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Do not roll "Need" for companion gear.


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That's the way you play. That's not really the way everyone plays.


Besides, some people are rolling need to reverse engineer the item for crafting schematics.


And others are rolling need because they want to upgrade one of the mods that is removable in some of the items.


Are they ninjas too?





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You could, mechanical, roll need on every single loot drop. Clearly, that is not the intended use of the mechanic. The mechanic exists in many games, it's base use has been established by simple precedence.
And, furthermore, there is precedence that if a company decides to establish more stringently enforced loot rules, they do. Ergo, by not enforcing such rules, it is not Bioware's stance. Next?


Being able to do something doesn't mean it is right.
Nor does believing something that is not supported by the game mechanics.
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I certainly hope I never run into someone like you in game. You guys are death for groups.


You will run into guys like me. We might be annoying for you to PuG with but we're the key to end-game progression. Your guild will contain healers you think are jerks at some point. The trinity exists and you can't get through an end-game without a healer.


Suck it up or go without.


But as I stated, this game has gear customization. The devs have already announced that mods will once again be removable from end-game gear so that players can continue to utilize orange items. People will be rolling on gear, or spending DKP on gear, JUST for the mods.


It's going to happen. And it'll tick you off. But that's how loot drama always starts. No one really cares except the person who felt they "wuz robbed."

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To you and every other person in this thread who actually defends rolling Need on whatever you feel like:


This is not the thread you are looking for.




I don't give a womprat's butt about your opinion, rfatcheric, and you don't care about mine, so there's nothing more for you to say here.



Don't look down


Actually, what I'm stating is fact. I am able to roll need on gear for my companion. You, on the other hand, say that.... I... uh... can't? lol. I'd like to see you stop me.

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I'm just baffled at how there are seemingly enough self-absorbed and inconsiderate morons that this is even a topic that is debated. Companions don't need **** and anyone who acts like, "omg if my companion isn't in that epic I won't be able to solo" is lying through their teeth. What matters the most is the weapon, which you get great ones from a daily. Armor is decent on a tank companion but they're still going to get stomped on elites and champions without significant healing.


Gear your companions up through hand-me-downs, BoE drops from soloing, and your greed roll victories.


Anyway, I haven't encountered anyone who believed it was right to take loot for companions in game. The forums must just attract the bad apples.




I've never met anyone who does that either.

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So here's what I'm seeing you do. For valid points brought up by other players, you immediately brand it as "faceless based opinion" when in reality it's anything but that. He made a perfectly good point, which is that your character is running the instance, not your pet, therefore the character is the one contributing and should get the item. In addition, you provide absolutely no reason for why it is "faceless based opinion." You are being totally unreasonable, and are providing no reason for why your opinion should be right. The people who say roll need only for yourself, however, have provided perfectly acceptable and logical reasons for why one should do so. So please, **** troll.


Am I entitled to roll on loot? Yes

Am I entitled to roll how I please? Yes

Am I entitled to what I please with the loot I win: Yes

Is it any of you business what I roll on: No

Is it any of your business how I roll? No

Is it any of your business what I do with the loot I win? No


Now please explain to me which part I got wrong.


You calling me <expletive> troll is just immature. Try rising above the riffraff.

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I'm really annoyed that a roll system hasn't been implemented by BW, to need only for main char, not for companions.

There should also be a "need for companion" feature, but it should be 2nd to the "need for main".


ToR feels in many ways severly outdated, only in it's story telling way, it's highly innovative.


I'v had 5 runs in BT where plenty of loot dropped for me, yet it all was needed either for alts, or n00bs who thought cunning was good for their Juggernaut :mad:


BW wake up! We need to be able to trade accidently needed gear!!!!

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Thats not true.


The common loot rules in MMO´s since more than 10 years are "MS>OS". So if you want to roll for your offspec or you companion, then you must say so if you join the group.


Can? Sure.


Should? Acceptable I guess.


Must? Rofl.



The entire concept of main spec/off spec was pretty rare in games prior to wow; most characters were not that flexible. Not to mention, MS and OS have no relevance whatsoever to this discussion, since your companions are mandatory REGARDLESS of spec, to the same degree as weapons or armor are, for the content you use them in.

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Your companion is an inextricable aspect of your character, particularly during the leveling process. Therefore your point is null.


How is it null? Your companion doesn't need anywhere the gear level you character needs. It's as simple as this: Your character is benefiting the group, and your companion is not. So when you roll need for your companion, your putting yourself over the group, because rolling need for an item for your companion in no way helps the group. However, if you rolled greed, and someone else in the group who can use the item rolls need, the group benefits, because the player who can use the item immediately equips it, and therefore your group abilities and power and whatnot are increased.

