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The Only Downside of a 50 Only Bracket


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Pvp forum is all about excuse making. They change something and people will complain about something else to blame, so I won't be surprised to hear those complaints.


I do think the 50 bracket was needed but they do not need more under 50. The bolster system works fairly well

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actually the problem I can see happening is that you can't play with your friends anymore once you hit 50...


That's what I've been fearing. I do a lot of PvP grouped up with guildmates who are under 50. This will be sad indeed if it can't continue.

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These problems are mirrors of the same problems in warhammer online go figure.


The problem after that will be that despite the fact that you are level 50, your opponents will be a premade with valour rank 60+ and you wont be able to scratch them at all. Invincible healers, invcible ranged dps, invincible "glass cannons"


A game right now with 2-4 level 50s of mixed rank can be rough.

A game with a guaranteed full team of level 50s with 4-5 rank 60s will be a massacre.


If you consistently get matched up against a full squad of high rank people working together you will become frustrated and not grind out losses to reach rank 60 yourself.


The same problems from other games, repeated throughout history.

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Solving one problem at a time~


The way I see it the fully geared level 60+ won't do much after they are fully geared, sure a few games a day. But after that it's alt leveling and gearing their other toons. There is no ranking system yet so there is no real incentive to just BG all the time with no goal.


Once Rated is out, I'm sure there is a different match making system so that point is also moot. There is no perfect system but bracketting 50s against other 50s is a good start.

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Hmm lvl 50 having of playing with their lower level friends or getting hit by next tier toons or everyone from level 10 to 49 not enjoying PvP because hey get rolled by lvl 50 geared toons. I 'day say the numbers would say having a level 50 bracket has more benefits for the masses.


Why not implement a Gear Score for PvP. you hit X in expertise then move to the next bracket. I am sure this would work as for someone who just hits level 50 I am sure it wont be fun for those first few round when you have 0 expertise.

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That's what I've been fearing. I do a lot of PvP grouped up with guildmates who are under 50. This will be sad indeed if it can't continue.


Make a level 10 (20 minutes if you spacebar) and you can play with whoever you want. You just won't be able to give them easymode carry wins anymore.

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If you asked me a week ago i'd say keep the system as it is, but it's become far too common to hear people blaming a loss on the lower level players in the warzone, it's a bad excuse but it gets tedious.


I even had one guy flat out abusing certain players saying they should quit playing warzones until they're lvl50 because they're ruining it for everyone else.


So yes a lvl50 bracket is needed, i'd even go so far to say there should be arena level brackets purely keep the whining elitists out of the way.

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The problem is that level 50s have expertise gear. The difference (potentially) between a level 49 and a level 50 is massive. Far, far more than the gap even between level 40 and level 49.


And a fresh, ungeared 50 vs a valor 60 50 is basically a level 10 up against a level 40.

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That's what I've been fearing. I do a lot of PvP grouped up with guildmates who are under 50. This will be sad indeed if it can't continue.


You can't do level 50 missions or level 50 flashpoints with them, so why should you be able to do level 50 PvP with them?


People need to use their brain.

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Actually the only downside won't reveal itself for another 2-3 months (my guess) when all the early levelers are in full top-of-the-line PvP gear and the slow levelers are just hitting 50 and having to face them in blues/oranges.


THEN you'll see some epic whining lol.

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You can't do level 50 missions or level 50 flashpoints with them, so why should you be able to do level 50 PvP with them?


People need to use their brain.


Gee, I dunno... Maybe because this is an MMO and playing with friends should be more important than any stupid game mechanic.

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Actually the only downside won't reveal itself for another 2-3 months (my guess) when all the early levelers are in full top-of-the-line PvP gear and the slow levelers are just hitting 50 and having to face them in blues/oranges.


THEN you'll see some epic whining lol.




This, god this.

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