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Dailies .. do we really enjoy them?


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I have to agree with not enjoying dailies as a general rule (in every MMO I've ever played). I play WoW, and I have four 85s. At one point, I did the Sons of Hodir grinding for shoulder enchants on all of them, and it was HORRID.


That being said, I realize that once you hit max level, there has to be a way for you to get commendations, rep, etc. etc. Sometimes I just won't do the dailies if I'm not in the mood and level my alt(s). I think it would be nice if they had rotating daily/weekly quests or something to break up the monotony - or maybe add class-specific weeklies to add a little flavor.


That being said, some of these TOR dailies (the heroics at least) make for an interesting challenge if you try to solo them, but I too would prefer something...unique/different.

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I enjoy doing dailies in World of Warcraft and TOR. I like the rewards from them. In WoW I would max the daily cap every day (25 now, but less in the past). Planning out my dailies to maximize the gain is enjoyable to me.


It gives me something to do everyday in game. Sure, it isn't the same quality of content as leveling, but it is content that is repeatable.


Would I be okay if dailies did not exist? Yes. But I would be much less likely to log in each day. Not every day will my friends be available for flashpoints, raids, or pvp, but dailies will always be there everyday.

Edited by Godbane
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I don't think anyone really likes dailies but we recognize their necessity to a certain extent. If they are a small part of the gameplay then it's fine. If they become a major part of the gameplay then it's not so fine, unless there's so many to choose from that you never get really tired of them.
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No, we don't enjoy them. I play them once, maybe two or three times if I need some extra commendations, but the notion of playing Dailies for weeks on end to rack up commendations or whatever is ridiculous.


There needs to be more to this game than just repeatable quests and warzones at level 50+.


I love the MMO Theme Park style that they've created, but at some point some open-ended sandbox content needs to be put into the game.

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To the OP, I think Dailies are relevant only at end game. As it only takes me a couple days to plow though content and exhaust a planet, I have never had an occasion to redo a daily yet. I am now 42 tho and moving along seems a little slower but could just be me getting slower to react to things.


Repeatable quests, cept flash points, below 40-45 seems silly to me. Given how the XP flows. Now if the XP awards were reduced say 50% that could make a significant impact to the pace of leveling and once all plot driven one time content was exhausted dailies become more attractive at any level.

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I enjoy doing dailies in World of Warcraft and TOR. I like the rewards from them. In WoW I would max the daily cap every day (25 now, but less in the past). Planning out my dailies to maximize the gain is enjoyable to me.


It gives me something to do everyday in game. Sure, it isn't the same quality of content as leveling, but it is content that is repeatable.


Would I be okay if dailies did not exist? Yes. But I would be much less likely to log in each day. Not every day will my friends be available for flashpoints, raids, or pvp, but dailies will always be there everyday.


BW makes the same amount of money whether you log in once a day or once a week.


I'd like to see a weekly and daily version of the quest. Weekly version gives 5 times the reward, but locks you out of the dailies for 7 days. Faster rewards to do the dailies 7 days a week, but there's still a good option for people who only play on weekends.

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Unfortunately they've missed yet another opportunity to beat Blizzard in terms of innovation.


I feel like only Blizzard will give us what we want, a truly new dynamic MMO, once they decide to shut WoW down.


Even Blizzard will fail to live up to their own standard in comparison to what we have now, I guarantee it.

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I'd rather they did weekly (or threedaily - is that a word? it is now) story arcs which would be like the planet arcs during the levelling phase. Heck, make the Ilum planet arc completely repeatable, even that would be an improvement.


For some reason, I enjoy the Belsavis dailies a lot more. Soloing a Lesson is Learned is good fun, Stasis Generator is also good fun. Well not the bosses but the elite groups.

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#1 they are fast


#2 they are easy


#3 they are good for cash


#4 they are good for gearing companions with 126 level armor mods


#5 they are good for social points if you 2 or 4 man them. 2-3 dialog options minimum per quest. Some have 5-7. That means in a 4 man group minimum of 8 social points maximum of 56 depending on the quest.


#6 they give affection if solo or in 2 man group with companions out.


#7 they give legacy xp.


#8 they are good for pvp. Often these areas overlap for the factions so you can often get nice little skirmishes outside the quest camps on PvP servers.


If you do all of belsavis + ilum as a 4 man it takes like 35-40 minutes you make over 100k credits typically, and you get about 200~ social points.


They are not fantastically interesting the 4th or 5th time thru, but they are not crappy by any means. They do a nice job of helping you max out various areas, provide easy cash, and often times a bit of pvp.

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Dailies = lazy dev content. Here guys and gals a mission or quest that never changes but hey it resets every day so you can do it again and again. "Hi mmo pal you do your dailies?" sounds like a job. But somehow people think they're special and they become the norm in mmos.
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To those of you saying you don't have to do them - not true. How else are you getting a Rakata implant slot item?


