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Bioware is killing pvp on voss in 1.1!


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Here's another thing about Voss-ka at the moment, you can simply deflag while in the city to continue along with your herp derping as it's not considered a 'contested' territory. PvP that happens there is fun and good back and fourth.


My guild would constantly respond to any sight of PvP on Voss. Couple nights ago a Republic group came through and rolled myself and a guildmate. I gathered up who we had online and started fighting the Republic group for at least an hour. It wasn't lowbies we were killing either, although some were mixed in, yet we were fighting groups of 50s.


Many in my guild right now are facepalming at the fact it's being turned into another herpderp safe zone. There's enough already between the PvE planets and safe zones on Nar Shaddaa.

Edited by TehStevo
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If you want real PvP in an MMO, go play EvE, where you are never sure when you are getting killed, where you can be utterly obliterated to the point of having to start all over again, because you actually LOSE stuff and if you are not careful even your Character's progress.

But don't come back crying. :p


EVE really isn't as brutal as everyone makes it out to be. You can see everyone in the area, hostile or not, people set up intel channels reporting hostiles ten minutes away and as long as you aren't flying around in a paper-thin boat with billions of credits in it, no one's going to bother getting killed by the NPC cops in the safe zones to take you out (assuming they weren't paid to kill you anyway).

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If you don't like getting killed ANYWHERE in the game, whether it's during an NPC convo or in a wide open PVP zone there is only one solution...




Don't think for one second you "want the option to pvp but only when you're the one ganking or feel like it".


Look, when you picked your server you had a choice now deal with it. You rolled PVP and now you're complaining about getting ganked, you sir are the problem. That's like getting pissed off for swimming in a shark infested lagoon instead of the hotel resort swimming pool. "Oh but I wanted the option to swim in the ocean.." Right, and doing so you take a risk of getting owned by the wildlife. :eek:

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If you don't like getting killed ANYWHERE in the game, whether it's during an NPC convo or in a wide open PVP zone there is only one solution...




Don't think for one second you "want the option to pvp but only when you're the one ganking or feel like it".


Look, when you picked your server you had a choice now deal with it. You rolled PVP and now you're complaining about getting ganked, you sir are the problem. That's like getting pissed off for swimming in a shark infested lagoon instead of the hotel resort swimming pool. "Oh but I wanted the option to swim in the ocean.." Right, and doing so you take a risk of getting owned by the wildlife. :eek:


What he said.....

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If you don't like getting killed ANYWHERE in the game, whether it's during an NPC convo or in a wide open PVP zone there is only one solution...




Don't think for one second you "want the option to pvp but only when you're the one ganking or feel like it".


Look, when you picked your server you had a choice now deal with it. You rolled PVP and now you're complaining about getting ganked, you sir are the problem. That's like getting pissed off for swimming in a shark infested lagoon instead of the hotel resort swimming pool. "Oh but I wanted the option to swim in the ocean.." Right, and doing so you take a risk of getting owned by the wildlife. :eek:


Sharks with frikin lasers on their heads

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This thread highlights exactly why PvPers have such a bad reputation in MMOs.


It's about testing your skills against non-scripted enemies. It's more of a challenge. So enjoy your PvE. I would rather test my skills against other players.

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What this really comes down to is carebear pvp. People dont want epic fights against non scripted npc. They want freebie kills they can gank that take maybe 1 button push on their part and reap 'epic' rewards. Now lets say it does become free for all.. i ask you to consider Conan, max level and gear people ganking tutorial zones all day. How did that game do? :rolleyes:
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Here's a Solution to all of you "Real PvPer's" who really are only on Voss to Greif players.. Let’s say Bioware implements a 1000% Expertise increase for the grief’d player after their second death in a 3 min time frame. So in turn they can turn around and 1 shot you back. Would you still find it fun? Your saying they are taking PVP out of the game. But it’s the players who grief who are ruining your pvp.


Illium is a planet PREDICATED on the aspect of pvp, You are rewarded for killing another player on Illium with valor points. You gain what exactly from killing lvl 40's on Voss? No Valor, No Challenge, (you get a few laughs because the poor lowbie can't defend himself), They Log out and roll Sith or on a PVE server like you've ALL suggested here. Then there isn't anyone left for you to grief anyway.