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No. If you roll on gear I need, without telling me first that you are going to roll on it. I won't be doing the instance with you. I'll stop. You won't get 2 - 3 more chances on loot that your class (or for that matter your companion) can use.


So, it's my business who I play the game with; just the same as it's your business. Groups ask why you rolled on something you personally can't use. Why? Because it's damn hard to put together a group sometimes. Why? Because if I don't benefit from a run in an effective way, I'm not going to do it. That's one less tank in the pool, one less healer.


XP? Space dailies. Money? See left.


Why am I in the instance? To collect awesome lootz for my character. To help other people collect lootz for their CHARACTER. If your companion gets geared as a side-effect, or because I already have the piece. Fine. Just please, do us all a favor and stick to your guns. Make sure you let your party know of your standpoint on 'need-rolling' for companions.


No, the ability to roll on it is there, that is the status quo, that is the norm. If you don't want to run with people who do this, YOU state it upfront. Its not my responsibility.

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How is it null? Your companion doesn't need anywhere the gear level you character needs. It's as simple as this: Your character is benefiting the group, and your companion is not. So when you roll need for your companion, your putting yourself over the group, because rolling need for an item for your companion in no way helps the group. However, if you rolled greed, and someone else in the group who can use the item rolls need, the group benefits, because the player who can use the item immediately equips it, and therefore your group abilities and power and whatnot are increased.


You are forgetting one very very important piece of information.


I am entitled to roll when I want, how I want and do with what I win, how I want. You do not get a choice in my decisions.

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Here's another example.


You run a flashpoint. An item drops that has mods on it. It's got some +Critical on one of its mods.


I'm a healer and I want more +Critical.


I roll on it and win.


You're a DPS class and you're now really ticked off that I won YOUR item because it's the wrong heaviness of armor. But I needed it to upgrade. You gonna call me a ninja?


Yes, that is textbook ninja.



Don't look down

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If I ever run into you in a group I WILL roll need on everything.

My decision ;)


Players who have geared their companions will still only be rolling Need for an extra item or two that doesn't apply to their main character, only jerks roll on everything. You know there is a gap between Needing on something that is actually an upgrade for a companion and Needing on everything, right?


If you stated that you were needing on everything because someone rolled for a companion I would remove you for being a spoiled brat. If you simply needed on everything I would let it pass on the current group but not group up with you in the future. That shows a lack of respect for other players, which is noticeable to anyone with social skills.

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I'm a healer. And a good one. Nobody's kicking me for upgrading my gear for a mod. That you would now consider me rolling on an item that IS an upgrade for my actual main as a ninja and worthy of kicking ... is quite telling.


A lot of people use orange gear for looks and appearance customization. A lot of people will be looking to mod their gear.


And there's already a dev comment about how they're going to free up end-game mods to allow level 50 gear to be mod stripped.


Healer or no, I'd kick you if you took gear from someone that needed it, just for a mod in it. That's what commendations and the GTN are for. Cheap, easy, specific mods.


As for this thread topic... This keeps coming up, and it's redundant. We have an ignore function. Ignore people when they ruin your gameplay experience. On both sides, whether you're ignoring someone that need rolled for a companion, or ignoring someone that's trying to tell you how to play.


Provided BW never goes about adding cross-server LFD, the issue will eventually sort itself out when people can't get groups because of their behavior.


Personally, I'm confident which side won't be able to get groups, but that's neither here nor there.

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Am I entitled to roll on loot? Yes

Am I entitled to roll how I please? Yes

Am I entitled to what I please with the loot I win: Yes

Is it any of you business what I roll on: No

Is it any of your business how I roll? No

Is it any of your business what I do with the loot I win? No


Now please explain to me which part I got wrong.


You calling me <expletive> troll is just immature. Try rising above the riffraff.


Are you kidding me? It is absolutely my business on how you roll, what you roll, and what you do with it, probably because YOUR ROLLING ON AN ITEM THAT I NEED. Or an item that someone else in the group needs. Now, I would be fine if you rolled need on a item that nobody else in the group could use, but when someone else in the group benefits from using it on their character, then yes, you are not entitled to roll "how you please." And I apologize, but the SWTOR forums for some reason blocked g.t.f.o., so I wasn't calling you an expletive, but simply a troll.

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And, furthermore, there is precedence that if a company decides to establish more stringently enforced loot rules, they do. Ergo, by not enforcing such rules, it is not Bioware's stance. Next?


The creed of evey hack and exploit user. "If they didn't want me to do it they would have prevented me from doing it!"


Nor does believing something that is not supported by the game mechanics.


Intent is probably a word you do not understand.

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"What you do not want to happen to you, do not do it yourself either. " – Sextus the Pythagorean.[21] The oldest extant reference to Sextus is by Origin in the third century of the common era.[22]


Doesn't apply. I expect to be rolling against others for gear, I expect people to roll need for their companion. Try again.

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