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Really people?


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Alright, I admit that TOR has its issues, but I think what is not being considered by the majority of this community is just how new this game is. It has not been out for even a month yet, and already people are flipping out and making huge lists of things that piss them off. I do not think it is fair at all to say this game is bad or that it is missing a whole lot. Of course it is, they put something out and now it is BioWare's job to listen to their players. There isn't a lot they can do in only a month.


Yes there may be somethings that are out of order or need to be fixed, however with only a month of the game being available whining about stupid things like mods and UI configuration should be the least of your worries. These developers are still working out bugs and trying to get this game running as smoothly as possible, and to expect huge changes and mods at such an early stage of a game is ridiculous. You might as well ask an infant to run.


All I am saying is give this MMO some time to mature and become something great. Yes I have played many MMO's WoW included, and I can say I have had the most fun with this game so far. However, I think people just like to complain and simply look for things in a game to be upset about.

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No, not really. It was a joke that got out of hand. "Complain on the forums," they say, "it will be fun!"


Apologies. What started as a hardy prank against those of grey moral fibers spiraled out of control into a pit of dismay and hatred.


People are going to complain. Best bet is to ignore it.

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Yeah .. Really !!


It's called feedback even if you don't like the feedback being provided. I know, it's a radical thing where people are allowed to form their own opinions and express them.

Edited by Skaara
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I'm not demanding mods at all but I do agree with the camp that finds the UI a disaster. I remember posting on the beta forums back in July about the UI and its unholy stepchild the GTN. Everyone would tell us "they have six months before launch, it'll be awesome at retail". Its the same. It doesn't work well. I didn't just buy this game, I also pay to play it and frankly, I don't want to be constantly frustrated by the UI. So, please let windows move, resize and not magically close when something else opens.
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It's not complaining. I happen to be a consumer of an unfinished product. This game was released with no significant features that had been promised during the games development. But fanboy's regardless will praise this game as the mmo of the year.


You must be playing a different game. This is the greatest most bestest game ever. The product is completely finished and is loaded with a ton of innovative advanced features that other MMO's don't have. SWTOR just might be the second coming its just that good. MMO of the year easily.

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It's not complaining. I happen to be a consumer of an unfinished product. This game was released with no significant features that had been promised during the games development. But fanboy's regardless will praise this game as the mmo of the year.


TOR has launched with more Polish and content then most MMOs have. Compare WoW launch day to TORs from server stability to balance to content and TOR wins by a mile. The problems TOR has is small as far as MMOs go.

Edited by Nanfoodle
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We are paying for the product. It within our rights to let the company that produced the product know when the product doesn't meet our exceptions or has problems. I'd never suggest to customers to keep any complaints or comment to themselves.
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It's not complaining. I happen to be a consumer of an unfinished product. This game was released with no significant features that had been promised during the games development. But fanboy's regardless will praise this game as the mmo of the year.


And we can find a list of these promises where? Preferably a source outside your crazy little head.

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It's not complaining. I happen to be a consumer of an unfinished product. This game was released with no significant features that had been promised during the games development. But fanboy's regardless will praise this game as the mmo of the year.


subjective perspective, to the max. Relevant for you, irrelevent for most.

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We are paying for the product. It within our rights to let the company that produced the product know when the product doesn't meet our exceptions or has problems.


Naw, if you were sincere, you would not be /ranting in general forum.


Instead you would be actually providing feedback to Bioware on their suggestions thread or in their customer support sub-forum.

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Naw, if you were sincere, you would not be /ranting in general forum.


Instead you would be actually providing feedback to Bioware on their suggestions thread or in their customer support sub-forum.


You mean that mega suggestion thread where all the crap goes because the moderators don't want to deal with it and nobody reads anyway. Yeah, I'm sure that works great.

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TOR has launched with more Polish and content then most MMOs have. Compare WoW launch day to TORs from server stability to balance to content and TOR wins by a mile. The problems TOR has is small as far as MMOs go.


Well would be amazing if it wasnt more stable launch wit this budget and 7 years after WoW. what comes to content and balance and clunky gameplay, its kinda poor show from BW.

Edited by Forsbacka
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TOR has launched with more Polish and content then most MMOs have. Compare WoW launch day to TORs from server stability to balance to content and TOR wins by a mile. The problems TOR has is small as far as MMOs go.


This is a joke, right? Could your body possibly be coated in any more brown?


Comparing this game's release to a game in 2004 makes as much sense as comparing a 2012 Camaro to a Model T. If you want to compare stability and polish at launch, compare this to Rift or another modern game. By comparison, this game had a mediocre to crappy launch as most players were saddled with a 1-4 day queue plus an additional 15 minute to 3 hour queue once they were granted access. This isn't even getting onto the constant crashes and issues other people were experiencing.