You complain you want all these players to roll on a pve server.. Then what will you do?


tl;dr Telling people to leave a server where you complain you don't have enough people to pvp is not productive. Stop Grefing players who are under leveled and under skilled. Play against someone of equal chance. (That is PVP)

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its called PVP server, if you want carebear protection you should roll a character on a normal server.


Or bioware needs to make a hardcore pvp server for the people that like the drama of world pvp with no limits.


I think they should go a step further and take out all the overpowered based protection mobs out of the game and open up the starter cities to the other side.


A pvp server hitting level 50 should be something you had to earn not so much because you did your pve quests but that you were able to push off the contest ganking the way through it.


Can we please have a grown mans server so that for those who don't enjoy the maxipad servers can enjoy the game.

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Here's a Solution to all of you "Real PvPer's" who really are only on Voss to Greif players.. Let’s say Bioware implements a 1000% Expertise increase for the grief’d player after their second death in a 3 min time frame. So in turn they can turn around and 1 shot you back. Would you still find it fun? Your saying they are taking PVP out of the game. But it’s the players who grief who are ruining your pvp.


Illium is a planet PREDICATED on the aspect of pvp, You are rewarded for killing another player on Illium with valor points. You gain what exactly from killing lvl 40's on Voss? No Valor, No Challenge, (you get a few laughs because the poor lowbie can't defend himself), They Log out and roll Sith or on a PVE server like you've ALL suggested here. Then there isn't anyone left for you to grief anyway.


You complain you want all these players to roll on a pve server.. Then what will you do?


tl;dr Telling people to leave a server where you complain you don't have enough people to pvp is not productive. Stop Grefing players who are under leveled and under skilled. Play against someone of equal chance. (That is PVP)


ilum is broken and you're a carebear. That is all.

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Griefing is essentially the only thing that differentiates a PVP server from a PVE server. While I would agree that it shouldn't happen in Voss cities for lore reasons, this idea of buffs and such elsewhere is silly. If you didn't want to grief and be grieved, PVE server offer Illum for level cap open world PVP and battlegrounds for instanced/balanced PVP.
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While I may not necessarily agree with the change, some of these idiotic cocky so-called "pvpers" are really irritating me. Please note the quotation marks as they're there for a reason. If you were all real old school pvpers like you claim to be (lmfao what a joke) this change wouldn't bother you as it wouldn't affect you. You wouldn't be pathetic enough to be griefing lowbies with no chance in their towns. You'd be outside waiting on a real challenge.


The only people who disagree with the change are the cowards who need to boost their epeen by bashing lowbies. And yes anyone pre-50 is a lowbie in a gear based game with a pvp stat attached. And just because you attach "carebear" to the end of your post doesn't make it worth anything ;)


On the flip side, everyone DID roll a pvp server so you should've seen it coming. Either way, pay no attention to these cryhards who claim to be pvpers. They are nothing more than a bunch losers who have pent up rage from being bullied irl and need to take it out on people in a video game.



You nailed it. :D

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when i signed up on a pvp server i assumed that there would be lvl limits on what could kill me. getting ganked mid 20's by lvl 50's isnt pvp you can call it pvp but it really isnt and when thye continue to kil you for a hour it becomes griefing. On Voss why should i get killed inside a city so that i cant even get a to a class quest for over a hour is it fun not for me it isnt. You can say that i shouldnt have rolled pvp then, if i had known that this is what the pvp would be like then i would have rolled pve. Getting ganked on illum is to be expected and is fun since everyone ther is 50 and somewhat geared

Honestly just put some level caps on

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So you rolled Empire on a PVP server.............................which outnumbers republic by at least 3 to 1 on most server.


So rolling on the dominant side on a PVP server, knowing you'll outnumber your opponent makes you a non-carebear. Gotcha.


If you are going to call people carebears, at least be republic on a PVP server, like I am.


you really cant read cant you.....how do you even log into this game if you cant read simple words..

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