I totally enjoy the treadmill but dailies are horrendous and they always have been. Can't login that day? you're slipping behind everyone who can. Go away for a week and miss a day here and there? Forget about it you are so far behind now just bow out.


Dailies are a poor mechanic and there is no need for it. To the person who said "herp derp whats the better idea".


Here you go boss: Put in a meta that is build of killing a mod + doing a quest and killing a ilum dungeon boss X number of times. Once you complete the meta - bam reward. That way you can do it at your own pace and not a slave to logging in everyday!


Meta's are the answer here - build extensive meta's and give rewards based on that.



That said, I'll be quitting soon. The daily bullcrap is one reason and another being Bioware's FAILURE to get people into PVE groups. No LFG tool and literally having to sit in Carrick station for hours trying to find a flashpoint group is TERRIBLE.


People are hitting 50 and falling into PVP, Why? Because its easy to understand. Login - queue up - play - collect reward.


Thats it!


Where is the PVE equivalent? There is none. Login - /1 Healer LFG Ilum flashpoints or HardModes. *cricket* Then you have the screwed up flagging systems for hardmodes where if people didnt finish certain quest lines they cannot enter the zone.



The ride to 50 was AWESOME but after that PVE wise, this game folds like a house of cards. It's truly a shame to see this IP wasted.

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To those of you saying you don't have to do them - not true. How else are you getting a Rakata implant slot item?


To those of you saying you have to do dailies - not true.


You dont "have to" have items bought with rewards from dailies...you CHOSE to want those items and have to do dailies to earn them.


Come up with another way, if you cant...stop whining about it.


Youll complain if its dailies. OMG grind.

Youll complain if its raids. OMG grind.

Youll complain if its camping a single mod hoping it drops. OMG grind.

Youll complain if you have to farm mobs in mass hoping it drops. OMG grind.

Youll complain if you have to PvP in mass to earn points. OMG grind.

Youll complain if it comes as a quest reward. OMG casual/easy mode.

Youll complain if you can just buy it from a shop. OMG casual/easy mode.

Youll complain if it can be made by crafters. OMG casual/easy mode.


The only thing constant, you complaining...what I see is a list of DIFFERENT ways to do things, a larger list than there was 6 years ago and a much larger list from the options we had in 1997. So either come up with new ideas or do everyone a favor and quit.

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Can we replace dailies with weeklies? Do we really need to save the idiot in the shuttle every freaking day? Can we do it ONCE a week and adjust the rewards accordingly? I'd much rather level an alt in the 2 hours I have on weeknights to play, or pvp, or do a flashpoint.


Always as a developer ask yourself: "Is this fun?"


Great alternative. I'd take weeklies over dailies and consider it a fair trade.

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To those of you saying you don't have to do them - not true. How else are you getting a Rakata implant slot item?


Why should I care? Not like more equipment wont arrive later and the effort to get the ones we have now will be diminished at that time.

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The dailies are easy.


The Ilum daily unlock actually has a great story leading into not one but two flashpoints.


The dailies are easy. It takes less than an hour and a half to knock out both planets.


The rewards are worthwhile.


***** tonne of credits.


3 Slots with Rakata Tier Gear- AMAZING


Buyable Armoring/Hilts/Barrels at Rank 23- 1/1 better than their Rank 22 counterparts.- Stats are stats.


They give mods and enhancements- Combined with the armorings you can buy with tokens this makes you Hardmode ready- Good stuff that.


And finally, for fluff nuts, they have two speeders unique in colouration, that are variations of earlier popular speeders, so you have a reason beyond gearing up to do them


Preparing for Operations, similar to Raids before them, is part of the "hamster wheel" to keep us subbing. It is part of the MMO model.


Don't care about gearing? Skip them. Want the gear? Like every MMO before, suck it up and do what you must to prep for the "end game".


I may not be chuffed to bits about dailies, but did I mention they are easy?; and thus it does not bother me.








Edited by Caille
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Says the person that has not come up with...one...single...idea...to actually fix the problem.


I guess you just seem fine with the absolute worst form of tedium possible - whining.


Until someone can come up with a fix for the impossible, I will take an expanded variety of tedium over what we had 10 years ago.


Come up with a fix, otherwise...lol@you for not quiting RPGS 20 years ago and MMORPGs 10 years ago.


If you paid attention to my original post I did present a compromise - make them weekly instead of daily and adjust rewards accordingly. Stating a complaint isn't whining, nor is asking for something "better" in a genre that sorely needs a kick in the pants.


I have other "ideas" but none of them fit into this box. We're not theorycrafting a new MMO, we're trying to make the one we have better.

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