The game is lacking basic UI functions that have been a standard for years now. A static, non-scaleable, non-movable UI is something I'd expect from an MMO in the early part of the last decade. I don't think I've ever played an MMO that lacked a combat log. I won't even get onto how back asswards the GTN UI is.


This game still has bugs that have existed since early on into the beta and have been reported (both in-game and on the forums) a plethora of times. I don't expect perfection on this point, but I certainly expect better than what we have gotten.

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All I am saying is give this MMO some time to mature and become something great. Yes I have played many MMO's WoW included, and I can say I have had the most fun with this game so far. However, I think people just like to complain and simply look for things in a game to be upset about.




EA/Bioware wants my money. I want entertainment. I am willing to pay money for entertainment. They offer to provide entertainment in exchange for my money.


They accept my money.


I am not entirely happy with the service being provided. I am using the methods made available to me by them in order to provide feedback to them about the portions of their service I am unhappy with. Other customers do the same.


They may, or may not, change their service in response to my feedback.


I may, or may not, continue paying them. Depending.

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You must be playing a different game. This is the greatest most bestest game ever. The product is completely finished and is loaded with a ton of innovative advanced features that other MMO's don't have. SWTOR just might be the second coming its just that good. MMO of the year easily.


I heard it can cure cancer, but only if you play a republic character.


Playing a Sith Inquisitor gives you cancer.

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TOR has launched with more Polish and content then most MMOs have. Compare WoW launch day to TORs from server stability to balance to content and TOR wins by a mile. The problems TOR has is small as far as MMOs go.


TOR launched with its entire high-end set of graphical options missing or broken. Textures, shaders, shadows, reflections, etc.


That's about as opposite of "polish" as you can get.


WoW launch was in 2004. Unless we fell through a rip in time, the bar is considerably higher in 2012.

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Yes , the game has only been out a short time . Months of testing and feedback should have weeded out these persistent issues .



That, and a released game , future content not withstanding , is supposed to be a finished product . It should work day one and work correctly . We have fallen into a just wait, they will fix it mindset . If this was an automotive company ( I work for Ford) , and a vehicle we were talking about , this crap wouldn't fly .


Imagine your f150 shipped without wheels or an engine . Or something as simple as the wrong color ring on the fuel access (this is actually regulated by the government ) . How exactly do you think you would react ?


I know exactly what would happen in this case . Company recall of the model of car , massive layoffs , and millions lost in company revenue .


Why should we hold a software company to a lower standard?

Edited by Gevouden
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It's not complaining. I happen to be a consumer of an unfinished product. This game was released with no significant features that had been promised during the games development. But fanboy's regardless will praise this game as the mmo of the year.


You think SWTOR is unfinished?

Shoulda been there for AoC release.

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Please have patience. There are many things I want fixed. Surprise!:eek: A "fanboy" just said that. Things never go 100% as planned when it comes to, wait here it comes...life. This is apart of it. If the game is just that damn bad for you, then don't play it. Come back a few months from now, or not at all (that's up to you really). I will agree that you do have the right to voice your opinion and it is truly helpful when you give feed back but try not to be a total ***** about it. It's not like all MMO's will die if TOR fails so stop being so irate. Honestly, on the level some people are upset, you can tell they are just choosing to be upset. (Both lovers and haters of this game)
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Naw, if you were sincere, you would not be /ranting in general forum.


Instead you would be actually providing feedback to Bioware on their suggestions thread or in their customer support sub-forum.


Feedback anywhere is useful. Here, in game, in the suggestion box. No right or wrong place to let the company know how you feel. What really needs to happen, is people need to stop being so touchy about reading stuff they don't agree with.

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TOR has launched with more Polish and content then most MMOs have. Compare WoW launch day to TORs from server stability to balance to content and TOR wins by a mile. The problems TOR has is small as far as MMOs go.


Why do you feel compelled to compare it to anything else? I see this as the major defense from people who find that there is nothing wrong with the game - comparing it to a game that was released 7 years ago.


When I bought a 2011 FPV GS 315 last year I didn't compare it to a car that was released in 2004, I compared it to vehicles that were made in late 2010 and 2011. Why? Because technology has progressed, and with it, my expectations.


Just don't compare SWTOR to anything else. Some are comfortable with the game where it is, whilst others are not. I'm not comfortable of where it's at. I feel the release was rushed and the game could've done with another 5-6 months of development and beta testing.


It feels to me that I am paying for access to beta test the game for them. I don't blame Bioware for it. I do believe that EA pushed them into releasing early for the Xmas sales. The release date says it all really - There's not many AAA titles that can say they released 4 days before Xmas.


The Xmas selling period begins around the 15th November and ideally SWTOR should've been released between then and the 1st December for maximum sales, but imho EA have said "we want this out before Xmas, no more excuses, what date can you deliver?". I've never known a AAA game to be released without AA or high texture graphics - That alone proves they were rushed.

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