really shouldn't be).


Don't do things you know you shouldn't be doing. It's really that simple.

Edited by Vego_Mohenjo
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Roflmao at all the people taking this post seriously, saying the 50 shouldn't have ganked him.


This is seriously hilarious.


The 50 was obviously bored, this was probably a long time ago, so there wasn't a whole lot to do for the 50 guy. He was probably just exploring enemy territory while waiting for wz queues or something.


And the way he did it, brilliant. Hats off to the ganker

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last night while datacron hunting on quesh, i rolled up on some level 38 juggy REing some crap out in the middle of nowhere.


well im scoundrel, so i pop stealth, sneak up on his butt, and WHAM. drop his companion. and /sob at the corpse. hopped on my speeder and went about my business.


you dont have to be a total d*** to get your kicks. you can mess with lowbies without ruining their day

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SWTOR innovates ganking. Personally i feel so bad about ganking people i just dont do it no more. Instead i just kill their companion and see if they can kill mine. I know, I know. Its a full champion tank geared Xalek. Still though its not me doing the ganking so its alright!!! Right? Sometimes i just dont know how Xalek sleeps at night when hes soaked in Voss-ka tears.


I guess since it takes forever for Xalek to kill them it would only be nice for me to end their suffering faster. Then i would be labeled a jerk though for ganking. So i'll just let Xalek slowly destroy them in humiliating fashion.

Edited by kiroshei
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last night while datacron hunting on quesh, i rolled up on some level 38 juggy REing some crap out in the middle of nowhere.


well im scoundrel, so i pop stealth, sneak up on his butt, and WHAM. drop his companion. and /sob at the corpse. hopped on my speeder and went about my business.


you dont have to be a total d*** to get your kicks. you can mess with lowbies without ruining their day



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This afternoon I was winding down in the cantina in House Organa's area on Anderaan -- sending my crew off on tasks before I logged off -- when I was slaughtered by a level 50 troll.


That is so asinine! It's bad enough -- really, really bad -- for a level 50 player to gobble up level 30 opponents in single combat, but to hang out in a cantina?


I'm new to MMO. So far, I've really enjoyed the PvP stuff, but if this sort of thing happens much more, I'm switching to a PvE server.


One thing. Cantina. Safe zone. No PvP should be allowed in such zones. Even on PvP servers. This is basically an Elysium, you should not be allowed to fight there for obvious reasons. I play on a PvP server, gank people and don't mind getting ganked, but cantina?! Come on. It's bad for business. They do have security in cantinas. Usually.




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I must be a troll as well. I'm a level 50 rep. and strictly out of revenge I'll take time to slow the over populated imperial questers down. I get into the Imps main cantina on Tatooine often. I prefer to do my companion quests, get those out of the way before I...




If you changed your attitude and found like 3 other people to attack him you could: take him down, feel good, and save yourself the time it took to post it all here...


The Imperials seem to like it, because they get to fight a level 50 and group together to succeed (which rarely happens but it does) and it shows Imps on Black Vulkars that we don't just roll over and take it.


how in the hell do you get into the main imp cantina on tatooine?

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how in the hell do you get into the main imp cantina on tatooine?


Tatooine has 4 cantinas, not two. Each faction has their safe cantina in the spaceport town, and then the risky one in the pvp zone. I've been in the Republic one as an Imperial, myself.

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